13 research outputs found

    Rat genes with significantly higher expression in IECs infected with tachyzoites but not with sporozoites.

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    <p>Rat genes with significantly higher expression in IECs infected with tachyzoites but not with sporozoites.</p

    Selected known secreted proteins with similar expression in sporozoites and tachyzoites.

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    <p>Selected known secreted proteins with similar expression in sporozoites and tachyzoites.</p

    Host pathways significantly enriched in IECs infected with sporozoites or tachyzoites.

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    <p>Host pathways significantly enriched in IECs infected with sporozoites or tachyzoites.</p

    Expression dynamics of oocyst-associated genes from unsporulated oocysts to intracellular sporozoites.

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    <p>Expression dynamics of oocyst-associated genes from unsporulated oocysts to intracellular sporozoites.</p

    Metabolic pathways differentially enriched in intracellular sporozoites vs. tachyzoites.

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    <p>Metabolic pathways differentially enriched in intracellular sporozoites vs. tachyzoites.</p

    Top 50 genes with significantly higher expression in tachyzoites compared to sporozoites.

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    <p>Top 50 genes with significantly higher expression in tachyzoites compared to sporozoites.</p

    Quantification of infection in IEC-18 cells exposed to sporozoites or tachyzoites.

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    <p>Representative fluorescent microscopy images of confluent IEC-18 cells on glass coverslips infected with <i>Toxoplasma</i> type II M4 strain sporozoites and tachyzoites for 8 hours. Parasites were stained with either mouse or rabbit anti-<i>Toxoplasma</i> antibody before and after membrane-permeabilization to identify extracellular parasites (red) and intracellular parasites (green). DAPI was used to stain nuclear DNA. Images were obtained at 40X magnification. The scale bar is 100 μm.</p