87 research outputs found

    Implantation of a Occlutech Figulla® PFO occluder in a patient with patent foramen ovale and history of embolic stroke

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    The most common interventions in structural heart diseases for various age groups are percutaneous occlusions of septal defects. We present the case of a woman with patent foramen ovale (PFO) periodically causing a right-to-left shunt, after an incident of stroke, with migraine attacks, treated by percutaneous closure of PFO with use of a novel occluder device - an Occlutech Figulla®. The procedure was performed under X-ray and transesophageal echocardiographic monitoring. The novel Occlutech device described above features easy manipulation, good safety and some constructional innovations that enable the time of antiplatelet prophylaxis to be shortened, thus potentially minimizing procedure related risk

    Zorganizowana skrzeplina w lewej komorze powstała po zabiegu przezskórnej angioplastyki wieńcowej mimo stosowanej podwójnej terapii przeciwpłytkowej

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    Myocardial infarction is an acute condition which can lead to many complications in a postinfarct period (MI, myocardial infarction). Left ventricular thrombus formation after successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting and treating with dual antiplatelet therapy nowadays is a less common finding especially in absence of severe left ventricular dysfunction associated with MI. Case of 70-year-old male who was admitted to the Emergency Department with severe MI treating with successful primary PCI with stenting and dual antiplatelet therapy with a new unexpected finding of thrombus in the left ventricular apex observed in control of the echocardiography examination during hospitalisation despite dual antiplatelet therapy.Zawał serca jest stanem ostrym, który może prowadzić do licznych powikłań we wczesnym okresie pozawałowym.Występowanie skrzepliny w lewej komorze u pacjentów po skutecznej pierwotnej przezskórnej angioplastyce (PCI) z implantacją stentu i zastosowaniu podwójnej terapii przeciwpłytkowej (DAPT) w obecnych czasach jest mniej powszechnym zjawiskiem, zwłaszcza u osób bez ciężkiej pozawałowej dysfunkcji mięśnia lewej komory. Zaprezentowano przypadek 70-letniego mężczyzny, przyjętego do kliniki z prezentacją ostrego zespołu wieńcowego leczonego skuteczną pierwotną PCI z implantacją stentu i zastosowaniem DAPT, u którego, mimo zastosowanej terapii, w kolejnych badaniach echokardiograficznych podczas hospitalizacji obserwowano skrzeplinę w koniuszku lewej komory

    Resistant hypertension: Renal denervation or pharmacovigilance? Insights from a renal denervation screening program

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    BACKGROUND: With emerging new therapeutic concepts including renal denervation (RDN), there is a renewed interest in resistant hypertension (ResH). Among patients suspected of having ResH, a definitive diagnosis needs to be established. OBJECTIVES: This study presents observations from a standardized single-center screening program for RDN candidates, including medical therapy modification and reassessment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients referred to our center for RDN underwent a standardized screening protocol. Candidates were recruited from among patients receiving no less than 3 antihypertensive drugs, including diuretics with office blood pressure (BP) \u3e140/90 mm Hg. The assessment included 2 measurements of BP and ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM). If needed, pharmacotherapy was intensified and the diagnosis of ResH was reconfirmed after 6 weeks. If ResH was persistent, patients were hospitalized with repeated ABPM on day 4. Further, renal CT-angio was performed and a multidisciplinary team discussed the patients\u27 suitability for RDN. RESULTS: A total of 87 patients with a ResH diagnosis were referred for RDN. Mean office BP was 159/92 (±7.0/6.5) mm Hg and mean ABPM was 154/90 (±9.0/4.8) mm Hg. The initial medication included angiotensin convertase inhibitors (ACE-I, 78%), angiotensin receptor blockers (12%), β-blockers (85%), calcium channel blockers (36%), and diuretics (93%). During the 18 months of the RDN program, 5 patients underwent RDN and 2 further had ineligible renal anatomy. A new diagnosis of secondary hypertension was made in 21 patients. However, in 59 patients, BP control was achieved after optimization of medical therapy, with a mean ABPM of 124/74 mm Hg. The final treatment included ACE-I (100%), β-blockers (92%), indapamide (94%), amlodipine (72%), and spironolactone (61%). Medication in most of these patients (88%) included single-pill triple combination (52.5%) or double combination (35.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with elevated BP screened for RDN require a rigorous diagnostic workup. Up to 2/3 of patients can be managed with strict pharmacotherapy compliance and pharmaceutical intensification, including single-pill combinations and improved drug compliance. Hasty use of RDN may be a result of poor drug optimization and/or compliance. It does remain a viable treatment option in thoroughly vetted ResH patients

    Latest findings on labetalol in severe hypertension during pregnancy and in postpartum — a systematic review

