59 research outputs found

    The Influence of Oral Bacteria on Epithelial Cell Migration In Vitro

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    Oral ulcerations often arise as a side effect from chemo- and radiation therapy. In a previous clinical study, Porphyromonas gingivalis was identified as a positive predictor for oral ulcerations after hematopoetic stem cell transplantation, possibly incriminating P. gingivalis in delayed healing of the ulcerations. Therefore, it was tested whether P. gingivalis and its secreted products could inhibit the migration of oral epithelial cells in an in vitro scratch assay. To compare, the oral bacteria Prevotella nigrescens, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, and Streptococcus mitis were included. A standardized scratch was made in a confluent layer of human oral epithelial cells. The epithelial cells were challenged with bacterial cells and with medium containing secretions of these bacteria. Closure of the scratch was measured after 17 h using a phase contrast microscope. P. gingivalis, P. nigrescens, and secretions of P. gingivalis strongly inhibited cell migration. A challenge with 1000 heat-killed bacteria versus 1 epithelial cell resulted in a relative closure of the scratch of 25% for P. gingivalis and 20% for P. nigrescens. Weaker inhibitory effects were found for the other bacteria. The results confirmed our hypothesis that the oral bacteria may be involved in delayed wound healing

    Lactoferricin Peptides Increase Macrophages' Capacity To Kill Mycobacterium avium

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    Mycobacterial infections cause a significant burden of disease and death worldwide. Their treatment is long, toxic, costly, and increasingly prone to failure due to bacterial resistance to currently available antibiotics. New therapeutic options are thus clearly needed. Antimicrobial peptides represent an important source of new antimicrobial molecules, both for their direct activity and for their immunomodulatory potential. We have previously reported that a short version of the bovine antimicrobial peptide lactoferricin with amino acids 17 to 30 (LFcin17-30), along with its variants obtained by specific amino acid substitutions, killed Mycobacterium avium in broth culture. In the present work, those peptides were tested against M. avium living inside its natural host cell, the macrophage. We found that the peptides increased the antimicrobial action of the conventional antibiotic ethambutol inside macrophages. Moreover, the d-enantiomer of the lactoferricin peptide (d-LFcin17-30) was more stable and induced significant killing of intracellular mycobacteria by itself. Interestingly, d-LFcin17-30 did not localize to M. avium-harboring phagosomes but induced the production of proinflammatory cytokines and increased the formation of lysosomes and autophagosome-like vesicles. These results lead us to conclude that d-LFcin17-30 primes macrophages for intracellular microbial digestion through phagosomal maturation and/or autophagy, culminating in mycobacterial killing. IMPORTANCE The genus Mycobacterium comprises several pathogenic species, including M. tuberculosis, M. leprae, M. avium, etc. Infections caused by these bacteria are particularly difficult to treat due to their intrinsic impermeability, low growth rate, and intracellular localization. Antimicrobial peptides are increasingly acknowledged as potential treatment tools, as they have a high spectrum of activity, low tendency to induce bacterial resistance, and immunomodulatory properties. In this study, we show that peptides derived from bovine lactoferricin (LFcin) improve the antimicrobial activity of ethambutol against Mycobacterium avium growing inside macrophages. Moreover, the d-enantiomer of a short version of lactoferricin containing amino acids 17 to 30 (d-LFcin17-30) causes intramacrophagic death of M. avium by increasing the formation of lysosomes and autophagosomes. This work opens the way to the use of lactoferricin-derived peptides to treat infections caused by mycobacteria and highlights important modulatory effects of d-FLcin17-30 on macrophages, which may be useful under other conditions in which macrophage activation is needed.This research received funding support from the Fundacao Para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, European Social Funds, Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2-O Novo Norte), under the Quadro de Referencia Estrategico Nacional (QREN), the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (Feder), and the Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) under COMPETE 2020 (grant SFRH/BD/77564/2011 to T.S.; grant SFRH/BPD/101405/2014 to A.C.M.; grant SFRH/BD/79874/2011 to T.M.; grant IF/00092/2014 to N.V.; grant PTDC/IMI-MIC/1683/2014 to M.S.G.; grant UID/MULTI/04378/2013 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728 to M.R., P.G., and N.V.; grant UID/QUI/0081/2013 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006980 to M.B.; grant NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000002-Host-Pathogen Interactions to P.N.R.; grant NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000111 to P.G.; grant NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000066 to M.R.; and grant NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000024-DESignBIOtechHealth to P.G.). This work also benefited from a grant from the University of Amsterdam for research into the focal point Oral Infections and Inflammation, given to J.G.M.B. and K.N

