16 research outputs found

    Nákres slovanského bájesloví

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    Dynamics of Change in the Roughness Due to Friction of the Sliding Surfaces of Vibroarc Weld Overlaid Coatings Against Steel and Cast-iron Parts

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    The dynamics of change in roughness due to friction of the sliding surfaces of vibroarc weld overlaid coatings against steel or cast-iron parts, has been established in the process of running-in and estimated wear. The vibroarc weld overlaid surfaces in gas mixtures on components made of cast-iron have higher equilibrium surface roughness which sets better conditions for the formation and retention of the oil layer

    IPMA Project Management

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    Projektové řízení je v současné době často skloňovaným termínem. O co ale vlastně jde? Jak si udělat co nejkomplexnější představu v přijatelném čase? Kolektiv autorů pod vedením Ing. Jana Doležala si vytyčil právě takový cíl - komplexně seznámit i laického čtenáře s problematikou řízení projektů a souvisejícími tématy na jednom místě, a to v první publikaci v ČR, která navazuje na mezinárodní standard projektového řízení IPMA (International Project Management Asociation) a využívá zkušeností autorů z tuzemských projektů a reálií. Kniha je členěna dle jednotlivých kapitol standardu IPMA (elementů), vysvětluje pojmy, představuje metody, popisuje souvislosti, uvádí příklady a obsahuje i otázky k samostatnému otestování znalostí. Knihu je možné použít nejen jako základní zdroj informací o projektovém řízení, ale i jako učebnici pro přípravu k certifikaci dle IPMA, což je doposud jediná mezinárodní certifikace v projektovém řízení prováděná v ČR (certifikuje Společnost pro projektové řízení o.s.).Project management is a very used term. What is it about? What is the most complex imagination of project management at present time? The author´s collective aimed this targe: to become acquainted even the laical readers with project management and related topics. It is the first publication in Czech Republic, that builds on the international standard of project management of IPMA (International Project Management Association) and it uses the experiences of authors of Czech projects and of Czech life and culture. The book is classified into chapters according to the IPMA Standard elements, it explaines the terms, it presents the methods, it describes the links, it presents the examples and it containes the questions for testing of the reader´s knowledge. The book is possible to use as a basic source of information about project management and as a text-book for the preparation for the IPMA certification of project managers.V, Z(MSM6215648904

    Some New Aspects of Genetic Variability in Patients with Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma

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    Aim: Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a group of T-cell malignancies that develop in the skin. Though studied intensively, the etiology and pathogenesis of CTCL remain elusive. This study evaluated the survival of CTCL patients in the 1st Department of Dermatovenereology of St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno. It included analysis of 19 polymorphic gene variants based on their expected involvement in CTCL severity. Material and methods: 75 patients with CTCL, evaluated and treated at the 1st Department of Dermatovenereology of St. Anne´s University Hospital Brno, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, were recruited for the study over the last 28 years (44 men and 31 women, average age 58 years, range 20–82 years). All patients were genotyped for 19 chosen gene polymorphisms by the conventional PCR method with restriction analysis. A multivariate Cox regression model was calculated to reveal genetic polymorphisms and other risk factors for survival. Results: The model identified MDR Ex21 2677 (rs2032582) as a significant genetic factor influencing the survival of the patients, with the T-allele playing a protective role. A multivariate stepwise Cox regression model confirmed the following as significant independent risk factors for overall survival: increased age at admission, clinical staging of the tumor, and male sex. Conclusion: We showed that the TT genotype at position 2677 of the MDR1 gene exhibited statistically significant longer survival in CTCL patients. As such, the TT genotype of MDR1 confers a significant advantage for the CTCL patients who respond to treatment

    A Research About Wear-resistance of Applied Layers Obtained by Gas Metal Arc Overlaying Process with Increased Wire Electrode Vibrating Frequency

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    The aim of the research is related to the influence of the vibration’s frequency increasing upon wear-resistance of the applied layers. Wear-resistance is one of the most important properties of the materials that is considered as criteria about durability and reliability of the details of agricultural equipment and machinery

