400 research outputs found

    Coated stainless steel 441 as interconnect material for solid oxide fuel cells: Oxidation performance and chromium evaporation

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    Reactive Element (RE) and RE/cobalt-coated stainless steel AISI 441 was exposed at Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) cathode conditions (850 degrees C in air with 3% water content) for up to 500 h. The chromium evaporation was measured by applying the denuder technique. Uncoated material exhibited severe spallation which could be successfully prevented by using cerium or lanthanum coatings. By applying double layer coatings of cerium or lanthanum in combination with cobalt the oxidation rate was decreased and the chromium volatilisation was also about 90% lower than the uncoated material

    Coated stainless steel 441 as interconnect material for solid oxide fuel cells: Evolution of electrical properties

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    AISI 441 coated. with a double layer coating of 10 nm cerium (inner layer) and 630 nm cobalt was investigated and in addition the uncoated material was exposed for comparison. The main purpose of this investigation was the development of a suitable ASR characterization method. The material was exposed to a simulated cathode atmosphere of air with 3% water at 850 degrees C and the samples were exposed for up to 1500 h. We compared two methods of ASR measurements, an in-situ method where samples were measured with platinum electrodes for longer exposure times and an ex-situ method where pre-oxidized samples were measured for only very short measurement times. It was found that the ASR of ex-situ characterized samples could be linked to the mass gain and the electrical properties could be linked to the evolving microstructure during the different stages of exposure. Both the degradation of the electric performance and the oxygen uptake (mass gain) followed similar trends. After about 1500 h of exposure an ASR value of about 15 m Omega cm(2) was reached. The in-situ measured samples suffered from severe corrosion attack during measurement. After only 500 h of exposure already a value of 35 m Omega cm(2) was obtained

    Evaluating candidate materials for balance of plant components in SOFC: Oxidation and Cr evaporation properties

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    Balance of plant (BOP) components made of metallic materials in solid oxide fuel cells are subject to high-temperature corrosion and are a significant source of volatile chromium species. Prospective Fe and Ni-base alloys, AISI 441, AISI 444, a FeCrAl alloy A197/Kanthal\uae EF101, alloy 600, and alloy 800H are investigated for their suitability to BOP components. Oxidation kinetics and chromium evaporation were employed to study the selected alloys at 650 \ub0C and 850 \ub0C for 500 h. A197 performed the best while AISI 441 and AISI 444, performed the worst. Pre-oxidation significantly improved the performance of the alloys at 650 ⁰C

    Reevaluating the Cr Evaporation Characteristics of Ce/Co Coatings for Interconnect Applications

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    Cathode poisoning by chromium evaporation from the interconnects is one of the major degradation mechanisms in SOFC. Coatings have proved to be very effective in suppressing chromium evaporation on interconnects. The quantification of chromium evaporation is important for determining the chromium consumption in the interconnect and predicting the lifetime of the interconnect. Chromium evaporation of uncoated and Ce/Co coated Crofer 22 APU is reevaluated at 800 C. The chromium evaporation of Ce/Co coatings on steel sheets and precut steels is studied. Coupons cut from Ce/Co coated sheets have uncoated edges, which influence the chromium evaporation measurements. The true chromium evaporation of the coated interconnects is evaluated. The PVD Ce/Co coatings on Crofer 22 APU reduce the chromium evaporation by at least 60 times compared to the uncoated at 800 C

