73 research outputs found

    Profilaktyka reaktywacji zakażeń HBV – rekomendacje grupy roboczej profilaktyki reaktywacji HBV

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    Reaktywacja zakażenia HBV jest istotnym problemem u chorych poddawanych terapiom, które poprzez działanie immunomodulujące wpływają na upośledzenie odporności przeciwwirusowej, takim jak: leczenie biologiczne (np. przeciwciała monoklonalne powodujące deplecję limfocytów CD20, przeciwciała anty-TNF), chemioterapia, leczenie immunosupresyjne (np. kortykosteroidy, cyklosporyna, azatiopryna). Ryzyko reaktywacji wiąże się również z nowymi terapiami stosowanymi w leczeniu nowotworów hematologicznych, takimi jaki inhibitory kinaz tyrozynowych, inhibitory proteasomu czy przeciwciało anty-CD38, daratumumab. Populacją szczególnie zagrożoną są chorzy poddawani transplantacji komórek krwiotwórczych, w szczególności chorzy po transplantacji allogenicznej, u których prowadzone jest leczenie immunosupresyjne. W pracy przedstawiono epidemiologię, czynniki ryzyka reaktywacji oraz aktualne zasady postępowania dotyczące profilaktyki reaktywacji zakażenia HBV

    Guidelines on proceeding with transition of pediatric patients with hematological malignancy to adult setting

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    BackgroundPatients cured from hematological malignancies should be subject to long-life routine medical supervision. Patients who did not complete their therapy during childhood require further therapy when reaching adulthood (18 years).ObjectiveDetermination of guidelines and suggestions on proceeding with pediatric patients with hematological malignancies undergoing transition to adult hematology centers, with respect to Polish conditions of national medical health-care system.MethodsPanel of experts in the field of pediatric and adult hematology analyzed current situation in Polish pediatric and adult hematology centers and reviewed the literature on transition process of minor patients from pediatric to adult setting.ResultsFactors determining problems of patient transition and models of care of patient in pediatric and adult hematology settings were analyzed. Existing models of transition in Poland as well as experience from international models were presented: model of direct transition, model of adolescence medicine, sequential model and consultation model. Suggestions of changes facilitating process of patient transition, and guidelines on proceeding with patients with respect to diagnosis of malignancy and phase of oncological therapy were presented, involving cooperation of pediatric and adult centers, specialists in pediatric hematology and adult hematology, as well as the payer and scientific societies.ConclusionsProcess of transition of patients requires coordination and cooperation, preferably at the level of medical institutions. This should ensure optimal medical care to patients cured from malignancy and facilitate long-term medical supervision and gathering data on treatment efficacy and side effects

    Stosowanie leków biopodobnych w hematoonkologii – stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów

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    Leki biopodobne odgrywają coraz większą rolę w terapii wielu chorób wraz z wygaśnięciem ochrony patentowej dla kolejnych leków biologicznych. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przybliżenie terminologii i zasad wprowadzania na rynek leków biopodobnych, zagadnień dotyczących ich etykietowania, ekstrapolacji, wymienialności i automatycznej substytucji. Opracowanie to przedstawia stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów dotyczące leków biopodobnych, oparte na wytycznych EMA (European Medicine Agency) i stanowisku ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology)

    Antifungal management in adults and children with hematological malignancies or undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation: recommendations of Polish Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Polish Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, and Polish Adult Leukemia Study Group, 2020

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    Invasive fungal disease (IFD) is one of the most serious complications of therapy in patients with immune suppression. It particularly concerns patients treated for malignant hematological diseases, immune deficiencies, or undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Development of IFD can abrogate the effect of previous therapy and contributes to dismal outcome of the underlying disease. The Working Group consisting of members of the Polish Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, the Polish Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, and the Polish Adult Leukemia Study Group has prepared recommendations for the diagnostic and therapeutic management of IFD in adults and children. This paper presents the current recommendations for patients in immune suppression treated in Polish pediatric and adult hematology and HCT centers, based on the guidelines of the European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (ECIL) 2015–2019. Levels of diagnosis of IFD (possible, probable, and proven) and antifungal management (prophylaxis, as well as empirical and targeted therapies) are declared according to updated international criteria of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer and the Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) 2019. Patients with primary diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, severe aplastic anemia, chronic granulomatous disease, and severe combined immunodeficiency, as well as patients after allogeneic HCT, are included in the high-risk groups for development of IFD. For these patients, antifungal prophylaxis based on azoles or micafungin is recommended. In empirical therapy, caspofungin or liposomal/lipid formulas of amphotericin B are recommended. The Working Group has discouraged the use of itraconazole in capsules and amphotericin deoxycholate. Detailed guidelines for first- and second-line targeted therapies for invasive candidiasis, aspergillosis, mucormycosis, fusariosis, and scedosporiosis, as well as the principles of the recommended dosing of antifungals, are presented in this paper

    Szczepienia ochronne u dorosłych chorych na nowotwory hematologiczne oraz u chorych z asplenią – zalecenia PTHiT i sekcji do spraw zakażeń PALG

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    Zakażenia należą do najczęstszych przyczyn chorobowości i śmiertelności chorych na nowotwory hematologiczne, a stosowanie szczepień ochronnych może w istotnym stopniu wpłynąć na zmniejszenie częstości ich występowania. W pracy przedstawiono przegląd danych dotyczących ryzyka zakażeń oraz skuteczności immunizacji czynnej u chorych na nowotwory hematologiczne i u pacjentów z anatomiczną lub czynnościową asplenią. Ponadto zawarto rekomendacje dla populacji polskich pacjentów opracowane przez Sekcję Zakażeń Polskiej Grupy ds. Leczenia Białaczek u Dorosłych (PALG) oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologów i Transfuzjologów. Uwzględniono zarówno zalecenia ogólne dotyczące chorych na nowotwory, jak i szczegółowe odnoszące się do określonych nowotworów hematologicznych. Przedstawiono również propozycje poprawy organizacji szczepień u chorych na nowotwory hematologiczne w Polsce

