9 research outputs found

    Expression of endoglin, CD105, in conjunctival melanocytic nevi: Is it suspicious like in thyroidology? Oculi plus vident quam oculus?

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of endoglin and its correlation with histopathological and clinical findings in conjunctival nevi. Methods: The study included archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections of 44 patients with conjunctival nevi. Immunohistochemical staining for CD105 had been performed with monoclonal mouse antihuman CD105 antibodies. The intratumoral microvessel density for quantification of tumoral vascularization had been determined by this marker. Results: The expression of CD105 was positive in 30 (68.2%) cases. There was a statistically significant difference in the level of CD105 expression regarding the histological type of nevus (p=0.03) and intralesional cysts status (p=0.02). Spearman’s rho (ρ -0.316) revealed a significant negative correlation between the expression of endoglin and the histological type of nevus (p=0.03) and between the expression of endoglin and the presence of intralesional cysts (ρ -0.380, p=0.01). Conclusion: This study suggests that endoglin could be a useful diagnostic and prognostic marker in differentiating between benign and malignant melanocytic ocular lesions

    Treatment of Multiple Chalazions with Intralesional Kenalog-40 Injections in Juvenile Patient: A Case Report

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    Aim: To case report the efficacy of subcutaneous steroid injections in the treatment of multiple chalazions and to evaluate the safety of intralesional injection in primary and recurrent chalazions in juvenile patient.Case report: A 25-year-old man noticed lesions which appeared on upper lid during past three months. It was clinically presented with three focal, large and painful nodules in upper right eyelid. Inflammation process began on May the 1st of 2013. After one month in May 30th 2013 was directly administered synthetic steroid, Kenalog-40. Application of triamcinolone acetonide resulted in two satellite lesions, compared to the original, when the same incisions drained during the first surgery in July 5th 2013, with topical antibiotic-steroidal drugs and hot compresses. Second surgery was in July 26th 2013. Third surgery was performed in August 5st 2013 with second application of Kenalog-40. Combined treatment leads to recovery of clinical signs and inflammation of right upper eyelid with regressions of primary and recurrent chalazions.Conclusion: Two steroid subcutaneous injections produced complete resolution of multiple primary and recurrent chalazions. Clinical imperative was that recurrent or unusual refractory chalazions require referral to Hystopathological examination of curetting to exclude malignancy

    Identification of sterile cytoplasm (CMS) in maize by using specific mtDNA primers

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    Thirty sources of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) from Maize Gene Bank "Zemun Polje", distributed among Yugoslav OP varieties, have been tested for the presence of particular type of cytoplasm by a single seed multiplex PCR approach with specific primer pairs for T, C and S type cytoplasm. Combination of three pairs of primers in a single PCR reaction, corresponding to the chimeric regions of mtDNA sequences specific for each type of CMS, allowed reliable identification of the major CMS types. Dominant presence of S type cytoplasm was detected. For sources where there is no clear identification of the type of CMS (absence of the PCR band) there is a reasonable doubt that it could be a new, yet unidentified type of CMS.Trideset izvora citoplazmatične muške sterilnosti (CMS) u okviru lokalnih populacija iz Banke gena Instituta za kukuruz "Zemun Polje" je testirano na prisustvo odgovarajućeg tipa citoplazme multipleks PCR metodom, korišćenjem specifičnih prajmera za T, C i S citoplazmu. Kombinovanje tri para prajmera u jednoj PCR reakciji, koji odgovaraju himernim regionima mitohondrijalnih DNK sekvenci specifičnih za svaki tip citoplazme, omogućilo je pouzdanu identifikaciju glavnih tipova sterilne citoplazme. Detektovano je dominantno prisustvo S tipa citoplazme. Za izvore sterilnosti kod kojih nije identifikovan tip sterilne citoplazme (odsustvo PCR trake) postoji realna sumnja da se radi o novim, neidentifikovanim tipovima citoplazmatične muške sterilnosti

    Interplay Between the Immunohistochemical Expression of P53 and the Proliferation Index in the Keratinocyte Tumors of the Skin

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    P53 is important for cell cycle regulation, and its overexpression is seen in malignant tumors. We examined correlation between p53 expression and cell proliferation, and its role in the pathogenesis of keratinocyte skin tumors. We used biopsies from patients with squamous cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis and keratoacanthoma. We examined crosssections stained with HE and using anti-cytokeratin, antip53 and anti-Ki67 antibodies