11 research outputs found

    Interactions of cortisol and prolactin with other selected menstrual cycle hormones affecting the chances of conception in infertile women

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    One of the major problems of success in infertility treatment could depend on the understanding how the potential factors may affect the conception. The aim of this study was to evaluate present understanding of such factors or hormonal causes that may induce infertility. We studied the interactions between the two menstrual cycle hormones i.e., cortisol (COR) and prolactin (PRL), along with the ultrasonographic ovulation parameters in a group of N = 205 women with diagnosed infertility. The control group consisted of N = 100 women with confirmed fertility. In both groups, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), PRL, COR were examined on the third day of the cycle, and estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), and COR were examined during ovulation and 7-days afterwards. In the infertile group, higher levels of PRL and COR were observed than that of in the control group. Cortisol levels at all phases of the menstrual cycle and PRL negatively correlated with E2 secretion during and after ovulation, thus contributed to the attenuation of the ovulatory LH surge. Infertile women who conceived presented with higher levels of E2 during and after ovulation, higher P after ovulation, and thicker endometrium than that of the women who failed to conceive. In conclusion, elevated secretion of COR and PRL in infertile women impairs the menstrual cycle by decreasing the pre-ovulatory LH peak and E2 and postovulatory E2 levels that affect the endometrial growth, and consequently reduce the chances to conceive

    Associations between physical activity, selected lifestyle factors, and quality of life during puerperium

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    Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle bring many benefits to the health of both mother and child and contribute to the improvement in the well-being of women. Regular exercise prevents depression and prepares the body for delivery and the puerperium, which is associated with significant changes in the quality of women's life. Aim of the study was to assess the impact of physical activity and selected lifestyle elements in pregnant women on their quality of life after birth. The study included 109 women after natural births and caesarean sections. The diagnostic survey method and questionnaire technique were used in the study. The author's questionnaire survey, the Quality of Life Questionnaire SF-36v2, and Ch. B. Corbin's Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire were applied. The study showed that 85% of the women led unhealthy lifestyles, while 67% of the interviewees were physically active during pregnancy. Proper diet, ability to control stress, and adherence to the advice of doctors contributed to a better quality of life after birth. It was demonstrated that women giving natural birth had a significantly lower quality of mental life compared to women giving birth through caesarean section. A relationship was demonstrated between selected elements of healthy lifestyle in pregnancy and the quality of life after birth. In the group studied, it was the way the pregnancy ended which determined the quality of life of the women. No statistically significant effect of physical activity on the quality of life was determined

    Effect of excessive body weight and emotional disorders on the course of pregnancy and well-being of a newborn before and during COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether excessive body weight and the COVID-19 pandemic affect depression, and subsequently whether depression, excessive body weight, and the COVID-19 pandemic affect the course of pregnancy, as well as the well-being of a newborn. The research material included data retrieved from the medical records of 280 pregnant women who were provided with care by medical facilities in Lublin (100 women with normal weight, 100 overweight women, 50 with Class I and 30 with Class II obesity). They completed a Beck depression inventory (BDI) in pregnancy twice, in order to assess the risk of occurrence of postpartum depression. Pre-pregnancy BMI positively correlated with the severity of depression, both at 10–13 weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.001), and at 32 weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.001). The higher the pre-pregnancy BMI, on average the higher the severity of depression. The severity of depression was significantly higher during the pandemic than before it in women with normal body weight before pregnancy (p < 0.001), as well as in those overweight (p < 0.001) and with Class II obesity (p = 0.015). Excessive body weight before pregnancy leads to depressive disorders during pregnancy, increases the risk of preterm delivery, and exerts a negative effect on the state of a newborn. Depressive symptoms among pregnant, overweight and obese women intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Usage of social support offered by midwives in early postpartum

