5 research outputs found

    ROI analyses of phMRI data.

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    <p>phMRI time courses in the CPu (a) and NAcc (b). MPH or saline challenge was administered after 12 volumes (indicated by the arrow) followed by 38 volumes post-administration. The AMPH-MPH group differed significantly from the SAL-MPH and SAL groups. Difference between pre-injection (1–12) and post-injection (15–35) displayed for the CPU and Nacc (c) for each group (mean ±SEM)* p<0.05.</p

    Whole brain analyses of phMRI data.

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    <p>The three rows show 1 mm-thick coronal slices for different group comparisons: a) MPH challenge in saline-treated rats increased BOLD response compared to groups that received a saline challenge b) MPH challenge in AMPH-pre-treated rats increased the BOLD response extensively c) AMPH-pre-treated rats show increased BOLD response compared to the SALMPH group. Images are thresholded at Z = 1.6.</p