10 research outputs found
Restenosis and Therapy
The vascular disease involves imbalanced function of the blood vessels. Risk factors playing a role in development of impaired vessel functions will be briefly discussed. In ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), ischemic hypoxia is one of the cardinal risk factors of restenosis. Various insults are shown to initiate the phenotype switch of VSMCs. The pathological process, leading to activated inflammatory process, complement activation, and release of growth factors, initiate the proliferation of VSMCs in the media and cause luminal narrowing and impaired vascular function. The review summarizes the alteration process and demonstrates some of the clinical genetic background showing the role of complement and the genotypes of mannose-binding lectin (MBL2). Those could be useful markers of carotid restenosis after stent implantation. Gene therapy and therapeutic angiogenesis is proposed for therapy in restenosis. We suggest a drug candidate (iroxanadine), which ensures a noninvasive treatment by reverse regulation of the highly proliferating VSMCs and the disturbed function of ECs
Disztrofin fehérjék a neuronokban és a glia sejtekben = Dystrophin proteins in neurons and glial cells
A disztrofin-disztroglikĂĄn komplexet (DGC) vizsgĂĄltuk neuronokban Ă©s glia sejtekben. TenyĂ©sztett MĂŒller glia sejtekben a 71 kDa-os disztrofin forma egyik splice-variĂĄnsĂĄnak (Dp71f) eloszlĂĄsa fĂŒggetlen a disztroglikĂĄntĂłl, mĂg az utrophin Ă©s a disztroglikĂĄn kolokalizĂĄciĂłt mutat. A fehĂ©rjĂ©k lokalizĂĄciĂłja Ă©s kolokalizĂĄciĂłs mintĂĄzata hasonlĂł nyugvĂł Ă©s vĂĄndorlĂł sejtekben, Ă©s nem vĂĄltozik meg laminin hĂĄtĂĄsĂĄra. A lamininnak a MĂŒller glia sejtekre gyakorolt motilitĂĄsnövelĆ hatĂĄsa jelentĆs rĂ©szben a laminin-DGC kölcsönhatĂĄs következmĂ©nye. A mozgĂł sejtek irĂĄnyvĂĄltoztatĂĄsi gyakorisĂĄga Ă©s a nyugvĂł sejtek nyĂșlvĂĄny-dinamizmusa nem fĂŒgg a laminin jelenlĂ©tĂ©tĆl. A hippocampus CA3 rĂ©giĂłjĂĄban a Dp71f kis aszimmetrikus szinapszisok posztszinaptikus elemĂ©ben, tovĂĄbbĂĄ a moharostok membrĂĄnjĂĄn Ă©s egyes kis ĂĄtmĂ©rĆjƱ myelinhĂŒvelyes axonokban van jelen. A Dp71f jelen van az asztrocitĂĄkban, a sejttestben Ă©s a nyĂșlvĂĄnyokban egyarĂĄnt. A fehĂ©rje a gliĂĄlis fibrillĂĄris proteint Ă©s laminint is expresszĂĄlĂł asztrocita populĂĄciĂłkban fordul elĆ. A laterĂĄlis hypothalamikus terĂŒlet egyes neuronjai alfa-disztrobrevint (a-DB) expresszĂĄlnak. Az a-DB pozitĂv neuronok melanin koncentrĂĄlĂł hormon immunreaktivitĂĄst mutatnak. Az a-DB a perikaryonokban Ă©s a nyĂșlvĂĄnyokban is jelen van. Az a-DB megjelenik a perivascularis glia vĂ©gtalpakban, ezen belĂŒl az endothel sejteket Ă©s vĂ©gtalpat elvĂĄlasztĂł lamina basalissal Ă©rintkezĆ membrĂĄnon lokalizĂĄlĂłdik. | Proteins of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex have been localized by light and electronmicroscopic technique in neurons and glial cells. In primary cultures of retinal Muller glial cells the distribution of Dp71f, one of the splice variants of the 71 kDa dystrophin protein, has been shown to be independent of the distribution of dystroglycan, while utrophin and dystroglycan colocalized in clusters in all parts of the cells. The colocalization pattern was similar in resting and migrating cells and it was independent of the presence of laminin. The laminin-induced motility of Muller cells has been proven to be