124 research outputs found

    Internationalisation of the State in the Czech Republic: Igniting the Competition for Foreign Investment in the Visegrád Four Region

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    This article focuses on a key episode in the Czech political-economic history of the 1990s, the abandonment of ‘Czech capitalism’, and the switch towards the competition state and an economic model based on foreign investment. The account of the U-turn in the policy approach to foreign investors identifies domestic actors that have had a crucial role in organising political support for the competition state. These actors, which the author calls the ‘comprador’ service sector, have an important role in mediating the structural power of transnational investors and translating it into other forms of power within the state. These actors also had a major role in shaping the U-turn in policy in the Czech Republic


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    This book investigates restructuring in the electronics industry and in particular the impact of a \u2018Chinese\u2019 labour regime on work and employ - ment practices in electronics assembly in Europe.1 Electronics is an extremely dynamic sector, characterized by an ever-changing organi - zational structure, as well as cut-throat competition, particularly in manufacturing. Located primarily in East Asia, electronics assembly has become notorious for poor working conditions, low unionisation and authoritarian labour relations. However, hostile labour relations and topdown HR policies are not unique to East Asia. They have become associated with the way the sector is governed more broadly, with a number of Western companies also coming to rely on such practices

    Properties of Electro Discharge Machining with a Spinning Disc Tool System

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    We have developed a spinning disc tool systemto test machining properties of such a tool to enhance theElectro Discharge Machining (EDM) process of hard anddifficult to machine materials. We performed experimentalmachining tests with this disc tool system. We havemeasured and explained effects, which affect the stability ofthis electro discharge machining process with use of thespinning disc tool technique. We found out this system mayspeed up material removal rate of the EDM process, but itsuse for micromachining is limited by the tool wear

    Flexible workforces and low profit margins: electronics assembly between Europe and China

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    This book investigates restructuring in the electronics industry and in particular the impact of a \u2018Chinese\u2019 labour regime on work and employ - ment practices in electronics assembly in Europe.1 Electronics is an extremely dynamic sector, characterized by an ever-changing organi - zational structure, as well as cut-throat competition, particularly in manufacturing. Located primarily in East Asia, electronics assembly has become notorious for poor working conditions, low unionisation and authoritarian labour relations. However, hostile labour relations and topdown HR policies are not unique to East Asia. They have become associated with the way the sector is governed more broadly, with a number of Western companies also coming to rely on such practices

    Varieties of capitalism, varieties of vulnerabilities: financial crisis and its impact on welfare states in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

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    "Der Beitrag untersucht die Implikationen der Finanzkrise von 2008 auf die Wohlfahrtsstaaten und die Spielarten des Kapitalismus in der post-kommunistischen Welt, einschließlich Osteuropa und der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten. Es werden drei politökonomische Dimensionen von Variation analysiert: die des Kapitalismus, der Leistungen des Sozialstaats und der Vulnerabilität gegenüber der Krise. Diese drei Dimensionen sind miteinander verknüpft; zusätzliche Varianzen kommen durch politische und policy-Faktoren ins Spiel. Die Wachstumsmodelle der einzelnen Volkswirtschaften schufen unterschiedliche Zwänge für die Anpassungspolitik der Staaten in Reaktion auf die Krise. So war die currency substitution mit einer starken politischen Präferenz für die Verteidigung der Umtauschkurse verbunden, die als Anpassungsmaßnahme vor allem eine Reduktion öffentlicher Ausgaben und der Löhne einschloss. Unterschiede in den Wohlfahrtsstaatssystemen lassen sich zudem auf die unterschiedliche politische Unterstützung für Sozialleistungen zurückführen, die wiederum eng mit der Präsenz der entsprechenden Interessen im politischen System zusammenhängen. Das Wechselspiel zwischen diesen Zwängen und politischen Faktoren sowie mit der Intervention internationaler Institutionen prägen die Art und Weise, wie die Wohlfahrtsstaaten an die Krise angepasst werden. Frühere Entwicklungen führen zudem zu einigen unerwarteten Ergebnissen." (Autorenreferat)"This paper investigates the implications of the 2008 financial crisis on welfare states and the capitalist diversity in the post-communist world, including Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It analyzes three political-economic varieties in the region: those of capitalism, welfare, and vulnerabilities to the crisis. The three varieties are linked, but there is also a considerable variation given the importance of political and policy factors. Economic growth models created different political and economic constraints on policies of adjustment to the crisis. In particular, currency substitution was associated with strong political preferences for defending exchange rates, with adjustment through reductions in public spending and wages. A variety of welfare models was associated with different political constituencies for welfare provision. The interplay of these constraints and political factors together with intervention of international institutions shapes the nature of welfare state adjustments. Early developments also indicate some unexpected outcomes." (author's abstract


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    We present our custom made diffraction fitting program FitExc for the basic treatment of the 1D diffraction profiles, in particular, the Intensity(2θ) of X-ray, synchrotron or neutron diffraction measurements. In the current state, the program allows for simultaneous fitting of up to three profiles in one data set and is intended to be used mainly for precise lattice parameters determination or fitting of overlapped peaks. The entire program is built in the common MS Excel environment, it does not require any installation and is free to use


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    Ion implantation is one of the modern methods of the surface modification of various materials. Industrially used Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy and commercially pure Ti grade 2 were characterized using the X–ray diffraction methods. Texture of the material and dependence of the microstructural properties on the method of the surface modification were examined in order to determine suitable conditions for application of the process in the industry. The structure of Ti–6Al–4V alloy before and after the nitrogen ion implantation process is discussed and observed surface hardening is explained