4 research outputs found

    Polyelectrolyte Adsorption: Electrostatic Mechanisms and Nonmonotonic Responses to Salt Addition

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    The main question addressed in this work is as follows: Under pure electrosorption conditions, that is, disregarding nonelectrostatic effects, how does the net adsorption of a polyelectrolyte at an oppositely charged surface respond to the addition of simple salt? Previous simulations and mean-field calculations have suggested that the polymers will desorb. However, we will demonstrate that an increased adsorption also is possible, even for pure electrosorption, at low and intermediate levels of salt. As this is a correlation-driven effect, mean field approaches will fail to capture it. Using simulations, one will in general need to simulate large systems and relatively long polymers. Also important is the presence of a proper bulk solution, with a finite and well-defined polyelectrolyte concentration. We have performed a theoretical study of polyelectrolyte adsorption, assuming screened Coulomb interactions between monomers; that is, the salt is implicit. This work focuses on the effects from ionic screening and polymer length. Specifically, the adsorption at a weakly charged colloidal particle, with a diameter of 200 nm, is monitored for various salt concentrations, in the presence of highly charged chains. Using simulations, we investigate polymers with two different degrees of polymerization: 40 and 160, respectively. These simulations are complemented by predictions from classical polymer density functional theory, utilizing a recently developed correlation-correction (Forsman, J.; Nordholm, S. <i>Langmuir</i>, in press). The agreement with corresponding simulations is semiquantitative, and because the calculations run many orders of magnitude faster than the simulations, longer and more realistic polymers could be studied with this approach. However, switching off the correlation-correction leads to a mean-field theory, which fails to even qualitatively reproduce the simulated response to screening

    A Many-Body Hamiltonian for Nanoparticles Immersed in a Polymer Solution

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    We developed an analytical theory for the many-body potential of mean force (POMF) between <i>N</i> spheres immersed in a continuum chain fluid. The theory is almost exact for a Θ polymer solution in the protein limit (small particles, long polymers), where <i>N</i>-body effects are important. Polydispersity in polymer length according to a Schulz–Flory distribution emerges naturally from our analysis, as does the transition to the monodisperse limit. The analytical expression for the POMF allows for computer simulations employing the <i>complete N</i>-body potential (i.e., without <i>n</i>-body truncation; <i>n</i> < <i>N</i>). These are compared with simulations of an explicit particle/polymer mixture. We show that the theory produces fluid structure in excellent agreement with the explicit model simulations even when the system is strongly fluctuating, e.g., at or near the spinodal region. We also demonstrate that other commonly used theoretical approaches, such as truncation of the POMF at the pair level or the Asakura Oosawa model, are extremely inaccurate for these systems

    Differential Capacitance of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: The Role of Dispersion Forces

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    We investigate theoretical models of room temperature ionic liquids, and find that the experimentally observed camel-shape of the differential capacitance is strongly related to dispersion interactions in these systems. At low surface charge densities, the loss of dispersion interactions in the vicinity of the electrodes generates depleted densities, with a concomitant drop of the differential capacitance. This behavior is not observed in models where dispersion interactions have been removed

    Anisotropic Interactions in Protein Mixtures: Self Assembly and Phase Behavior in Aqueous Solution

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    Recent experimental studies show that oppositely charged proteins can self-assemble to form seemingly stable microspheres in aqueous salt solutions. We here use parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations to study protein phase separation of lysozyme/α-lactalbumin mixtures and show that anisotropic electrostatic interactions are important for driving protein self-assembly. In both dilute and concentrated protein phases, the proteins strongly align according to their charge distribution. While this alignment can be greatly diminished by a <i>single</i> point mutation, phase separation is completely suppressed when neglecting electrostatic anisotropy. The results highlight the importance of subtle electrostatic interactions even in crowded biomolecular environments where other short-ranged forces are often thought to dominate