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    Hypertension during pregnancy is a significant problem, with severe hypertension being an especially dangerous condition. As pharmacological treatment options are limited mostly due to the unknown effects of multiple drugs on the fetus, labetalol is one of the more frequently used therapies. The other popular substances are methyldopa, nifedipine and hydralazine. In this paper, the effectiveness and limitations of labetalol in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are discussed based on the latest available original papers. As the accessible data implicates, labetalol has a high and proven ability to reduce blood pressure with non-severe side effects. The most common of which are headaches and nausea. The drug seems to be slightly less effective in blood pressure normalization than nifedipine, with inconclusive data about safety to the mother and her baby. However due to a small number of patients included in the presented studies, more high-population trials are necessary to give an unambiguous recommendation on its regular usage

    Comparison of shortened gated myocardial perfusion imaging processed with „Myovation Evolution” with full time study

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    Background: The work compares results of shortened gated myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), processed with „Myovation Evolution” software, with a study performed in a standard way.Material and methods: A retrospective study was conducted in a group of 95 patients (56 males and 39 females, age 62±9 years, BMI 28±4) with known or suspected CAD, without clinical history or any signs of a previous myocardial infarction. All patients underwent coronary angiography (CA) within 3 months of MPI. CA was used as a reference for diagnostic performance of MPI. Patients underwent a stress/rest 2-day MPI. Both studies were performed twice, with normal (25s) and shortened (13s) time per projection. Studies were processed using Myovation protocol (OSEM with 2 iterations and 10 subsets) for full time (FT) studies and a Myovation Evolution protocol dedicated to half time (HT) studies (OSEM with 12 iterations, 10 subsets). Reconstructed images, with and without attenuation correction (AC), were evaluated by 2 experienced nuclear medicine specialists (a consensus), with regard to image quality and perfusion, evaluated using a visual semi-quantitative method, applying a standard division of myocardium into 17 segments. Perfusion was assessed in every segment using a standard 5 grade scale. Summed stress scores were calculated for every patient and threshold values for detection of CAD were selected based on ROC analysis with CA treated as a reference method. After at least 2 months FT images were interpreted again by the same specialists.Results: Quality of images obtained from shortened and normal studies was equally good. All correlation coefficients between segmental scorings of FT and HT studies were high and statistically significant. Correlation coefficients between corresponding segments in FTAC and HTAC (i.e. with AC) studies were systematically higher than without AC. Agreement between FT and HT study results was equal to 81% for FT and HT studies and to 86% for FTAC and HTAC studies (p=0.40). Repeatability of FTAC study assessments was equal to 94%. 95-per cent confidence intervals calculated for agreement between FTAC and HTAC studies and repeatability of FTAC study overlapped considerably. Correlation coefficients for EDV, ESV and EF values between FT and HT were high: 0.93, 0.96 and 0.88, respectively. Conclusion: Myovation Evolution protocol used for reconstruction of myocardial perfusion studies with reduced number of counts requires AC. Disagreements observed during visual assessment of normal and reduced count studies are statistically not significantly larger than between dual assessment of a full count study.BACKGROUND: The work compares the results of shortened gated myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), processed with „Myovation Evolution” software, with a study performed in a standard way. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in a group of 95 patients (56 males and 39 females, age 62 ± 9 years, BMI 28 ± 4) with known or suspected CAD, without clinical history or any signs of a previous myocardial infarction. All patients underwent coronary angiography (CA) within 3 months of MPI. CA was used as a reference for diagnostic performance of MPI. Patients underwent a stress/rest 2-day MPI. Both studies were performed twice, with normal (25s) and shortened (13s) time per projection. Studies were processed using Myovation protocol (OSEM with 2 iterations and 10 subsets) for full time (FT) studies and a Myovation Evolution protocol dedicated to half time (HT) studies (OSEM with 12 iterations, 10 subsets). Reconstructed images, with and without attenuation correction (AC), were evaluated by 2 experienced nuclear medicine specialists (a consensus), with regard to image quality and perfusion, evaluated using a visual semi-quantitative method, applying a standard division of myocardium into 17 segments. Perfusion was assessed in every segment using a standard 5 grade scale. Summed stress scores were calculated for every patient and threshold values for detection of CAD were selected based on ROC analysis with CA treated as a reference method. After 2 months FT images were interpreted again by the same specialists. RESULTS: The quality of images obtained from shortened and normal studies was equally good. All correlation coefficients between segmental scorings of FT and HT studies were high and statistically significant. Correlation coefficients between corresponding segments in FTAC and HTAC (i.e. with AC) studies were systematically higher than without AC. The agreement between FT and HT study results was equal to 81% for FT and HT studies and to 86% for FTAC and HTAC studies (p = 0.40). The repeatability of FTAC study assessments was equal to 94%. 95-percent confidence intervals calculated for agreement between FTAC and HTAC studies and the repeatability of FTAC study overlapped considerably. Correlation coefficients for EDV, ESV and EF values between FT and HT were high: 0.93, 0.96 and 0.88, respectively. CONCLUSION: Myovation Evolution protocol used for reconstruction of myocardial perfusion studies with reduced number of counts requires AC. The agreement between the results of visual assessment of normal and reduced count studies is high and not worse than the agreement between repeat assessment of a full time study