    VÀxtnÀring frÄn trekammarbrunnar till energigrÀs

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    En slutsats som dragits inom projektet Ă€r att sjĂ€lva kretsloppet för vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsinnehĂ„llet i trekammarbrunnsslam inte Ă€r den viktigaste frĂ„gan ur hĂ„llbarhetssynpunkt vid odling av energigrĂ€s, eftersom Ă„terföringen av vĂ€xtnĂ€ring med trekammarbrunnsslam, frĂ€mst fosfor och kalium, Ă€r mycket begrĂ€nsad. I stĂ€llet Ă€r sjĂ€lva nyttjandet av energigrĂ€set som rĂ„vara för produktion av förnybara drivmedel mycket viktigare ur hĂ„llbarhetssynpunkt. HĂ„llbarheten i systemet ligger i att energigrĂ€set kan omvandlas till förnybara drivmedel, sĂ„som biogas och bioetanol, vilka ersĂ€tter bensin och diesel, som har en mycket stor klimatpĂ„verkan. Enligt litteraturuppgifter ger en vallgröda pĂ„ ca 9 ton torrsubstans (ts) per ha och Ă„r, en reduktion av vĂ€xthusgasemissioner med ca 6 ton CO2-ekv. per hektar och Ă„r, under förutsĂ€ttning att fordonsgas i form av metan produceras av vallgrödan och biogödseln, som kvarstĂ„r efter rötningen av vallgrödan, ersĂ€tter mineralgödsel pĂ„ produktiv Ă„kermark. Inom projektet har vi uppnĂ„tt skördar pĂ„ 5 - 15 ton ts per ha och Ă„r beroende pĂ„ odlingslokal och vilket energigrĂ€s som odlats, om grĂ€set varit gödslat eller ogödslat samt om baljvĂ€xter ingĂ„tt i ”biogasvallen”. SkördenivĂ„er i detta intervall tyder pĂ„ att man kan uppnĂ„ ett hĂ„llbart system för produktion av biogas baserat pĂ„ energigrĂ€s, enligt EU:s nuvarande hĂ„llbarhetskriterier (en CO2-reduktion pĂ„ minst 35 %) för förnybara drivmedel, oberoende om grĂ€set gödslas med trekammarbrunnsslam eller ej. SĂ€rskilt stor klimatnytta uppnĂ„s vid anvĂ€ndning av biogasvallar som innehĂ„ller bĂ„de grĂ€s och baljvĂ€xter, eftersom dessa ger hög biomassaavkastning helt utan kvĂ€vegödsling. Biogaspotentialen hos de energigrĂ€s och biogasvallar som studerats i projektet ligger normalt i intervallet 250 – 350 l CH4 per kg VS, beroende pĂ„ skördetidpunkt och förbehandlingsmetod. Att anvĂ€nda energiĂ„krar för odling av flerĂ„riga energigrĂ€s dĂ€r biomassan anvĂ€nds för produktion av biogas, bioetanol eller fastbrĂ€nsle innebĂ€r flera miljövinster, mest pĂ„tagligt genom minskad klimatpĂ„verkan, eftersom fossil energi ersĂ€tts, men Ă€ven genom att flerĂ„riga grödor har lĂ€gre behov av insatser i form av jordbearbetning och ogrĂ€sbekĂ€mpning och lagrar in mer kol i rötterna och marken Ă€n ettĂ„riga grödor. Ytterligare miljövinster kan erhĂ„llas om biomassa skördas pĂ„ ogödslade energiĂ„krar nĂ€ra kĂ€nsliga vattenmiljöer, eftersom man dĂ„ kan transportera bort vĂ€xtnĂ€ring till produktiv Ă„kermark, som annars skulle kunna orsaka övergödning. Vid anvĂ€ndning av energigrĂ€s som biogassubstrat kan biogödseln, som blir kvar efter rötningen, anvĂ€ndas som ett vĂ€rdefullt gödselmedel inom ekologisk eller konventionell odling. Biogödseln innehĂ„ller lĂ€ttillgĂ€nglig vĂ€xtnĂ€ring och om den anvĂ€nds för gödsling av livsmedelsgrödor pĂ„ Ă„kermark sker en stor miljövinst genom ersĂ€ttning av mineralgödsel. För att trekammarbrunnsslam skall kunna anvĂ€ndas som ett gödselmedel till energigrĂ€s sĂ„ krĂ€vs det en hygienisering genom t.ex. tillsats av minst 0,6 % urea och lagring i minst 3 mĂ„nader. Hygienisering med urea medför dock att trekammarbrunnsslammet fĂ„r ett relativt högt kvĂ€veinnehĂ„ll i jĂ€mförelse med andra viktiga vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsĂ€mnen, sĂ„som fosfor och kalium. Detta innebĂ€r att fosfor och kalium mĂ„ste tillföras med andra gödselmedel för att energiĂ„kern inte skall lida brist pĂ„ dessa vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsĂ€mnen pĂ„ lĂ€ngre sikt. Tillförseln av tungmetaller med det hygieniserade trekammarbrunnsslammet till energiĂ„kern bedöms vara nĂ„got större jĂ€mfört med om kĂ€llsorterat klosettvatten eller nötflytgödsel anvĂ€nds som gödselmedel till energigrĂ€sen. Halterna av miljöstörande organiska Ă€mnena i trekammarbrunnsslam ligger dock lĂ„ngt under riktvĂ€rdena för avloppsslam enligt slamöverenskommelsen. Allt detta visar att hygieniserat trekammarbrunnsslam kan anvĂ€ndas som en vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsresurs vid odling av energigrĂ€s eller biogasvallar pĂ„ energiĂ„krar, men att hygieniserat klosettvatten skulle vara ett vĂ€l sĂ„ bra alternativ

    Internal Oxidation of a Fe-Cr Binary Alloy at 700-900 degrees C: The Role of Hydrogen and Water Vapor