    The Relation between eNOS −786 C/T, 4 a/b, MMP-13 rs640198 G/T, Eotaxin 426 C/T, −384 A/G, and 67 G/A Polymorphisms and Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

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    Aim. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between eotaxin 426 C/T, −384 A/G, 67 G/A, eNOS −786 T/C, 4 a/b, and MMP-13 rs640198 G/T and prognosis of patients with known CAD. Methods. From total of 1161 patients referred to coronary angiography, 532 patients with angiographically confirmed CAD were selected. Their long-term outcome was followed up using hospital database. Subsequent events were assessed in this study: death or combined endpoint-myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, revascularization, heart failure hospitalization, and cardioverter-defibrillator implantation. Results. The multivariate Cox regression model identified age, smoking, and 3-vessel disease as significant predictors of all-cause death. Further analysis showed that eotaxin 67 G/A (GA + AA versus GG) and eotaxin −384 A/G (GG versus GA + AA) were significant independent prognostic factors when added into the model: HR (95% CI) 2.81 (1.35–5.85), p=0.006; HR (95% CI) 2.63 (1.19–5.83), p=0.017; eotaxin −384 A/G was significantly associated with the event-free survival, but it did not provide the prognostic information above the effect of two- or three-vessel disease. Conclusion. The A allele in eotaxin 67 G/A polymorphism is associated with worse survival in CAD patients

    Seeder with Different Seeding Apparatus in Maize Sowing

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    Precision sowing trend is development of technology of sowing maize. The advantage of planting corn with precision seeder includes saving seeds, fewer working hours, achieves more uniform spacing in the row and depth of planting, and for these reasons it follows that the crop will be uniform in height and strength, which is a prerequisite for high yields. It was performed a field testing of three seed in sowing maize at three different speeds of sowing. Tests were carried out to determine and compare the quality of three planters with under pressure. Seeders worked in similar conditions but third seeder noted presence of crust on the soil surface. They were tested at a speed of 6, 8 and 10 km/h. At a speed of 6 km/h all three planters worked with a coefficient of variation less than 25% and with values ​​from 19.25 to 22.72%, which meets the criteria of quality planting. The percentage of pairwise from 1.66 to 2.64%. The percentage of empty spaces were from 4.24 to 4.93%. Proportion of seeds sown at a given space were from 92.5 to 94.09%, which is an indicator that sowing was successfully. No records are examined quality differences in sowing seed

    Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the Second Trimester of Gravidity

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    Background: Women with gestational diabetes (GDM) have an increased risk of metabolic syndrome (MS) after delivery. MS could precede gravidity. The aims of this study were (i) to detect the prevalence of MS in women at the time of GDM diagnosis, (ii) to detect the prevalence of MS in the subgroup of GDM patients with any form of impaired glucose tolerance after delivery (PGI), and (iii) to determine whether GDM women with MS have a higher risk of peripartal adverse outcomes. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study comprised n = 455 women with GDM. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria for MS definition were modified to the pregnancy situation. Results: MS was detected in 22.6% of GDM patients in those with PGI 40%. The presence of MS in GDM patients was associated with two peripartal outcomes: higher incidence of pathologic Apgar score and macrosomia (p = 0.01 resp. p = 0.0004, chi-square). Conclusions: The presence of MS in GDM patients is a statistically significant risk factor (p = 0.04 chi-square) for PGI. A strong clinical implication of our findings might be to include MS diagnostics within GDM screening using modified MS criteria in the second trimester of pregnancy

    The Emission Factors Determination at Different Breeding Technology of Laying Hens

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    The study deals with emission factor determination at different breeding technology of lying hens. Concentration of ammonia and greenhouse gases were investigated under the laboratory condition for hens breeding of enriched cages, in comparison with conventional breeding technology with exhaust air cross flow (1), technology for layered straw on to dropping belt (2) and technology with exhaust air under the cage’s grate (3)