dependent on laminin-dystroglycan interaction. Dystroglycan function does not seem to be involved in the laminin-dependent increase of the direction-changing activity of the migrating cells and the process dynamism of the resting ones. Dp71f positivity has been demostrated in glial fibrillary acidic protein and laminin producing astrocytes. In the CA3 region of the hippocampus, Dp71f has been localized in the postsynaptic density of small asymmetric axospinous and axodendritic synapses. Furthermore, the protein was present on the membranes of the mossy fibers and in the axon proper of small-caliber myelinated axons. Alpha-dystrobrevin (a-DB) immunoreactivity was demonstrated on the endothelium-facing membrane of the perivascular astrocytes and in melanin-concentrating hormone producing neurons within the lateral hypothalamic area
A szarvasmarha neonatalis Fc receptor (bFcRn) åltal mediålt IgG katabolizmus és epithelialis transzport molekulåris szintƱ elemzése = Studies on the bovine FcRn mediated IgG catabolism and epithelial transport at molecular level
A pĂĄlyĂĄzat rĂ©vĂ©n jelentĆsen bĆvĂtettĂŒk a szarvasmarha FcRn (bFcRn) szerepĂ©rĆl alkotott ismereteinket arrĂłl hogyan szabĂĄlyozza ez a receptor az IgG homeosztĂĄzisĂĄt. Egyik legfontosabb eredmĂ©nyĂŒnknek tartjuk, hogy tisztĂĄztuk a bFcRn szerepĂ©t tĆgy IgG transzport folyamatĂĄban. FelĂŒleti plazmon rezonancia elemzĂ©seinkkel kimutattuk, hogy a receptor lĂ©nyegesen nagyobb affinitĂĄssal kötĆdik a bovin IgG2, mint az IgG1 izotĂpushoz. A tejmirigyben kifejezĆdĆ bFcRn transzgenikus egerek elemzĂ©sĂ©vel pedig megĂĄllapĂtottuk, hogy a nagyobb mĂ©rtĂ©kƱ receptor kifejezĆdĂ©s jelentĆsen növeli az ĂĄllatok szĂ©rum IgG szintjĂ©t, Ă©s csak kismĂ©rtĂ©kben a tej IgG koncentrĂĄciĂłjĂĄt. E kĂ©t megfigyelĂ©s alapjĂĄn kijelenthetĆ, hogy a bFcRn a tĆgyben nem az IgG1-et szekretĂĄlja, hanem az IgG2-t juttatja vissza a keringĂ©sbe, megakadĂĄlyozza ennek az izotĂpusnak a tejbe törtĂ©nĆ kiĂŒrĂŒlĂ©sĂ©t. SzarvasmarhĂĄban vĂ©gzett IgG kiĂŒrĂŒlĂ©si vizsgĂĄlatainkkal megĂĄllapĂtottuk, hogy a bFcRn aktĂvan közremƱködik az IgG lebomlĂĄsĂĄnak szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄban. A bFcRn-t faj-specifikus, test szerte kifejezĆdĆ transzgenikus egerekben vĂ©gzett elemzĂ©seink kimutattĂĄk, hogy az FcRn kifejezĆdĂ©sĂ©nek fokozĂĄsa csökkenti az IgG lebomlĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s immunizĂĄlĂĄst követĆen fokozza az antigĂ©n specifikus B limfocitĂĄk termelĆdĂ©sĂ©t. Ennek köszönhetĆen ezeknek az ĂĄllatoknak az antigĂ©n specifikus ellenanyag termelĂ©se lĂ©nyegesen meghaladja a hagyomĂĄnyos ĂĄllatokĂ©t. Ez utĂłbbi felismerĂ©s gazdasĂĄgi hasznosĂtĂĄsĂĄra a kutatĂłk lĂ©trehoztĂĄk az ImmunoGenes Kft-et (www.immunogenes.com). | In the frame of this grant, we significantly extended our knowledge about the role of the bovine FcRn (bFcRn) in the IgG homeostasis. One of our most important results was to clarify the role of this receptor in the IgG transport during colostrum formation. By using surface plasmon resonance assay, we could show that the FcRn binds to bovine IgG2 at a much higher affinity as compared to the IgG1 isotype. Transgenic mice that express bFcRn exclusively in their mammary gland during lactation showed significantly higher serum IgG level, while the IgG concentration in the milk was only slightly increased. Based on these two observations, we concluded that the bFcRn recycles IgG2 