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    Wstęp: Ciąża i połóg są dla kobiety sytuacją nową i mogą wywoływać w niej potrzebę poszukiwania wsparcia. To, jakie wsparcie otrzyma zależy od dostępności wsparcia i funkcjonowania sieci społecznej kobiety. Dodatkowo na aktywność podejmowanych działań wpływać będzie jej poczucie własnej skuteczności. Cel pracy: odpowiedź na pytanie jak ze wsparcia położnych korzystają kobiety we wczesnym połogu, jakie czynniki wpływają na poziom otrzymanego wsparcia i jego ocenę oraz odpowiedź czy istnieją zależności pomiędzy poziomem wsparcia i poczuciem własnej skuteczności.Materiał i metoda: W badaniu wzięło udział 68 kobiet w co najmniej trzeciej dobie wczesnego połogu, przebywających na oddziale szpitalnym. Metodą wykorzystaną był sondaż diagnostyczny.Wyniki: Poziom wsparcia otrzymanego od położnych był dość wysoki Największe wsparcie kobiety otrzymują w zakresie wsparcia informacyjnego i emocjonalnego. Wsparcie ocenione było w 82,4% pozytywnie. Mimo to aż 27,9% kobiet rezygnowało z prośby o wsparcie a 16,2% nie otrzymywało wystarczającego wsparcia. Największe nasilenie potrzeby wsparcia występowało zaraz po porodzie. Najczęstszymi problemami wymienianymi przez kobiety w połogu były karmienie piersią i radzenie sobie z bólem. Na poziom wsparcia wpływały: poczucie własnej skuteczności, wiek, problem w radzeniu sobie z bólem, ocena wsparcia, rezygnacja z prośby o wsparcie.Wnioski: Wsparcie uzyskane od położnych jest dobrze oceniane przez położnice. Karmienie piersią i redukcja bólu są największym problemem dla kobiet, zwłaszcza w pierwszej dobie. Na poziom wsparcia wpływają wybrane zmienne.Introduction: The pregnancy and postpartum are a new situation for a woman and may cause the need for seeking help. The quality of support received depends on availability of support and existence of social background. Sense of self efficacy may influence the activeness for seeking help.The aim: The aim of this study was to explore how women in early postpartum use the social support offered by midwives and what can influence the quality of given help and it’s rating. Additionally investigate if there is a connection between received support and sense of self-efficacy. Method: Sixty-eight women in, at least, third day early postpartum was questioned. A method of diagnostic survey was used.Results: The level of support received by women was rather high. The most support was offered in informational and emotional category. Women rated the support well (82,4%). Even though almost 27,9% ceased for seeking support and 16,2% wasn’t offered enough of it. The most desirable time for receiving help was just after childbirth. The most common trouble was breastfeeding and reduction of pain. The level of support received was influenced by the self-efficacy, age, a trouble with pain relief, the rating of support and the cessation of seeking for help. Conclusions: The support offered by midwives in early postpartum is considered to be rather well. The most common issues are breastfeeding troubles and a pain-relief, especially in first day. The level of support is influenced by selected factors

    A model of care of woman suffering from perinatal depression

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    Wstęp: Ciąża to stan dynamicznych zmian fizycznych i psychicznych. Pojawiające się emocje, mogą być zarówno pozytywne jak i negatywne. U niektórych ciężarnych może rozwinąć się depresja. Obniżony nastrój, spadek energii i brak odczuwania przyjemności to najczęstsze objawy zaburzenia. Stan depresyjny stanowi zagrożenie dla prawidłowego przebiegu ciąży, jak i dla zdrowia matki. Istotne jest, więc jego wczesne diagnozowanie i prawidłowa opieka nad kobietą i dzieckiem.Cel pracy: Pogłębienie wiedzy w temacie depresji w ciąży oraz opracowanie modelu opieki nad ciężarną z depresją.Materiał i metoda: Praca powstała na podstawie analizy dostępnej literatury.Wyniki: Sformułowano 17 diagnoz położniczo-pielęgniarskich w odniesieniu do opieki nad ciężarną z depresją. Do każdej diagnozy określono cel i zaproponowano interwencje.Wnioski: Ciężarna chora na depresję wymaga całościowej opieki uwzględniającej potrzeby wynikające z faktu bycia w ciąży jak i zaburzeń depresyjnych. Dostępne są różne formy leczenia, które powinny zostać indywidualnie dobrane do stanu zdrowia pacjentki. Wdrożenie przedstawionego modelu opieki może przyczynić się do poprawy opieki nad pacjentkami ciężarnymi cierpiącymi z powodu zaburzeń depresyjnych, podniesienia komfortu ich życia oraz zapobiegania powikłaniom wynikającym z braku rozpoznania zaburzeń depresyjnych oraz wynikających z leczenia farmakologicznego.Introduction: Pregnancy is a dynamic state which includes physical and psychological changes. Emotions during this time may be either positive or negative. Some of women may suffer from perinatal depression. Lowering of mood, reduction of energy and reduction of capacity for enjoyment are the most common symptoms. Depressive disorders underlie increased risk of pregnancy disorders. The main aim is to early diagnose depression and to take proper care of woman and the baby. The aim of this study: Characterize perinatal depression and to present a maternity-nursing model of care for patients suffering from this disorder.Material and method: The basis of this work was analysis of literature. Results: 17 diagnoses were defined for a patient suffering from perinatal depression. The aim of care and suggested interventions were given.Conclusions: Woman suffering from perinatal depression demands holistic care, that takes into account both being pregnant and depression. Many treatment options are available and should be adjusted to individual needs of woman’s mental health. If put into practice, presented model of care will contribute to improvement of: care quality, increase of living comfort and prevention of pregnancy disorders arising from lack of diagnosis of depressive disorders or resulting from drug therapy

    Assessment of quality of life in men treated for infertility in Poland

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    The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life (QoL) of men treated for infertility in Poland. This cross-sectional study was conducted using the Abbreviated World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQoL-BREF), Fertility Quality of Life tool (FertiQoL) and an author-constructed questionnaire. The study included 1200 men treated for infertility without the use of assisted reproductive technology (non-ART), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). The control group consisted of 100 healthy men with confirmed fertility. The quality of life assessed by the WHOQoL-BREF questionnaire was significantly lower in study groups in the Environmental domain, compared to the control group (p = 0.009). Statistically significant differences were found in the case of FertiQoL subscales: Emotional, Mind-Body, Relational, and Treatment Environment, depending on applied treatment. Men whose partners were treated without the use of ART assessed their QoL significantly more negatively than those treated with IUI. Reproductive problems and type of their treatment influenced the quality of life of the affected men. Non-ART treatment, rural place of residence, and increased BMI were associated with lower Qo