1,861 research outputs found


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    Infográfico sobre definição, sintomas, transmissão e prevenção bem como panorama da tuberculose no Rio de Janeiro


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    Infográfico sobre a origem do vírus Ebola, assim como os sintomas, formas de contágio e prevenção da doença

    Leaderships in Urban Contexts of Diversity and Innovation 269 BAR

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    Abstract This article investigates the role and ways of action of leaderships in urban contexts characterized by urban revitalization processes (RJ/Brazil). Adopting as its theoretical basis the bibliographical review of the literature on leadership and public area requalification processes, as well as research conducted by Jacobs (2011) on diversity and innovation, the present research may be characterized as qualitative in nature (case study). Results indicate that the Porto Maravilha project has transposed business concepts to public administration. Today, the keynote lies in the attraction of new enterprises and in the construction of urban revitalization projects for the city's makeover. With regard to the leadership, although public leadership has apparently adopted management instruments for decentralizing management and for public participation, these measures were not enough to achieve an effectively shared leadership that would reflect the multiple interests of different actors (as the theory of relational leadership presupposes). Thus, a set of contradictions and dilemmas for the leaders is apparent, among them: how to build an effectively-shared leadership, as every urban transformation project depends on the negotiation and complex interaction between different social actors

    The Effects of Trust Transference, Mobile Attributes 89 BAR

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    Abstract Trust is essential in building relationships. In mobile commerce, as in electronic commerce, trust is even more valuable given the absence of human contact and direct observation of the service provider. Despite the importance of trust for mobile commerce, there has been little academic effort to study the relationships between mobile devices unique components of interactivity and customer trust, or the relationship between offline, online and mobile trust. This study proposes a trust-mediated model for customer attitude and transaction intentions in mobile commerce contexts that incorporates trust transference and unique factors present in mobile commerce. Data were collected in an online survey and analyzed via structural equations modeling. Results suggest that trust transferred from online contexts and ease of use have significant effects on mobile trust formation, while also indicating that mobile trust influences consumers' attitudes and intentions to purchase using mobile devices

    Relationships and Partnerships in Small Companies: Strengthening the Business through External Agents

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    Abstract This article aims to understand the relationships between small companies and external innovation agents and how they can help strengthening these organisations. A multiple case research method was adopted by the researchers and applied to small companies which presented innovative practices. The data collection included documents, records and interviews with managers/business owners. Such interviews were recorded and coded using the NVivo 10 software. The results showed relationships of trust, partnership and learning. The article contributes to the idea that small companies recognize the importance of external knowledge sources in their business and innovation strategies. Companies believe in these relationships in order to bring essential competencies to their business, and continuously renovate themselves through shared feedback. This in turn leads to the capture of financial and technological resources as well as market and competitive information that strengthens the business and allows it to overcome its limitations


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    Chemistry of soils with mixtures of pH-dependent and permanent charge minerals; Comparison of analytical data from four soil laboratories on three soils of the Kindaruma area in Kenya; The chemistry and physics of low activity clays; Importance of mineral constituents in pedology; Characteristics and processes of ferralitic soils; Report on the Brazil meeting of the Committee on the Classification of Alfisols and Ultisols with Low Activity Clays; Report on a "state-of-the-art" (SOTA) study on Soil Taxonomy in the tropics; Report on the micromorphology of selected Brazilian pedons; Correlation of selected data for some Brazilian soils provided by Brazil and SCS-USDA laboratories; Calculated cation exchange capacities for some Brazilian soils.bitstream/item/212099/1/First-International-Soil-Classification-Workshop-1977.pdfEdited by M. N. Camargo, F. H. Beinroth

    A temática darwiniana em Freud A temática darwiniana em Freud: um exame das referências a Darwin na obra freudiana 1

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    Resumo Este artigo visa examinar as referências a Charles Darwin (1809-1882) na obra freudiana buscando verificar qual o uso que Freud fez da teoria darwiniana e a que conceitos desta aludiu quando citou o nome do célebre evolucionista inglês. Assim, aborda-se o tema da influência de Darwin sobre Freud por meio de uma via mais evidente que, no entanto, foi pouco explorada. Essa abordagem mostra--se profícua, na medida em que fornece sólidas indicações de que o fundador da psicanálise buscou em Darwin não apenas subsídios conceituais a respeito da dinâmica anímica humana como também um modelo de teorizar. Palavras-chave: Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939; Charles Darwin, 1809-1882; psicanálise freudiana; evolucionismo. Abstract Darwinian thematic in Freud: an examination on the references to Darwin in the Freudian work This article aims to examine the references to Charles Darwin (1809-1882) in the Freudian work seeking to evaluate which use Freud made of Darwin's theory and which concepts he referred to while citing Darwin's name. Thus, we deal with the theme of Darwin's influence on Freud by means of a more evident way that, however, was poorly explored. This approach reveals itself to be fruitful, in that it provides strong indications that the founder of psychoanalysis sought i

    Saúde Pública

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    Em Saúde Pública, é apresentada a amplitude da saúde no Brasil, analisando-se como o conceito abrangente de saúde está expresso na Constituição Federal e como isso impacta na judicialização de políticas públicas e na necessidade de maior especialização do Poder Judiciário.1.0Ministério da Saúde do BrasilOrganização Panamericana de Saúde - OPA