4 research outputs found

    Managing one's own development : theoretical context of the phenomenon

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    The aim of this article is to compare different conceptions of psychological development in which the development is managed by an individual itself. It is a collection of views on the development of the life of a human being from the point of view of different psychological trends. Terms such as self-realization, self-actualization and self-creation are considered. On the basis of the conception of self-creation by Zbigniew Pietrasiński, a model of selected but crucial personal conditions for self-creation process is discussed. It includes such dimensions as: autonomy as self-determination, self-consciousness, transgression, long-term goals and lifetime creativity

    Kierowanie własnym rozwojem. Kontekst teoretyczny zjawiska

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    The aim of this article is to compare different conceptions of psychological development in which the development is managed by an individual itself. It is a collection of views on the development of the life of a human being from the point of view of different psychological trends. Terms such as self-realization, self-actualization and self-creation are considered. On the basis of the conception of self-creation by Zbigniew Pietrasiński, a model of selected but crucial personal conditions for self-creation process is discussed. It includes such dimensions as: autonomy as self-determination, self-consciousness, transgression, long-term goals and lifetime creativity

    Self-narrative as a method for researching self-creation

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    The article is a continuation of theoretical deliberations on self-creation presented in the earlier work (Jančina, Kubicka, 2014). It contains a detailed characteristics of this pheno­menon, assuming that the object of self-creation activities is the Self, in the sense of its cognitive representation named the Self, and more precisely - the identity of a person. I suggest introducing the concept of a complex self-creation competence, which consists of such detailed competencies as autobiographical knowledge (thinking), autonomy, creativity, transgression, defining and committing oneself to fulfilling long-term goals, and self-reflection. In addition, I search for an adequate method for researching these detailed competencies. The article also contains argumentation in favour of the analysis of the content of self-narratives as the most accurate me­thod of self-creation research as defined here. Therefore, McAdams’s life story model is presented, and a strong argument in favour of such a choice of the research method is given in the form of the deliberations of Zbigniew Pietrasiński, the author of the self-creation concept itself, who conducted research by analysing the biographies of well-known historical figures