40 research outputs found

    Chthonius (Chthonius) carinthiacus and Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) tuberculatus new to the fauna of Slovakia (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae)

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    The pseudoscorpions Chthonius (Chthonius) carinthiacus Beier, 1951 and Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) tuberculatus Hadži, 1937, are recorded for the first time from Slovakia. An illustrated description of these species is provided based on their morphological and morphometric characters. The descriptions of the species offer an update on the variability of their morphological and morphometric characters

    Chthonius hungaricus and Larca lata new to the fauna of Slovakia (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae, Larcidae)

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    Chthonius (Chthonius) hungaricus Mahnert, 1980 and Larca lata (Hansen, 1884) were recorded for the first time from Slovakia. The finding of C. hungaricus in Slovakia is the second known record since its description and the finding of L. lata is the first record of the family of Larcidae in Slovakia. The descriptions of the species offer an update on the variability of morphologic and morphometric characters. Indications about the habitats of C. hungaricus are also given for the first time

    Withius hispanus new to the fauna of Slovakia (Pseudoscorpiones: Withiidae)

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    An illustrated description of Withius hispanus (L. Koch, 1873) is provided based on its morphological and morphometric characters. This finding of W. hispanus is the first record of the family Withiidae in Slovakia. The present re-description of this species allows an assessment of the variability of its morphological and morphometric characters

    New records of chernetid and cheliferid species (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from North Macedonia

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    Three pseudoscorpion species from the families Cheliferidae and Chernetidae, Hysterochelifer tuberculatus (Lucas, 1849), Allochernes bulgaricus Hadži, 1939 and Chernes hahnii (C. L. Koch, 1839), are new for the pseudoscorpion fauna of North Macedonia. North Macedonia is the second known country of the distribution of A. bulgaricus in Europe

    First record of Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977 (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae) from Slovakia

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    Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) is recorded for the first time from Slovakia. These records are based on two males found in tree microhabitats at two localities, both with forest-steppe character with xerothermic vegetation. A full description of the specimens of this rare subspecies is provided and the main diagnostic characters are discussed

    Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti pseudoškorpiona u Albaniji (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae)

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    The chernetid pseudoscorpions Pselaphochernes lacertosus (L. Koch, 1873) and P. scorpioides (Hermann, 1804) are here recorded for the first time from Albania and the second locality from Albania of the species Dendrochernes cyrneus (L. Koch, 1873) is reported.Pseudoškorpioni iz porodice Chernetidae Pselaphochernes lacertosus (L. Koch, 1873) i P. scorpioides (Hermann, 1804) zabilježeni su prvi puta za Albaniju, a rad donosi i drugi lokalitet u Albaniji za vrstu Dendrochernes cyrneus (L. Koch, 1873)

    Prvi nalaz vrste Carebara oertzeni Forel, 1886 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) iz Albanije

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    The first record of the rare ant Carebara oertzeni Forel, 1886 from Albania is reported. Two workers of C. oertzeni were discovered in the south-eastern part of the country, near the village of Benjë-Novoselë. So far, it is the northernmost known distribution of this very rarely collected species, the sole representative of its genus in Europe, whose previous records all come from Greece and Turkey. In addition, we also found a specimen determined as the Proceratium melinum Roger, 1860 worker ant in the same soil sample.Rad donosi prvi nalaz rijetke vrste mrava Carebara oertzeni Forel, 1886 iz Albanije. Dva radnika pronađena su u jugoistočnom dijelu zemlje, blizu sela Benjë-Novoselë. Dosad je to najsjevernija točka u rasprostranjenosti ove rijetko pronalažene vrste, jedinog predstavnika tog roda u Europi; prethodni nalazi potječu iz Grčke i Turske. Osim toga u istom uzorku tla pronađen je primjerak radnika vrste Proceratium melinum Roger, 1860

    First records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Lithuania

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    First records of pseudoscorpions from Lithuania are presented based on specimens preserved in Lithuanian collections and new material collected during the latest ten years. Pseudoscorpions were collected at 25 localities in both deciduous and coniferous forests at altitudes of 5 to 186 m above the sea level. Sifting of litter and moss, pitfall traps and collecting by picking under the bark of deadwood were used as the collecting methods. Altogether 132 specimens belonging to eight species from three families were recorded. The findings of Neobisium crassifemoratum (Beier, 1928) represent the northernmost known records of the species

    Potvrđeni nalaz roda Chernes u Bosni i Hercegovini (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae)

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    The finding of the chernetid pseudoscorpion Chernes hahnii (C.L. Koch, 1839) is the first reliable record of the genus Chernes Menge, 1855 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Adults as well as nymphal stages were collected from six localities and occurred under bark of trees.Nalaz pseudoškorpiona iz porodice Chernetidae Chernes hahnii (C.L. Koch, 1839) je prvi sigurni nalaz roda Chernes Menge, 1855 u Bosni i Hercegovini. Odrasli primjerci, kao i stadiji nimfe, prikupljeni su sa šest lokaliteta, pod korom drveća

    Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) from French Polynesia with first species records and description of new species

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    A new species Olpium caputi sp. nov. from Tahiti is described here based on external characters. This is the first record of the family Olpiidae Banks, 1895 from French Polynesia. Additionally, the genus Paratemnoides Harvey, 1991 is recorded from French Polynesia for the first time with the full description of new-found specimens of Paratemnoides assimilis (Beier, 1932). New localities of Geogarypus longidigitatus (Rainbow, 1897) are added. An identification key to pseudoscorpions of French Polynesia is provided