to the blood from the mammary gland, instead of secreting IgG1 into colostrums/milk. Results on IgG clearance studies in cattle showed that the bFcRn plays an important role in IgG protection regulating its catabolism. Our other transgenic mice that express the bFcRn in species specific mode throughout the body showed reduced IgG catabolism and enhanced antigen specific B cell production upon immunization. Due to these two effects the antigen specific antibody production is significantly improved in these animals. Based on this latter observation researchers founded ImmunoGenes Kft (www.immunogenes.com) to execute a plan towards creating a profitable company
Diurnal variation of the melanin-concentrating hormone level in the hypothalamus
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), the neuropeptide produced mainly in the hypothalamus, plays an operative role in regulating food intake and the sleep/wake cycle. Considering that these physiological functions pursue diurnal variations, we checked whether the total hypothalamic MCH level depends on the time of the day. The aggregated MCH peptide content of the whole MCH neuron population was significantly higher at the end of the sleeping period (lights on), than at the end of the active period (lights off). This result, together with earlier observations, indicates that in contrast to the MCH gene expression, the level of MCH peptide is object of circadian variation in the hypothalamus
SzabĂĄlyozĂĄsi mechanizmusok az ĂĄllatorvosi alapkutatĂĄsban: a molekulĂĄtĂłl a szervrendszerekig = Regulatory mechanism in basic veterinary science: from molecules to organ systems
Az energia-metabolizmus szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄnak hormonĂĄlis Ă©s neuromorfolĂłgiai vizsgĂĄlatai szerint szarvasmarhĂĄban a lokĂĄlisan termelt leptin a tĆgy Ă©s a jĂĄrulĂ©kos nemi mirigyek mƱködĂ©sĂ©t szabĂĄlyozza. NegatĂv energia-egyensĂșlyban a szĂ©nhidrĂĄtok hatĂĄsĂĄra nĆ a T3 szint, növelve a helyi leptin termelĂ©st. BizonyĂtottuk, hogy a csökkenĆ energiaszinten takarmĂĄnyozott baromfiban kialakulĂł alacsony T3 szint nemcsak a megnövekedett mĂĄjbeli hormon inaktivĂĄlĂĄs, hanem a hormon aktivĂĄlĂĄs csökkenĂ©sĂ©nek is a következmĂ©nye. OrexigĂ©n Ă©s anorexigĂ©n neuropeptidek rostrocaudalis megoszlĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s denzitĂĄsbeli vĂĄltozĂĄsait vizsgĂĄlva patkĂĄnyok lateralis septumĂĄban (LS) megĂĄllapĂtottuk, hogy a LS peptiderg rendszerei egyarĂĄnt Ă©rzĂ©kenyen reagĂĄlnak az Ă©hezĂ©s, Ă©s egyes gonadĂĄlis hormonok hatĂĄsĂĄra is. Az endothelsejtek egyes strukturĂĄlis Ă©s IgG homeosztĂĄzisban rĂ©sztvevĆ gĂ©njĂ©nek expressziĂłs elemzĂ©se alapjĂĄn megĂĄllapĂtottuk, hogy a bFcRn nehĂ©zlĂĄnc promotere több NFkB transzkripciĂłs kötĆhelyet is tartalmaz, ill. a LPS kezelĂ©s hatĂĄsĂĄra mind in vitro, mind in vivo emelkedik e gĂ©n expressziĂł mĂ©rtĂ©ke. A dystroglycan expressziĂł hatĂĄsĂĄt vizsgĂĄlva az endothel sejtekre megĂĄllapĂtottuk, hogy a DAPC a vizsgĂĄlt sejttĂpusokban befolyĂĄsolja a sejt Ă©s az extracellulĂĄris mĂĄtrix kölcsönhatĂĄsĂĄt. Normal Ă©s negativ energiaegyensĂșlyban lĂ©vĆ kĂ©rĆdzĆkben vĂ©gzett molekulĂĄris szintƱ vizsgĂĄlatok arra utalnak, hogy ketĂłzis esetĂ©n az endometrium sejtjei kisebb arĂĄnyban pusztulnak el apoptosissal, ami fokozza a necrosis veszĂ©lyĂ©t. | According to the hormonal and neuromorphologic aspects of the regulation of energy metabolism the