21 research outputs found
Osteopoiquilosis.: a propósito de tres casos
Los autores presentan el estudio genealógico, clínico y radiológico de
una familia con osteopoiquilosis, haciendo hincapié en el diagnóstico
diferencial así como en la importancia de la biopsia en el caso de sospecha
de una tumoración ósea.The authors show a genealogic, clinic and radiologic study of
one family affected by osteopoikilosis. They emphasiz e the differential
diagnosis as well as the importance of biopsy suspecting a
bone tumor
Reconceiving the Patent Rocket Docket: An Empirical Study of Infringement Litigation 1985–2010, 11 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 58 (2011)
This Article presents the first survival model for systematically identifying and comparing United States district courts as patent rocket dockets, and for examining related trends in patent litigation. The conventional wisdom of rocket docket status in a judicial district tends to rely on average case disposition times and the availability of court rules for patent cases, as well as anecdotal information about well-known jurists with experience in patent adjudication. By comparison, this Article approaches rocket dockets through a quantitative investigation of recent historical trends in patent case filings as well as through market concentration analysis at the district court and circuit court levels of patent case filings. Most significantly, the Article provides an indexed ranking of district courts derived from survival analysis of case dispositions, marginal pendency, and court capacity based on data from over 44,000 patent infringement cases litigated during the 1985–2010 period. The results confirm that the currently prominent rocket dockets are, indeed, the Eastern District of Texas, the Eastern District of Virginia, and—most recently—the Western District of Wisconsin. The results also suggest, inter alia, that the Middle District of Florida and the Western District of Washington are emerging patent rocket dockets. The Article concludes with an outlook for future study on the differential effect of technology classes on case disposition speed within this framework
Bioethics from the russian-orthodox point of view
U ruskom pokumunističkom društvu osjetila se potreba stvaranja bioetike. Naime, u Rusiji su se pojavljivala velika etička pitanja koja je izazivala medicina, posebice je to bilo pitanje abortusa, kao i pravedne raspodjele državnih medicinskih sredstava. Tako bioetika u Rusiji svoj hod započinje u medicinskoj etici ili u kliničkoj bioetici. U njezinoj pozadini stoji i teološko promišljanje etike i života Ruske pravoslavne Crkve koja je u više navrata intervenirala kod Vlade, a izdala je i svoj Dokument o socijalnim pitanjima gdje je jedan broj posvećen bioetici. Autor pokušava rekonstruirati početak bioetike u Rusiji, nadasve stav Ruske pravoslavne Crkve, ali nastoji ponuditi teološku etičku pozadinu ruske pravoslavne misli koja se temelji na Svetom pismu i Predaji. Proučavajući etičke koncepcije nastale u ruskoj misli, moguće je istraživati nastojanja oko primjene etike u životu te izvesti iz moralnih početaka pravo, spoznaju pa čak i religiju. Takav opći princip etike obogaćen je duhovnim smjerom koji prožima sva moralna traganja ruskih mislilaca – ljubav prema životu. A to je definicija bioetike.In the post-communist Russian society the need for creating bioethics has been felt. Namely, in Russia medicine has raised some major ethical issues, especially the issue of abortion and fair distribution of state funds in medicine. Thus, bioethics in Russia emerges in medical ethics or in clinical bioethics. In its background there is the theological reflection of ethics and life of Russian Orthodox Church which has repeatedly intervened with Government, and has also issued its Document on social issues among which some are dedicated to bioethics. The author is trying to reconstruct the beginnings of bioethics in Russia, especially the attitude of Russian Orthodox Church, and also seeks to offer a theological ethical background of Russian Orthodox thought based on Holy Scripture and Tradition. Studying the ethical concepts originated in Russian thought, it is possible to explore the efforts to apply ethics in life and to derive from moral beginnings the right, cognition and even religion. Such general principle of ethics is enriched with spiritual direction which permeates all moral quests of Russian thinkers – love of life. And that is the definition of bioethics
The Typology of Yugoslavia\u27s Rural Communities
The article forms the first part of a research project which — if the necessary
money is allocated — will be carried out by four Yugoslav institutes and a large
team of research scientists. The research project has been prepared by Dr Stipe
Šuvar (leader of the group), Vlado Puljiz, Dr Matija Golob, Dr Zdravko Mlinar
Dr Cvetko Kostić, Rada Boreli, Dr Ilija Josifovski, and Stefan Kostovski.
The basic principle adopted by the authors is the continuum of social change.
The article describes in detail the characteristics of two basic types which can
be found at the extreme points of the continuum of social transformation in rural
areas. One type is the traditional village, which has undergone a minimum of
change, the other is the transformed village, which has changed the most. In the
course of the realization of the project the authors propose to construct intermediate
types, which would serve as research instruments and as a basis for the
classification of the investigated rural communities.
The article then describes and explains the investigation methods which are
to be used in the project laying special emphasis on what is called the list of
indicators, which are to serve for showing the level afid the characteristics of the
transformation of individual rural communities. The applicability of these indicators
is to be checked before the investigation work begins.
The following groups of indicators are dealt with:
— ecological position and characteristics of rural communications (7
— demographic characteristics and factors of socio-spatial mobility (13
— characteristics of production and consumption (12 indicators);
— social and cultural characteristics (13 indicators);
— view of the rural inhabitants (5 indicators).
The authors also refer to other methodological techniques used in typological
investigations of rural areas, especially to the experiences of the team of French
research workers led by Henry Mendras.