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    Internal oxidation of Fe-2.25Cr has been studied in Fe/FeO Rhines pack (RP) and H-2/H2O gas mixtures at 700-900 degrees C. A novel exposure technique allowing RP experiments in dual atmosphere conditions was developed. No measurable effect of hydrogen on lattice oxygen permeability in ferrite could be detected: neither in single nor in dual atmosphere conditions. The H-2/H2O atmosphere was found to induce stronger oxidation attack at alloy grain boundaries resulting in a morphology similar to intergranular stress corrosion cracking often reported in nuclear technology. The intergranular oxidation attack was demonstrated to be independent of the dual atmosphere effect, i.e., hydrogen dissolved in the alloy

    Effect of Hydrogen on the Internal Oxidation of a Pd–Cr Alloy in Dual-Atmosphere Conditions

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    The effect of hydrogen on oxygen permeability has been studied in a diluted Pd–Cr alloy in dual- and single- atmosphere conditions between 600 and 950\ua0\ub0C. The 0.3\ua0mm thick Pd–1.5Cr foil was exposed in dry and humid air as well as in dual-atmosphere conditions, with one sample surface being exposed to air and one to hydrogen, as encountered in solid oxide fuel cells. At all temperatures, Cr oxidized internally forming internal oxidation zones which were measured in metallographic cross sections. Below 800\ua0\ub0C, an external layer of PdO formed on the surface decreasing the internal oxidation kinetics. No measurable effect of hydrogen on the internal oxidation of Cr in Pd has been detected

    Investigation of coated FeCr steels for application as solid oxide fuel cell interconnects under dual-atmosphere conditions

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    Dual-atmosphere conditions are detrimental for the ferritic stainless steel interconnects used in solid oxide fuel cells, resulting in non-protective oxide scale growth on the air side. In this paper, low-cost steels AISI 441 and AISI 444 and the tailor-made Crofer 22 APU, were investigated at 800 \ub0C and 600 \ub0C under dual-atmosphere conditions: air-3%H2O on one side and Ar-5%H2-3%H2O on the other side. At 800 \ub0C, the uncoated and Ce/Co-coated steels formed protective layers of (Cr,Mn)3O4/Cr2O3 and (Co,Mn)3O4/Cr2O3 respectively on the air side after 336 h. However, at 600 \ub0C, the Ce/Co-coated AISI 441 and AISI 444 showed ∌20–25 ÎŒm thick Fe2O3/(Fe,Cr)3O4 oxide scale on the air side after 336 h. Ce/Co coated Crofer 22 APU remained protective after 772 h at 600 \ub0C, indicating better resistance to the dual-atmosphere. The effect of Ce/Co coatings on the air side and the need for coatings on the fuel side are discussed and compared with experimental data

    Evaluation of the oxidation and Cr evaporation properties of selected FeCr alloys used as SOFC interconnects

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    In recent years, a number of ferritic interconnect materials for use in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) have been developed and are now commercially available. Although similar, there are substantial variations in minor alloying elements. This study compares the oxidation performance of five such interconnect materials: Crofer 22 H, Crofer 22 APU (ThyssenKrupp VDM), Sanergy HT (Sandvik Materials Technology), ZMG232 G10 (Hitachi Metals) and E-Brite (ATI Allegheny Ludlum). 1000 h exposures have been carried out in tubular furnaces at 850 degrees C, with 6 l/min airflow and 3% H2O to simulate the air side atmosphere in an SOFC. In addition to the oxidation tests, time resolved in-situ chromium evaporation measurements have been carried out using a novel denuder technique. It was found that higher Mn concentrations in the alloy lead to lower Cr evaporation. Nonetheless, all steels exhibit substantial Cr volatilization and coatings are needed for most SOFC applications. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the mass gain data alone can be misleading, and the mass loss due to Cr volatilization needs to be taken into account. Neglecting Cr evaporation results in an underestimation of the oxidation rate by between 15% and 200% for the studied steel grades

    11–23% Cr steels for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applications at 800 \ub0C – How the coating determines oxidation kinetics

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    The present work investigates the low-cost steels AISI 441, AISI 430, and AISI 444 against the tailor-made high Cr steel Crofer 22 APU (22.9 wt% Cr) at 800 \ub0C in simulated solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathode conditions. Furthermore, a low Cr steel, AISI 409 (11.4 wt% Cr) is included in the study. The oxidation, chromium evaporation, and area-specific resistance (ASR) of the uncoated and Ce/Co-coated steels are studied for up to 3000 h. Ce/Co-coated steels showed significant improvement in behaviour compared to their uncoated counterparts. The oxidation and chromium evaporation behaviour between the uncoated steels varied substantially while the Ce/Co coated steels exhibited highly similar behaviour. The area-specific resistance of the coated low-cost steels was on par with Crofer 22 APU. However, 430 formed a continuous silica layer, resulting in a higher ASR after 3000 h. Cross-sections of the uncoated and Ce/Co-coated steels were analysed using a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
