23 research outputs found

    Multispecies biofilm behavior and host interaction support the association of Tannerella serpentiformis with periodontal health

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    The recently identified bacterium Tannerella serpentiformis is the closest phylogenetic relative of Tannerella forsythia, whose presence in oral biofilms is associated with periodontitis. Conversely, T. serpentiformis is considered health-associated. This discrepancy was investigated in a comparative study of the two Tannerella species. The biofilm behavior was analyzed upon their addition and of Porphyromonas gingivalis-each bacterium separately or in combinations-to an in vitro five-species oral model biofilm. Biofilm composition and architecture was analyzed quantitatively using real-time PCR and qualitatively by fluorescence in situ hybridization/confocal laser scanning microscopy, and by scanning electron microscopy. The presence of T. serpentiformis led to a decrease of the total cell number of biofilm bacteria, while P. gingivalis was growth-promoting. This effect was mitigated by T. serpentiformis when added to the biofilm together with P. gingivalis. Notably, T. serpentiformis outcompeted T. forsythia numbers when the two species were simultaneously added to the biofilm compared to biofilms containing T. forsythia alone. Tannerella serpentiformis appeared evenly distributed throughout the multispecies biofilm, while T. forsythia was surface-located. Adhesion and invasion assays revealed that T. serpentiformis was significantly less effective in invading human gingival epithelial cells than T. forsythia. Furthermore, compared to T. forsythia, a higher immunostimulatory potential of human gingival fibroblasts and macrophages was revealed for T. serpentiformis, based on mRNA expression levels of the inflammatory mediators interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-8, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and tumor necrosis factor α, and production of the corresponding proteins. Collectively, these data support the potential of T. serpentiformis to interfere with biological processes relevant to the establishment of periodontitis

    The S-layer homology domain-containing protein SlhA from Paenibacillus alvei CCM 2051(T) is important for swarming and biofilm formation.

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    Swarming and biofilm formation have been studied for a variety of bacteria. While this is well investigated for Gram-negative bacteria, less is known about Gram-positive bacteria, including Paenibacillus alvei, a secondary invader of diseased honeybee colonies infected with Melissococcus pluton, the causative agent of European foulbrood (EFB).Paenibacillus alvei CCM 2051(T) is a Gram-positive bacterium which was recently shown to employ S-layer homology (SLH) domains as cell wall targeting modules to display proteins on its cell surface. This study deals with the newly identified 1335-amino acid protein SlhA from P. alvei which carries at the C‑terminus three consecutive SLH-motifs containing the predicted binding sequences SRGE, VRQD, and LRGD instead of the common TRAE motif. Based on the proof of cell surface location of SlhA by fluorescence microscopy using a SlhA-GFP chimera, the binding mechanism was investigated in an in vitro assay. To unravel a putative function of the SlhA protein, a knockout mutant was constructed. Experimental data indicated that one SLH domain is sufficient for anchoring of SlhA to the cell surface, and the SLH domains of SlhA recognize both the peptidoglycan and the secondary cell wall polymer in vitro. This is in agreement with previous data from the S-layer protein SpaA, pinpointing a wider utilization of that mechanism for cell surface display of proteins in P. alvei. Compared to the wild-type bacterium ΔslhA revealed changed colony morphology, loss of swarming motility and impaired biofilm formation. The phenotype was similar to that of the flagella knockout Δhag, possibly due to reduced EPS production influencing the functionality of the flagella of ΔslhA.This study demonstrates the involvement of the SLH domain-containing protein SlhA in swarming and biofilm formation of P. alvei CCM 2051(T)

    One SLH domain is sufficient for binding of SlhA to native cell wall sacculi.

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    <p>Binding of (A) native SlhA and SlhA truncations to PG(+) and (B) PG(-) cell wall sacculi of <i>P. alvei</i> was tested. SlhA was truncated for either one (SlhA-SLH<sub>12</sub>, lacking SLH domain 3), two (SlhA-SLH<sub>1</sub>, lacking SLH domains 2 and 3) or all three (SlhA-w/o SLH) SLH domains. Cell extracts containing the SlhA protein versions were incubated (a) with and (b) without cell wall sacculi. After incubation the reactions were centrifuged to separate cell walls (with bound protein) from unbound protein. Analysis was done by SDS-PAGE (8-10% gels) followed by Western-immunoblotting using anit-His<sub>6</sub>-antibody. The integrated intensity of the detected bands was determined using the Li‑Cor Odyssey Application Software 3.0.21 applying automatic background subtraction. 10 µl of each sample were loaded onto the gel. L, PageRuler<sup>TM</sup> Plus Prestained Protein Ladder (Fermentas); S, supernatant; P, pellet; w/o, without. Results of the Western blots used for quantification are summarized in Table 3. The figure represents one of at least two independent repeats of the experiment.</p

    Immunofluorescence microscopy of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> Δ<i>slh</i>A cells co-displaying SlhA_EGFP and SpaA_His<sub>6</sub>.