The authors emphasizes that the realization of the project »The Typology of
Yugoslavia’s Rural Comunities« would be the most comprehensive and most
ambitious investigation ever to be carried out by Yugoslav rural sociologists and
could serve as a basis for many other thorough investigations of Yugoslav rural life
The Typology of Yugoslavia\u27s Rural Communities
The article forms the first part of a research project which — if the necessary
money is allocated — will be carried out by four Yugoslav institutes and a large
team of research scientists. The research project has been prepared by Dr Stipe
Šuvar (leader of the group), Vlado Puljiz, Dr Matija Golob, Dr Zdravko Mlinar
Dr Cvetko Kostić, Rada Boreli, Dr Ilija Josifovski, and Stefan Kostovski.
The basic principle adopted by the authors is the continuum of social change.
The article describes in detail the characteristics of two basic types which can
be found at the extreme points of the continuum of social transformation in rural
areas. One type is the traditional village, which has undergone a minimum of
change, the other is the transformed village, which has changed the most. In the
course of the realization of the project the authors propose to construct intermediate
types, which would serve as research instruments and as a basis for the
classification of the investigated rural communities.
The article then describes and explains the investigation methods which are
to be used in the project laying special emphasis on what is called the list of
indicators, which are to serve for showing the level afid the characteristics of the
transformation of individual rural communities. The applicability of these indicators
is to be checked before the investigation work begins.
The following groups of indicators are dealt with:
— ecological position and characteristics of rural communications (7
— demographic characteristics and factors of socio-spatial mobility (13
— characteristics of production and consumption (12 indicators);
— social and cultural characteristics (13 indicators);
— view of the rural inhabitants (5 indicators).
The authors also refer to other methodological techniques used in typological
investigations of rural areas, especially to the experiences of the team of French
research workers led by Henry Mendras.
The authors emphasizes that the realization of the project »The Typology of
Yugoslavia’s Rural Comunities« would be the most comprehensive and most
ambitious investigation ever to be carried out by Yugoslav rural sociologists and
could serve as a basis for many other thorough investigations of Yugoslav rural life
Global Ecological Orientations
Svijest o okolini jedan je od konstitutivnih elemenata u promišljanju čovjekovog odnosa prema õikosu, koja se, po konceptualnoj pretpostavci ovog rada javlja u vidu nekoliko fundamentalnih i globalnih prepoznatljivih ekoloških orijentacija. Ove orijentacije mogu se izvesti iz čovjekovog promišljanja problema i tema kao što su problem zagađenja, sirovinski i energetski resursi\u27, stanovništvo, namirnice, futurološke opcije i sl.
Smatralo se da se ovako shvaćene orijentacije u mišljenjima i pogledima o navedenim problemima javljaju kao latentne i suvisle cjeline svijesti pojedinca, koje se u kontekstu klasičnih teorijskih promišljanja javljaju kao antopocentrizam, naturalizam i tehnicizam, ovisno o individualnom preferiranju jednog od subjekata u suodnošenju prirode, tehnike i čoijeka.
Empirijska provjera izvršena je na slučajnom, stratificiranom reprezentativnom uzorku od 2714 ispitanika u Republici Hrvatskoj 1989. godine. Ispitanici su izražavali stupanj svoga slaganja s nizom od 104 tvrdnje na skali Likertovog tipa. Rezultati su podvrgnuti hijerarhijskoj faktorskoj analizi pod komponentnim modelom uz primjenu PB kriterija ekstrakcije faktora I. reda, odnosno GK kriterija pri ekstrakciji faktora višeg reda.
Dobiveno je 19 faktora I. reda, 7 faktora II. reda, te 3 faktora III. reda koji su tumačili 64% varijance. Faktori III. reda u velikoj su mjeri kongruentni osnovnoj teorijskoj pretpostavci o postojanju tri tipa promišljanja odnosa čovjeka, prirode i tehnike. Dimenzije koje su dobivene nazvali smo: 1) Socijalno-ekološke alternative u kontekstu naturalizma; 2) Scijentističko- antropocentričko viđenje budućnosti: 3) Tehnicističko-konzumatorski optimizam.
Ove tri dimenzije predstavljaju tri međusobno nekorelirana koncepta što znači da u promišljanju ekološke problematike postoje zagovornici triju bitno različitih opcija, za koje je osnovni subjekt eko-sistema samo jedan od tri navedena.Environmental awareness is one of the constitutive elements in deliberating man’s relationship with õikos. According to the conceptional hypothesis in this paper, in appears in the form of several fundamental and globally recognizable ecological orientations. These orientations can ensue from a person’s reflections regarding problems and topics such as pollution, exhaustable energy resources and raw materials, population, food, futurological options etc.
It is believed that thus understood orientations of thoughts and views about the stated problems appear as latent and coherent entities of the individual’s awareness, which in the context of classical theoretical thought appear as anthropocentrism, naturalism and technocratism, depending on the individual preference of one of the mutually correlated subjects — nature, technology and man.
Empirical testing was carried out on a random stratified representative sample of 2714 respondents in the Republic of Croatia in 1989. \u27The respondents expressed the degree of their agreement with a string of 104 statements presented on Likert-type scales. The results were subjected to a hierarchic factor analysis under the component model with the application of the PB criterion of extraction of the factors of the first order, or the GK criterion when extracting factors of a higher order.
Obtained were 19 factors of the first order, 7 of the second order and 3 of the third order which interpreted 64% of the variance. The factors of the third order are mostly congruent with the main theoretical presuppositions about three types of thought pertaining to the relationship between man, nature and technology. The obtained dimensions were named: 1) the socio-ecological alternative in the context of naturalism; 2) the scientistic-anthropocentric view of the future; 3) the technocratic-consumerist optimism. These three dimensions represent 3 mutually uncorrelated concepts which means that in contemplating the ecological issue there are speakers in favour of 3 distinctly different options, for whom the principal subject of the eco-system is only one of the 3 mentioned