63 research outputs found

    Does ovarian hyperstimulation in intrauterine insemination for cervical factor subfertility improve pregnancy rates?

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    Background: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be performed with or without controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH). Studies in which the additional benefit of COH on IUI for cervical factor subfertility is assessed are lacking. We assessed whether COH in IUI improved pregnancy rates in cervical factor subfertility. Methods: We performed a historical cohort study among couples with cervical factor subfertility, treated with IUI. A cervical factor was diagnosed by a well-timed, non-progressive post-coital test with normal semen parameters. We compared ongoing pregnancy rate per cycle in groups treated with IUI with or without COH. We tabulated ongoing pregnancy rates per cycle number and compared the effectiveness of COH by stratified univariable analysis. Results: We included 181 couples who underwent 330 cycles without COH and 417 cycles with COH. Ongoing pregnancy rates in IUI cycles without and with COH were 9.7% and 12.7%, respectively (odds ratio 1.4; 95% confidence interval 0.85-2.2). The pregnancy rates in IUI without COH in cycles 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 14%, 11%, 6% and 15%, respectively. For IUI with COH, these rates were 17%, 15%, 14% and 16%, respectively. Conclusions: Although our data indicate that COH improves the pregnancy rate over IUI without COH, IUI without COH generates acceptable pregnancy rates in couples with cervical factor subfertility. Since IUI without COH bears no increased risk for multiple pregnancy, this treatment should be seriously considered in couples with cervical factor subfertility

    Predicting the development of stress urinary incontinence 3 years after hysterectomy

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    We aimed to develop a prediction rule to predict the individual risk to develop stress urinary incontinence (SUI) after hysterectomy. Prospective observational study with 3-year follow-up among women who underwent abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy for benign conditions, excluding vaginal prolapse, and who did not report SUI before surgery (n = 183). The presence of SUI was assessed using a validated questionnaire. Significant prognostic factors for de novo SUI were BMI (OR 1.1 per kg/m(2), 95% CI 1.0-1.2), younger age at time of hysterectomy (OR 0.9 per year, 95% CI 0.8-1.0) and vaginal hysterectomy (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.0-5.2). Using these variables, we developed the following rule to predict the risk of developing SUI: 32 + BMI-age + (7.5 × route of surgery). We defined a prediction rule that can be used to counsel patients about their individual risk on developing SUI following hysterectom

    Association of transcription-coupled repair but not global genome repair with ultraviolet-B-induced Langerhans cell depletion and local immunosuppression.

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    Exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation impairs cellular immune responses. This immunosuppression seems to be associated with Langerhans cell migration. DNA damage appears to play a key role because enhanced nucleotide excision repair, a pathway essential for elimination of ultraviolet-B-induced DNA lesions, strongly counteracts immunosuppression. To determine the effect of DNA repair on ultraviolet-B-induced local immunosuppression and Langerhans cell disappearance, three mouse strains carrying different defects in nucleotide excision repair were compared. XPC mice, which were defective in global genome repair, were as sensitive to ultraviolet-B-induced local suppression of contact hypersensitivity to picryl chloride as their wild-type littermates. CSB mice, defective in transcription-coupled repair, were far more sensitive for immunosuppression as were XPA mice, defective in both transcription-coupled repair and global genome repair. Only a moderate depletion of Langerhans cells was observed in XPC mice and wild-type littermates. Ultraviolet-B-induced Langerhans cell depletion was enhanced in CSB and XPA mice. Hence, the major conclusion is that local immunosuppression is only affected when transcription-coupled DNA repair is impaired. Furthermore, a defect in transcription-coupled repair was linked to enhanced ultraviolet-B-induced Langerhans cell depletion. In combination with earlier experiments, it can be concluded that Langerhans cell disappearance is related to ultraviolet-B-induced local but not to systemic immunosuppression