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    <p>For immunofluorescence staining of surface-located SpaA_His<sub>6</sub>, a penta-His Alexa Fluor 532 conjugate for direct detection of the His<sub>6</sub>-tagged SpaA was used. The TRITC and the GFP Long pass filter blocks were used for detection of Alexa Fluor 532 and EGFP, respectively. The upper three rows show the immunofluorescence microscopy pictures of cells harboring pSURF and co-displaying SlhA_EGFP (upper three rows, second pictures) and SpaA_His<sub>6</sub> (upper three panels, third pictures). <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> Δ<i>slh</i>A cells harboring pEXALV are shown as a control in the fourth panel. Corresponding brightfield images of the same cells are shown on the very left and overlays are shown on the very right of each panel.</p

    Knockout of <i>slhA</i> and <i>hag</i> decreases biofilm formation of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> cells.

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    <p>(A) Evaluation of the ability of cells of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> wild-type, Δ<i>slh</i>A, Δ<i>hag</i>, wild-type (pEXALV), Δ<i>slh</i>A (pEXALV) carrying the pEXALV vector, and the complemented strain <i>P. alvei</i> Δ<i>slh</i>A<sub>comp</sub> for biofilm formation using Crystal violet (CV) staining. Data represent mean values <u>+</u> SD of at least four independent experiments with each four replicates and were analyzed by the unpaired Student’s T Test. Asterisks indicate significant differences (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). (B) SEM analysis of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> wild-type, Δ<i>slh</i>A, Δ<i>hag</i> and the complemented strain Δ<i>slh</i>A<sub>comp</sub> showing an overview and enlarged view of the biofilm. Size bars are 20 µm for the upper panel and 5 µm for the lower panel. (C) CSLM analysis of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> wild-type, Δ<i>slh</i>A, Δ<i>hag</i> and the complemented strain Δ<i>slh</i>A<sub>comp</sub> stained with Hoechst 33258 showing a diagonally above view (upper panel) and a side view (lower panel) of a three day biofilm. Size bars are 20 µm.</p

    <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> Δ<i>slh</i>A cells lose the ability to swarm on LB-agar plates.

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    <p>The upper panel shows swarming cells of wild-type (first column), <i>P. alvei</i> Δ<i>slh</i>A (second column), <i>P. alvei</i> Δhag (third column), wild-type (pEXALV) (fourth column), <i>P. alvei</i> Δ<i>slh</i>A (pEXALV) (fifth column) and the complemented strain <i>P. alvei</i> Δ<i>slh</i>A<sub>comp</sub> (sixth column) on 0.4% (upper panel), 1% (middle panel) and 1.5% (lower panel) LB-agar plates. The pictures represent one of three independent experiments.</p

    Knockout of <i>slhA</i> does not alter flagella production of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> cells.

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    <p>Electron microscopic view of <i>P. alvei</i> CCM 2051<sup>T</sup> wild-type (first column), Δ<i>slh</i>A (second column) and Δ<i>hag</i> cells (third column). Flagella are clearly visible for wild-type and Δ<i>slh</i>A cells but no flagella are present for Δ<i>hag</i> cells.</p

    Identification and functional analysis of the S-layer protein SplA of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American Foulbrood of honey bees.

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    The gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium Paenibacillus larvae is the etiological agent of American Foulbrood (AFB), a globally occurring, deathly epizootic of honey bee brood. AFB outbreaks are predominantly caused by two genotypes of P. larvae, ERIC I and ERIC II, with P. larvae ERIC II being the more virulent genotype on larval level. Recently, comparative proteome analyses have revealed that P. larvae ERIC II but not ERIC I might harbour a functional S-layer protein, named SplA. We here determine the genomic sequence of splA in both genotypes and demonstrate by in vitro self-assembly studies of recombinant and purified SplA protein in combination with electron-microscopy that SplA is a true S-layer protein self-assembling into a square 2D lattice. The existence of a functional S-layer protein is novel for this bacterial species. For elucidating the biological function of P. larvae SplA, a genetic system for disruption of gene expression in this important honey bee pathogen was developed. Subsequent analyses of in vivo biological functions of SplA were based on comparing a wild-type strain of P. larvae ERIC II with the newly constructed splA-knockout mutant of this strain. Differences in cell and colony morphology suggest that SplA is a shape-determining factor. Marked differences between P. larvae ERIC II wild-type and mutant cells with regard to (i) adhesion to primary pupal midgut cells and (ii) larval mortality as measured in exposure bioassays corroborate the assumption that the S-layer of P. larvae ERIC II is an important virulence factor. Since SplA is the first functionally proven virulence factor for this species, our data extend the knowledge of the molecular differences between these two genotypes of P. larvae and contribute to explaining the observed differences in virulence. These results present an immense advancement in our understanding of P. larvae pathogenesis