59 research outputs found

    Bayesian phylogenetic trees for complete S, M and L segment sequences.

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    <p>Names of strains sequenced here are indicated in bold. Roman numerals at tree nodes indicate genotypes. The scale bar shows time in years. Nodes with posterior probabilities > 0.95 are marked with black dots. Height and height 95% HPD are indicated for selected nodes.</p

    CCHFV strains used in this work and their assignment to virus lineages [3].

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    <p>CCHFV strains used in this work and their assignment to virus lineages [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0166744#pone.0166744.ref003" target="_blank">3</a>].</p

    Bootscan analysis of exemplary CCHFV genomes.

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    <p>The Y axis shows the percentage of phylogenetic trees with a reliably supported grouping of a query sequence with sequences indicated in the legend in a sliding window that corresponds to the x axis. A. S segment, window 400 bp, step 20 bp. B. S segment, window 500 bp, step 20 bp. C. L segment, window 400 bp, step 50 bp.</p

    Non-reassortant CCHFV genomes.

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    <p>A Bayesian phylogenetic tree was built for the L segments of 53 CCHFV genomes with available complete coding sequences of all three segments. Poorly supported (posterior probability < 0.95) nodes are indicated in gray. For nodes that were reliably supported in L segment, the conservation of the node in S and M segments is indicated by the left and the right circle, respectively. Tree nodes that were conserved are marked with a blue “+”. Nodes with a reliably supported conflicting phylogeny observed in the S or M segments are marked with a red “-“. Nodes that were not reliably supported in the S or M segments, but were not obviously reassortant, are indicated with a yellow “*”. Nodes that were ancestral to a reassortant node were not analyzed.</p

    Schematic maps of CCHFV segment spread projected by Bayesian phylogeographic analysis.

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    <p>Panels indicate spread patterns inferred for S, M and L segments. Time of transfers (defined by age of a recipient node) is indicated by line color and style. The draft map was obtained at Wikimedia commons.</p

    Geographical location of study areas in Ghana.

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    <p>The study communities are represented by three red dots. The geographic coordinates on the horizontal and vertical regions of the bar show the latitude and longitude coordinates. The red lines show the roads the link the respectively communities.</p

    Results of real-time PCR on organs from <i>Coleura afra</i> individuals.

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    <p>Numbers indicate the cycle threshold (C<i>t</i>). ND, not done because of missing samples.</p><p>Undet, C<i>t</i> undetermined.</p><p>Results of real-time PCR on organs from <i>Coleura afra</i> individuals.</p