    Prediction Models in Reproductive Medicine

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    In dit proefschrift wordt beschreven in hoeverre het op dit moment mogelijk is om bij paren met onvervulde kinderwens de kans te voorspellen om zwanger te worden zonder fertiliteitsbehandeling. De klinische relevantie en de voorspellende waarde van een aantal factoren, die onderdeel zijn van het oriënterend fertiliteitsonderzoek (OFO), werden geëvalueerd in een theoretische en klinische setting. In de periode van januari 2002 tot en met 1 februari 2004 werden in 38 Nederlandse ziekenhuizen 7 860 subfertiele paren verzameld in het Oriënterend Fertiliteits Onderzoek project (OFO-project, internationaal ook bekend als the Collaborative Effort for Clinical Evaluation in Reproductive Medicine group (CECERM)). In de inleiding van dit proefschrift beschrijven wij de opbouw van het standaard oriënterend fertiliteitsonderzoek. Verder bespreken wij de meest relevante predictiemodellen voor het voorspellen van spontane zwangerschap. Hoofdstuk 2 richt zich op de vraag wat het beste moment is om het OFO in gang te zetten. In de hoofdstukken 3 en 4 evalueren wij in hoeverre gynaecologen in staat zijn om zelf bij subfertiele paren de kans op een zwangerschap te voorspellen. In hoofdstuk 5 valideren we het predictiemodel voor spontane zwangerschap van Hunault. In de hoofdstukken 6 tot en met 10 worden de klinische relevantie en prognostische waarde beschreven van bestaande en nieuwe onderdelen van het OFO; de obstetrische voorgeschiedenis, het zaadonderzoek, de samenlevingstest, ook wel de postcoitumtest (PCT) genoemd, obesitas en het basaal follikel stimulerend hormoon (FSH)

    Prediction of Success of External Cephalic Version after 36 Weeks

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    We aimed to develop a predictive model for the chance of a successful external cephalic version (ECV). We performed a prospective cohort study of women with a singleton fetus in breech presentation with a gestational age of 36 weeks or more. Data on parity, maternal age, body mass index, ethnicity, gestational age, placental location, fetal position, estimated fetal weight, and amniotic fluid were recorded in all participants. Multivariable logistic regression analysis with a stepwise backward selection procedure was used to construct a prediction model for the occurrence of successful ECV. We included a total of 310 women. Multivariable logistic regression analysis demonstrated that multiparity, increasing estimated fetal weight, and normal amniotic fluid were favorable predictors of successful ECV. Anterior placenta location was an unfavorable predictor for ECV outcome. Discrimination of the model was fair (area under the curve 0.71), and the calibration of the model was acceptable. Our prediction model appears to discriminate between women with a poor chance of successful ECV (less than 20%) and women with a good chance of success (more than 60%). When this model is validated externally, it could be used for patient counseling and clinical decision makin

    Semen analysis and prediction of natural conception

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    Do two semen analyses predict natural conception better than a single semen analysis and will adding the results of repeated semen analyses to a prediction model for natural pregnancy improve predictions? A second semen analysis does not add helpful information for predicting natural conception compared with using the results of a single semen analysis and addition of the second analysis to a prediction model for natural conception did not improve predictions. A major problem with semen analyses is the large variability of results within an individual. High-quality evidence is lacking on how many semen analyses need to be performed during the fertility workup to achieve an accurate prediction of conception. We conducted a prospective cohort study of 897 consecutive couples presenting with subfertility in two university hospitals in the period 2002-2004 in the Netherlands. The laboratories scored sperm parameters according to the 1999 WHO criteria. Sperm concentration was counted and motility was assessed in a Makler counting chamber at a magnification of ×200. All assessments were performed by trained laboratory technicians. Follow-up started at the completion of the infertility workup and ended after 12 months. Primary end-point was natural conception resulting in an ongoing pregnancy. We constructed models for three strategies for the prediction of natural conception, using univariable and multivariable Cox hazard regression analyses. We evaluated the performance of the three strategies by comparing goodness-of-fit, discrimination and calibration. First, we analysed the semen parameters only. Secondly, we analysed the semen parameters in addition to the multivariable Hunault prediction model. Of the 897 couples, 132 (15%) achieved a pregnancy by natural conception. Using the results of a single semen analysis only, the calculated probabilities of natural conception within 12 months across the study population ranged from 0.12 to 0.38, with a median of 0.16 (IQR: 0.16-0.17). Using the results of two semen analyses did not lead to a better goodness-of-fit. Discriminative capacity was rather poor, with an area under the ROC curve (AUC) ranging from 0.51 to 0.56. Using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test statistic we found no signs of poor calibration. Using the results of two semen analyses in combination with the Hunault model did not significantly increase goodness-of-fit compared with using a single semen analysis. The Hunault model with the addition of the semen parameters fitted the data significantly better than the Hunault model itself (difference in -2 Log likelihood: 13; 3 df; P = 0.002). Using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test statistic we found no signs of poor calibration. The academic setting possibly explains the relatively low natural conception rates, with only 15% achieving a natural conception within 1 year. Men with azoospermia were excluded. Performing more than one semen analysis will not increase the prognostic power of the test in clinical practice. Adding the first semen analysis to the Hunault model for the prediction of natural conception improved performance significantly compared with using the Hunault model alone. External validation, in other populations, should follow to confirm our conclusions, and to evaluate the generalizability or transportability of the extended Hunault model. No external funding was involved in this study. None of the authors has any conflict of interest to declar