349 research outputs found

    Consolation : Trost Im Leid

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    Generic Overgeneralization in Pre-trained Language Models

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    Generic statements such as “ducks lay eggs” make claims about kinds, e.g., ducks as a category. The generic overgeneralization effect refers to the inclination to accept false universal generalizations such as “all ducks lay eggs” or “all lions have manes” as true. In this paper, we investigate the generic overgeneralization effect in pre-trained language models experimentally. We show that pre-trained language models suffer from overgeneralization and tend to treat quantified generic statements such as “all ducks lay eggs” as if they were true generics. Furthermore, we demonstrate how knowledge embedding methods can lessen this effect by injecting factual knowledge about kinds into pre-trained language models. To this end, we source factual knowledge about two types of generics, minority characteristic generics and majority characteristic generics, and inject this knowledge using a knowledge embedding model. Our results show that knowledge injection reduces, but does not eliminate, generic overgeneralization, and that majority characteristic generics of kinds are more susceptible to overgeneralization bias

    Subword Segmental Machine Translation: Unifying Segmentation and Target Sentence Generation

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    Subword segmenters like BPE operate as a preprocessing step in neural machine translation and other (conditional) language models. They are applied to datasets before training, so translation or text generation quality relies on the quality of segmentations. We propose a departure from this paradigm, called subword segmental machine translation (SSMT). SSMT unifies subword segmentation and MT in a single trainable model. It learns to segment target sentence words while jointly learning to generate target sentences. To use SSMT during inference we propose dynamic decoding, a text generation algorithm that adapts segmentations as it generates translations. Experiments across 6 translation directions show that SSMT improves chrF scores for morphologically rich agglutinative languages. Gains are strongest in the very low-resource scenario. SSMT also learns subwords that are closer to morphemes compared to baselines and proves more robust on a test set constructed for evaluating morphological compositional generalisation

    Self-Supervised Text Style Transfer with Rationale Prediction and Pretrained Transformers

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    Sentiment transfer involves changing the sentiment of a sentence, such as from a positive to negative sentiment, while maintaining the informational content. Given the dearth of parallel corpora in this domain, sentiment transfer and other text rewriting tasks have been posed as unsupervised learning problems. In this paper we propose a self-supervised approach to sentiment or text style transfer. First, sentiment words are identified through an interpretable text classifier based on the method of rationales. Second, a pretrained BART model is fine-tuned as a denoising autoencoder to autoregressively reconstruct sentences in which sentiment words are masked. Third, the model is used to generate a parallel corpus, filtered using a sentiment classifier, which is used to fine-tune the model further in a self-supervised manner. Human and automatic evaluations show that on the Yelp sentiment transfer dataset the performance of our self-supervised approach is close to the state-of-the-art while the BART model performs substantially better than a sequence-to-sequence baseline. On a second dataset of Amazon reviews our approach scores high on fluency but struggles more to modify sentiment while maintaining sentence content. Rationale-based sentiment word identification obtains similar performance to the saliency-based sentiment word identification baseline on Yelp but underperforms it on Amazon. Our main contribution is to demonstrate the advantages of self-supervised learning for unsupervised text rewriting

    From GNNs to Sparse Transformers: Graph-based architectures for Multi-hop Question Answering

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    Sparse Transformers have surpassed Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) as the state-of-the-art architecture for multi-hop question answering (MHQA). Noting that the Transformer is a particular message passing GNN, in this paper we perform an architectural analysis and evaluation to investigate why the Transformer outperforms other GNNs on MHQA. We simplify existing GNN-based MHQA models and leverage this system to compare GNN architectures in a lower compute setting than token-level models. Our results support the superiority of the Transformer architecture as a GNN in MHQA. We also investigate the role of graph sparsity, graph structure, and edge features in our GNNs. We find that task-specific graph structuring rules outperform the random connections used in Sparse Transformers. We also show that utilising edge type information alleviates performance losses introduced by sparsity

    Data Augmentation for Low Resource Neural Machine Translation for Sotho-Tswana Languages

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    Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models have achieved remarkable performance on translating between high resource languages. However, translation quality for languages with limited data is much worse. This research focuses on the low resource language of Sepedi and considers two data augmentation techniques to increase the size and diversity of English-Sepedi corpora for training an NMT model. First we consider backtranslation, which makes use of the larger amount of available monolingual Sepedi text. We train a reverse (Sepedi to English) model and generate synthetic English sentences from the monolingual Sepedi sentences. These synthetic translations examples are added to the parallel English-Sepedi sentences. We carry out various experiments to investigate translation quality improvements. The second technique we consider is to generate synthetic data from parallel sentences between English and a closely-related language, Setswana. Setwana word are replacing with Sepedi words through an induced bilingual dictionary, which is created by using a supervised Generative Adversarial Network to align the embeddings of Sepedi and Setswana words. We evaluate our models on the JW300, FLoRes and Autshumato evaluation test sets, finding improvements over the current benchmark BLEU scores across all three datasets
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