    Effects of lactoferrin derived peptides on simulants of biological warfare agents

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    Lactoferrin (LF) is an important immune protein in neutrophils and secretory fluids of mammals. Bovine LF (bLF) harbours two antimicrobial stretches, lactoferricin and lactoferampin, situated in close proximity in the N1 domain. To mimic these antimicrobial domain parts a chimeric peptide (LFchimera) has been constructed comprising parts of both stretches (LFcin17–30 and LFampin265–284). To investigate the potency of this construct to combat a set of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria which are regarded as simulants for biological warfare agents, the effect on bacterial killing, membrane permeability and membrane polarity were determined in comparison to the constituent peptides and the native bLF. Furthermore we aimed to increase the antimicrobial potency of the bLF derived peptides by cationic amino acid substitutions. Overall, the bactericidal activity of the peptides could be related to membrane disturbing effects, i.e. membrane permeabilization and depolarization. Those effects were most prominent for the LFchimera. Arginine residues were found to be crucial for displaying antimicrobial activity, as lysine to arginine substitutions resulted in an increased antimicrobial activity, affecting mostly LFampin265–284 whereas arginine to lysine substitutions resulted in a decreased bactericidal activity, predominantly in case of LFcin17–30

    Histatin-1, a histidine-rich peptide in human saliva, promotes cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesion

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    Histatins (Hsts) are histidine-rich peptides exclusively present in the saliva of higher primates. In this study, we explored the effects of Hsts on cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesion. Histatin (Hst)-1 caused a significant (>2-fold) increase (EC50 = 1 µM) in the ability of human adherent cells to attach and spread, even in conditions that impaired cell spreading. Other tested Hsts did not stimulate cell spreading, indicating a specific effect of Hst1. The effect of Hst1 on cell-cell adhesion was investigated by using transepithelial resistance (TER) measurements in the human cell line Caco-2, a widely used model for the epithelial layer. We found that 10 µM Hst1 caused a 20% increase in TER compared to the negative control, indicating a function for Hst1 in intercellular cell adhesion and epithelial integrity. A role for Hst1 in both cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesion is highly conceivable, because these 2 modes of adhesion are closely related via shared components and connected signaling pathway

    Salivary peptide histatin 1 mediated cell adhesion: A possible role in mesenchymal-epithelial transition and in pathologies

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    Histatins are histidine-rich peptides present in the saliva of humans and higher primates and have been implicated in the protection of the oral cavity. Histatin 1 is one of the most abundant histatins and recent reports show that it has a stimulating effect on cellular adherence, thereby suggesting a role in maintaining the quality of the epithelial barrier and stimulating mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Here we summarize these findings and discuss them in the context of previous reports. The recent findings also provide new insights in the physiological functions of histatin 1, which are discussed here. Furthermore, we put forward a possible role of histatin 1 in various pathologies and its potential function in clinical applications

    Effects of lactoferrin derived peptides on simulants of biological warfare agents