locally produced leptin affects bovine milk production and has local regulatory effect on the male accessory glands. Carbohydrates increase the T3 level, which increases local leptin production in cows with negative energy balance. In pultry the decreased circulatory T3 in restricted feed intake, is not only the consequence of an increased hepatic hormone inactivation, but also of a decreased D2 activity. Examining the rostrocaudal distribution and density changes of orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides in the lateral septum (LS) of rats, we found that the peptiderg systems of the LS react with marked neurochemical changes not only to food deprivation, but also to the effect of certain gonadal hormones. Studies on the gene expression of certain structure genes and genes influencing IgG homeostasis revealed, that bFcRn has several NFkB transcriptional binding sites in its promoter and is upregulated after LPS treatment both in vitro and in vivo. Investigating the role of the expression of dystroglycan in the adhesive properties of endothel cells, we confirmed the role of DAPC in the interaction of the cell types we used with the extracellular matrix. Molecular level investigations of ruminants in normal and in negative energy balance, led showed that in case of ketosis the cells of endometrium will die in smaller proportion by apoptosis which increases the risk of necrosis
Subcellular localization of components of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex in cultured retinal Muller glial cells
The dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) is a membrane-associated protein complex binding extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, such as laminin and forming a bridge towards the cytoskeleton. The molecular composition of the DGC is cell type dependent and it is involved in cell adhesion and motility. Here we present immunocytochemical localization of beta-dystroglycan, the central member of the DGC, utrophin and Dp71f, the spliced 71 kDa dystrophin protein product of the DMD gene, in cultured retinal Muller glial cells. It is shown that beta-dystroglycan and utrophin are colocalized in clusters in all parts of Muller cells including the lamellipodium and leading edge of migrating cells. As a contrast, Dp71f labels are distinct from beta-dystroglycan and confined to the perinuclear cytoplasm of Muller cells indicating that Dp71f is not a member of the DGC in cultured Muller cells
Dystrophin splice variants are distinctly localized in the hippocampus
It has previously been demonstrated that Dp71, the most abundant dystrophin protein in the brain, is mainly localized in the postsynaptic densities. Here we show the localization of Dp71f, one of the splice variants of this protein, within the CA3 region of the hippocampus. Immunopositivity occurs in the postsynaptic density of small asymmetrical axospinous and axodendritic synapses, while it is absent in the postsynaptic densities of the axospinous synapses of the large mossy fiber terminals. Dp71f immunoreactivity was found to be attached to the membranes of the mossy fibers in the stratum lucidum of the CA3 area. In a certain population of thin myelinated axons the protein seems to be present within the axon proper. These data support the notion of a physiological role of Dp71f distinct from other dystrophin isoforms present in the central nervous system