    Age-dependent determinants of infectious complications profile in children and adults after hematopoietic cell transplantation : lesson from the nationwide study

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    Incidence and outcome of microbiologically documented bacterial/viral infections and invasive fungal disease (IFD) in children and adults after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) were compared in 650 children and 3200 adults in multicenter cross-sectional nationwide study. Infections were diagnosed in 60.8% children and 35.0% adults, including respectively 69.1% and 63.5% allo-HCT, and 33.1% and 20.8% auto-HCT patients. The incidence of bacterial infections was higher in children (36.0% vs 27.6%; p  21 days were risk factors for death from infection. In conclusion, pediatric patients have 2.9-fold higher incidence and 2.5-fold better outcome of infections than adults after HCT

    Current status and achievements of Polish haemato-oncology

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    The number of newly diagnosed haematological malignancies in Polish adults and children is about 9,000 a year, which constitutes about 5.5% of all malignancies in the country. Adult patients with haematological malignancies are diagnosed and treated in 42 institutions in Poland. The scientific and educational support for this activity is provided under the umbrella of the Polish Society of Haematologists and Transfusiologists (PTHiT, Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologów i Transfuzjologów), the Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG), the Polish Lymphoma Research Group (PLRG), the Polish Myeloma Study Group (PMSG), the Polish Myeloma Consortium (PMC), and consultants in haematology. The aim of this position paper is to present the current status and progress in therapy of haematological malignancies in Polish haematology adult centres, focusing on the activity of PALG, PLRG, and PMSG. The achievements of Polish haemato-oncology at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century are set out in this paper. Polish haemato-oncology today has an important international position based on contributions to the development of knowledge, international cooperation, and a high quality of patient care. In many instances, clinical trials run by Polish collaborative groups have influenced international standards. Polish haematologists have been the authors of treatment recommendations, and their research has indicated areas for further research

    Zalecenia Polskiej Grupy Szpiczakowej dotyczące rozpoznawania i leczenia szpiczaka plazmocytowego oraz innych dyskrazji plazmocytowych na rok 2015

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    New drugs introduced in recent years to the therapy of multiple myeloma patients resulted in better responses and prolongation of overall survival. Therapeutic regimens based on bortezomib, thalidomide and lenalidomide are recommended to most patients in first line therapy. Induction therapy should be accompanied with prolonged treatment composed of consolidation and maintenance. Besides the concept of longer treatment, it is recommended to start therapy in some patients earlier, taking into consideration biomarkers of active disease as well as transplantation procedure offered to older, fit patients. In this article we also described therapeutic recommendation for Waldenström macroglobulinemia and other plasmocytic dyscrasias

    Consensus on methods of development of clinical practice guidelines in oncology under the auspices of Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology and the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System

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    Introduction.As the changes leading to improvement of cancer care in Poland have shown the need to introduce clinical practice guidelines into the health care system, it has become clear that no methodological standard of the process for guidelines preparation has been established so far. The following process aims to present a unified and comprehensive clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) development methodology. Materials and methods.A review of globally recognised methods used by guideline development groups was prepared, informing the discussion during three plenary meetings and extensive consultations in writing. The resulting document was unanimously approved by a group of 24 methodologists and clinical experts, and has been formally recognized as a standard for CPGs development by the management of the National Institute of Oncology and the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System. Results.Within the process, 43 recommendations were formulated to create unified and comprehensive rules for guideline development within the Polish healthcare system. Conclusions.The presented methods are consistent with the globally recognized tools and methods of guideline development, such as GRADE and ADAPTE, and follow quality criteria described by AGREE II. The process supports the development of high-quality guidelines within a resource-constrained setting by allowing to choose between adoption, adaptation, or de novo development of either the whole document of guidelines or particular recommendations

    Analysis of ibrutinib efficacy in a subgroup of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with 17p deletion: observational study of the Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG)

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    BackgroundThe 17p deletion is regarded as the strongest poor prognostic factor in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Results of recently performed clinical trials have suggested that ibrutinib significantly improves the outcome in this patient group.AimThe study aimed at analyzing the efficacy and adverse events profile of ibrutinib monotherapy in CLL patients with 17p deletion treated in routine clinical practice outside clinical trials.Materials and MethodsClinical response and adverse events profile of ibrutinib monotherapy were assessed in thirty-five CLL patients with 17p deletion treated within the ibrutinib named patients program in Poland.ResultsOverall response rate was 80% (28/35 patients) with median observation time of 24.2 months (range 0,1 – 30,9). Complete remission was observed in 5 patients (14.3%), partial remission in 11 (31.4%), partial remission with lymphocytosis in 13 (37.1%), whereas stable disease and progression was noted in 4 (11.4%) and 1 (2.9%) respectively. Response was not assessed in 1 patient. Median progression-free survival was 29.5 months, whereas median overall survival was not reached. Eleven patients died (7 because of infection, 1 of CLL progression, 1 of sudden cardiac death, 1 of disseminated breast cancer and 1 of unknown causes). In 13 patients (37.1%) at least one 3 or 4 grade adverse event occurred. In 11 patients (31.4%) the treatment was temporary withheld or the dose reduced due to adverse events.ConclusionIbrutinib is characterized by high clinical efficacy and acceptable toxicity in CLL patients with 17p deletion in daily clinical practice