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    Lactoferrin (LF) is an important immune protein in neutrophils and secretory fluids of mammals. Bovine LF (bLF) harbours two antimicrobial stretches, lactoferricin and lactoferampin, situated in close proximity in the N1 domain. To mimic these antimicrobial domain parts a chimeric peptide (LFchimera) has been constructed comprising parts of both stretches (LFcin17–30 and LFampin265–284). To investigate the potency of this construct to combat a set of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria which are regarded as simulants for biological warfare agents, the effect on bacterial killing, membrane permeability and membrane polarity were determined in comparison to the constituent peptides and the native bLF. Furthermore we aimed to increase the antimicrobial potency of the bLF derived peptides by cationic amino acid substitutions. Overall, the bactericidal activity of the peptides could be related to membrane disturbing effects, i.e. membrane permeabilization and depolarization. Those effects were most prominent for the LFchimera. Arginine residues were found to be crucial for displaying antimicrobial activity, as lysine to arginine substitutions resulted in an increased antimicrobial activity, affecting mostly LFampin265–284 whereas arginine to lysine substitutions resulted in a decreased bactericidal activity, predominantly in case of LFcin17–30

    D-LL-31 enhances biofilm-eradicating effect of currently used antibiotics for chronic rhinosinusitis and its immunomodulatory activity on human lung epithelial cells.

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a chronic disease that involves long-term inflammation of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Bacterial biofilms present on the sinus mucosa of certain patients reportedly exhibit resistance against traditional antibiotics, as evidenced by relapse, resulting in severe disease. The aim of this study was to determine the killing activity of human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides (LL-37, LL-31) and their D-enantiomers (D-LL-37, D-LL-31), alone and in combination with conventional antibiotics (amoxicillin; AMX and tobramycin; TOB), against bacteria grown as biofilm, and to investigate the biological activities of the peptides on human lung epithelial cells. D-LL-31 was the most effective peptide against bacteria under biofilm-stimulating conditions based on IC50 values. The synergistic effect of D-LL-31 with AMX and TOB decreased the IC50 values of antibiotics by 16-fold and could eliminate the biofilm matrix in all tested bacterial strains. D-LL-31 did not cause cytotoxic effects in A549 cells at 25 μM after 24 h of incubation. Moreover, a cytokine array indicated that there was no significant induction of the cytokines involving in immunopathogenesis of CRS in the presence of D-LL-31. However, a tissue-remodeling-associated protein was observed that may prevent the progression of nasal polyposis in CRS patients. Therefore, a combination of D-LL-31 with AMX or TOB may improve the efficacy of currently used antibiotics to kill biofilm-embedded bacteria and eliminate the biofilm matrix. This combination might be clinically applicable for treatment of patients with biofilm-associated CRS

    High number of chromosomal copy number aberrations inversely relates to t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation status in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands

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    Although rare, mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is one of the most common malignant salivary gland tumors. The presence of the t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation in a subset of MECs has raised interest in genomic aberrations in MEC. In the present study we conducted genome-wide copy-number-aberration analysis by micro-array comparative-genomic-hybridization on 27 MEC samples. Low/intermediate-grade MECs had significantly fewer copy-number-aberrations compared to high-grade MECs (low vs high: 3.48 vs 30; p = 0.0025; intermediate vs high: 5.7 vs 34.5; p = 0.036). The translocation-negative MECs contained more copy-number-aberrations than translocation-positive MECs (average amount of aberrations 15.9 vs 2.41; p =0.04). Within all 27 MEC samples, 16p11.2 and several regions on 8q were the most frequently gained regions , while 1q23.3 was the most frequently detected loss. Low/intermediate-grade MEC samples had copy-number-aberrations in chromosomes 1, 12 and 16, while high-grade MECs had a copy-number-aberration in 8p. The most commonly observed copy-number-aberration was the deletion of 3p14.1, which was observed in 4 of the translocation-negative MEC samples. No recurrent copy-number-aberrations were found in translocation-positive MEC samples. Based on these results, we conclude that MECs may be classified as follows: (i) t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation-positive tumors with no or few chromosomal aberrations and (ii) translocation-negative tumors with multiple chromosomal aberrations