34 research outputs found

    Chromosome numbers in Hieracium (Asteraceae) from Central and Southeastern Europe II

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    Chromosome numbers for 12 Hieracium s.str. species from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and Serbia are given and their metaphase plates are illustrated. Chromosome numbers are published for the first time for H. albinum Fries 2n=4x=36, H. bukovicae Rohlena & Zahn; 2n=3x=27, H. retyezatense subsp. subatratiforme Neičeff & Zahn 2n=4x=36, H. velenovskyi Freyn 2n=3x=27, as well as two undescribed species belonging to the H. bohatschianum agg. 2n=4x=36 and H. nigrescens agg. 2n=4x=36 and a hybrid between H. naegelianum Pančić and H. bifidum s.lat. 2n=4x=36

    Chromosome numbers in Hieracium (Asteraceae) from Central and Southeastern Europe III

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    Chromosome numbers for 13 species of Hieracium L. s.str. from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Poland and Romania are given and their metaphase plates are illustrated. Chromosome numbers are published for the first time for H. djimilense s.lat. 2n=3x=27, H. fiekii R. Uechtr. 2n=3x=27, H. glabrescens (F. W. Schultz) Murr 2n=3x=27, H. juranomorphum Zahn 2n=3x=27, H. sparsiflorum subsp. sparsiceps Zahn 2n=3x=27 and H. sparsum subsp. naegelianiforme Behr & Zahn 2n=3x=27

    Insights into developmental processes in anthers, ovaries, and ovules of Taraxacum belorussicum (Asteraceae-Cichorioideae) using DIC optics

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    This study represents the first report on the embryological characteristics of triploid male-sterile dandelion Taraxacum belorussicum (section Palustria) from Poland. While this taxon is considered to be a male-sterile species, we found that the investigated individuals produced pollen. Irregular tetrads, triads and diads with microspores of unequal size were observed in the pollen loculi as a result of disturbed meiotic division, while anthers’ tapetum did not show structural disorders. Possible reasons for the plasticity in the expression of male sterility, as well as the role of pollen in apomicts, are discussed. Flowers of the examined individuals contained well-developed nectaries. The course of embryological processes in the ovules indicated an apomictic mode of reproduction in T. belorussicum. We observed meiotic diplospory of the Taraxacum type, in which first meiotic division starts but results in nuclear restitution, while undisturbed second meiotic division gives rise to a dyad of unreduced megaspores (diplodyad). After three mitotic divisions of the chalazal megaspore, a seven-celled unreduced female gametophyte developed. The features of ovule anatomy and characteristics of a mature female gametophyte corresponded to these described in sexually reproducing dandelions

    Effect of increased copper ion content in the medium on the regeneration of androgenetic embryos of carrot (Daucus carota L.)

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    The study was conducted to determine the effect of elevated concentrations of copper in the medium on the regeneration of androgenetic embryos of the carrot cultivar ‘Kazan F1’ obtained in anther cultures and to determine the level of soluble phenols produced in the regenerates under copper stress. Green embryos were laid out on 4 regeneration media based on B5 medium (G a m b o r g et al. 1968) without hormones, containing 0.1 – control, 1, 10, and 100 μM CuSO4×5H2O. The plant material was passaged 3 times, after 4, 9 and 15 weeks. During these passages the emerging structures were examined; they were classified in terms of growth and development in vitro, weighed and counted. The levels of soluble phenols in the freeze-dried regenerates were determined. The elevated concentrations of copper in the regeneration media affected positively the formation of complete plants (rooted rosettes) and secondary embryos during the first 4 weeks of culture. After a longer regeneration time (9, 15 weeks), the elevated concentrations of copper caused negative effects: deformation of rosettes. After 15 weeks, the number of rooted rosettes decreased. The 9-week culture subjected to copper stress brought about an increase in the amounts of soluble phenols. The highest values were recorded in the rosettes treated with 10 μM CuSO4. Prolonged exposure to media containing elevated concentrations of CuSO4 caused a reduction in the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the rosettes