163 research outputs found

    Identification of a component of Drosophila polar granules

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    Information necessary for the formation of pole cells, precursors of the germ line, is provided maternally and localized to the posterior pole of the Drosophila egg. The maternal origin and posterior localization of polar granules suggest that they may be associated with pole cell determinants. We have generated an antibody (Mab46F11) against polar granules. In oocytes and early embryos, the Mab46F11 antigen is sharply localized to the posterior embryonic pole. In pole cells, it becomes associated with nuclear bodies within, and nuage around, the nucleus. Immunoreactivity remains associated with cells of the germ line throughout the life cycle of both males and females. This antibody recognizes a 72-74 X 10^(3) Mr protein and is useful both as a pole lineage marker and in biochemical studies of polar granules

    Identification of E2/E3 Ubiquitinating Enzymes and Caspase Activity Regulating Drosophila Sensory Neuron Dendrite Pruning

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    SummaryUbiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is a multistep protein degradation machinery implicated in many diseases. In the nervous system, UPS regulates remodeling and degradation of neuronal processes and is linked to Wallerian axonal degeneration, though the ubiquitin ligases that confer substrate specificity remain unknown. Having shown previously that class IV dendritic arborization (C4da) sensory neurons in Drosophila undergo UPS-mediated dendritic pruning during metamorphosis, we conducted an E2/E3 ubiquitinating enzyme mutant screen, revealing that mutation in ubcD1, an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, resulted in retention of C4da neuron dendrites during metamorphosis. Further, we found that UPS activation likely leads to UbcD1-mediated degradation of DIAP1, a caspase-antagonizing E3 ligase. This allows for local activation of the Dronc caspase, thereby preserving C4da neurons while severing their dendrites. Thus, in addition to uncovering E2/E3 ubiquitinating enzymes for dendrite pruning, this study provides a mechanistic link between UPS and the apoptotic machinery in regulating neuronal process remodeling

    G Protein-Coupled Inwardly Rectifying K+ Channels (GIRKs) Mediate Postsynaptic but Not Presynaptic Transmitter Actions in Hippocampal Neurons

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    AbstractTo study the role of G protein-coupled, inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels in mediating neurotransmitter actions in hippocampal neurons, we have examined slices from transgenic mice lacking the GIRK2 gene. The outward currents evoked by agonists for GABAB receptors, 5HT1A receptors, and adenosine A1 receptors were essentially absent in mutant mice, while the inward current evoked by muscarinic receptor activation was unaltered. In contrast, the presynaptic inhibitory action of a number of presynaptic receptors on excitatory and inhibitory terminals was unaltered in mutant mice. These included GABAB, adenosine, muscarinic, metabotropic glutamate, and NPY receptors on excitatory synapses and GABAB and opioid receptors on inhibitory synapses. These findings suggest that a number of G protein-coupled receptors activate the same class of postsynaptic K+ channel, which contains GIRK2. In addition, the GIRK2 channels play no role in the inhibition mediated by presynaptic G protein-coupled receptors, suggesting that the same receptor can couple to different effector systems according to its subcellular location in the neuron

    Tmem16F forms a Ca2+-Activated Cation Channel Required for Lipid Scrambling in Platelets during Blood Coagulation

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    Collapse of membrane lipid asymmetry is a hallmark of blood coagulation. TMEM16F of the TMEM16 family that includes TMEM16A/B Ca(2+)-activated Cl(−) channels (CaCCs) is linked to Scott syndrome with deficient Ca(2+)-dependent lipid scrambling. We generated TMEM16F knockout mice that exhibit bleeding defects and protection in an arterial thrombosis model associated with platelet deficiency in Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatidylserine exposure and procoagulant activity and lack a Ca(2+)-activated cation current in the platelet precursor megakaryocytes. Heterologous expression of TMEM16F generates a small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated nonselective cation (SCAN) current with subpicosiemens single-channel conductance rather than a CaCC. TMEM16F-SCAN channels permeate both monovalent and divalent cations, including Ca(2+), and exhibit synergistic gating by Ca(2+) and voltage. We further pinpointed a residue in the putative pore region important for the cation versus anion selectivity of TMEM16F-SCAN and TMEM16A-CaCC channels. This study thus identifies a Ca(2+)-activated channel permeable to Ca(2+) and critical for Ca(2+)-dependent scramblase activity during blood coagulation

    The Sixth Transmembrane Segment Is a Major Gating Component of the TMEM16A Calcium-Activated Chloride Channel.

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    Calcium-activated chloride channels (CaCCs) formed by TMEM16A or TMEM16B are broadly expressed in the nervous system, smooth muscles, exocrine glands, and other tissues. With two calcium-binding sites and a pore within each monomer, the dimeric CaCC exhibits voltage-dependent calcium sensitivity. Channel activity also depends on the identity of permeant anions. To understand how CaCC regulates neuronal signaling and how CaCC is, in turn, modulated by neuronal activity, we examined the molecular basis of CaCC gating. Here, we report that voltage modulation of TMEM16A-CaCC involves voltage-dependent occupancy of calcium- and anion-binding site(s) within the membrane electric field as well as a voltage-dependent conformational change intrinsic to the channel protein. These gating modalities all critically depend on the sixth transmembrane segment

    Turning G Proteins On and Off Using Peptide Ligands

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    Intracellular Gα subunits represent potential therapeutic targets for a number of diseases. Here we describe three classes of new molecules that modulate G protein signaling by direct targeting of Gα. Using messenger RNA display, we have identified unique peptide sequences that bind Gα_(i1). Functionally, individual peptides were found that either enhance or repress basal levels of G protein-activated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channel signaling, a downstream effector of G protein activation, indicating that the peptides directly turn G proteins on or off in vivo. A third functional class acts as a signaling attenuator; basal GIRK channel activity is unaffected but responses to repeated G protein activation are reduced. These data demonstrate that G protein-directed ligands can achieve physiological effects similar to those resulting from classical receptor targeting and may serve as leads for developing new classes of therapeutics
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