25 research outputs found
Cumulative incidence of NFI for risk groups defined by the Bands prediction rule, using WHO leprosy classification and longstanding NFI at diagnosis as predictive variables.
<p>NFI = nerve function impairment, Bands = Bangladesh acute nerve damage study.</p
Agreement between NFI risk groups according to the Bands prediction rule and the adjusted prediction rule.
<p>Table shows number of patients per risk group and (number of patients with NFI event). Totals show number of patients, (number of patients with NFI event) and percentage of NFI events in that particular group.</p><p>NFI = nerve function impairment, Bands = Bangladesh acute nerve damage study.</p
Cumulative incidence of NFI for risk groups defined by the adjusted prediction rule, using WHO leprosy classification and presence of anti-PGL-I antibodies as predictive variables.
<p>NFI = nerve function impairment, PGL-I = phenolic glycolipid I.</p
Direct costs used for lymphatic filariasis with lower and upper limits [between brackets].
<p>Direct costs used for lymphatic filariasis with lower and upper limits [between brackets].</p
Global economic benefit (productivity loss prevented) for the period 2011–2030 (billions I$—international dollars)
<p>Global economic benefit from reaching the targets for 5 PCT diseases, lower and upper estimates from sensitivity analysis.</p
Productivity loss due to skin disease from onchocerciasis according to the counterfactual and target achievement scenarios (millions I$—international dollars)
<p>Total global loss per year in the counterfactual scenario (blue) and target achievement scenario (orange). The economic benefit is the difference between both scenarios.</p
Lower and upper limits used in the sensitivity analyses.
<p>Lower and upper limits used in the sensitivity analyses.</p
Global economic benefit or reaching the targets for STH (point estimates), per disease sequela for the period 2011–2030 (billions I$—international dollars)
<p>STH is the disease responsible for the largest economic impact, especially the anemia sequela. The 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles calculated in the sensitivity analysis are shown in the diagram.</p
Productivity loss due to Chagas chronic heart disease according to the counterfactual and target achievement scenarios (millions I$—International dollars).
<p>Total global loss per year in the counterfactual scenario (blue) and target achievement scenario (orange). The economic benefit is the difference between both scenarios.</p
Global economic benefit (out-of-pocket payments averted) for IDM NTDs, for the period 2011–2030 (billions I$—International dollars).
<p>Total economic benefit from out-of-pocket payments averted, base case estimates and 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles (billions I$—international dollars), discounting 3% from 2010.</p