    Reduced-time myocardial perfusion study processed with “Myovation Evolution” — assessment of diagnostic efficacy

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    BACKGROUND: While assessing images using standard segmental method, we felt that some defects were either underscored or missed. So this work is intended to compare results of low count myocardial perfusion studies (MPS) processed with „Myovation Evolution”, applying complete evaluation of all available slices, with full count studies and assess impact of reduction of counts on diagnostic efficacy of the study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in a group of 95 patients (56 males, age 62 ± 9 years, BMI 28 ± 4) with known or suspected CAD, without clinical history or any signs of a previous myocardial infarction. All patients underwent coronary angiography (CA) within 3 months of MPS. CA was used as a reference method for diagnostic performance of MPS. Patients underwent a stress/rest 2-day MPS. Both studies were performed twice, with normal (25 s) and shortened (13 s) time/projection. Studies were processed using Myovation protocol (OSEM, 2 iterations, 10 subsets) for full time (FT) studies and a Myovation Evolution protocol for half time (HT) studies (OSEM, 12 iterations, 10 subsets, Resolution Recovery). Reconstructed images, with and without attenuation correction (AC), were evaluated by 2 experienced nuclear medicine specialists (a consensus) visually, taking into account all available slices, in a 5-grade scale (normal, probably normal, equivocal, probably abnormal and abnormal). Study results were additionally dichotomized as normal or abnormal. Perfusion defects were assigned to coronary arteries. RESULTS: An exact agreement between FT and HT study assessment, without AC, amounted to 66%, with AC it grew to 79%, p = 0.05. In studies without AC 10 perfusion defects were found only in HT studies in RCA area in male patients. A higher percentage of studies with perfusion defects in RCA area visible only in HT studies was found among discordant (7/25, 28%) than concordant results (3/70, 4%), p = 0.003. AC reduced this difference. HT study provided lower accuracy in detection of CAD than FT study (58% vs. 68%, p = 0.034). AC reduced this difference considerably. Dichotomized assessment agreed in 81% of studies without AC and in 87% with AC. CONCLUSIONS: Myovation Evolution protocol requires application of AC otherwise perfusion defects in RCA area in male patients are falsely detected. Shortened studies reconstructed with „Myovation Evolution” package without AC reveal a tendency toward reduction of accuracy of the study in detection of CAD. AC makes up for this reduction

    Effect of CT misalignment on attenuation — corrected myocardial perfusion SPECT

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    BACKGROUND: Use of CT based attenuation correction (AC) for myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) is growing fast due to a rapid development of hybrid SPECT/CT systems. SPECT and CT studies are performed in a sequential way extending total study acquisition and making a patient movement more likely. The present work aims at answering the question how large misalignment between SPECT and CT studies should be considered significant and how often those misregistrations are observed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study applying AC was performed in 107 patients who had coronary angiography (CA) performed within 3 months. Patients underwent a stress/rest Tc-99m MIBI 2 day SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion study. In case of SPECT and CT misalignment CT slices were shifted manually; shifts along 3 axes were recorded and after realignment a repeat reconstruction was performed. Euclidean distance of misalignment was also calculated. Images were analyzed by two experienced nuclear medicine specialists (consensus) applying visual semiquantitative method. Perfusion of three arteries was scored using a 5 grade scale. CA results were used as a reference for MPS findings. RESULTS: In 47 patients (44%) CT realignment was necessary. CT was shifted mostly along x and y axes, and less often along z axis. Euclidean distance S exceeded 2 pixels in 3 stress and 2 rest studies. Only in 7 patients changes of scores assigned to coronary vessels were noted as a result of CT realignment. These changes concerned 9 vessel areas. In 7 out of 9 cases changes were noted toward a better agreement with results of CA. Only in one patient, with stress S > 3 pixels and negative result of CA, CT realignment changed vessel area score significantly, from probably abnormal to normal. CONCLUSIONS: Only misalignments large enough, exceeding 2–3 pixels, have negative impact on attenuation corrected images. Such misalignments are rare, in our material were observed in 3 stress and 2 rest studies (3% and 2% of all studies, respectively). Only in one patient (below 1% of all studied patients) CT misalignment caused a significant study misinterpretation. Although alignment of SPECT and CT studies should be checked in every patient, small misalignments do not affect study interpretation

    Śródoperacyjne rozwarstwienie prawej tętnicy wieńcowej w czasie kaniulacji jej ujścia

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    Right coronary artery dissection related to medical procedures is a very rare life-threatening complication caused by a combination of vessel occlusion and myocardial ischaemia. This paper presents a case of dissection which occurred during a Ross cardiac surgery procedure. The complication was observed after proximal right coronary constriction on the cannula used to administer cardioplegia. The damaged part of the internal membrane was resected during the operation. We present a five-year follow-up of this patient. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 9: 966–96