89 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Safety Campaign VMS Messages - A Driving Simulator Investigation

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    This report outlines an off-road trial of the effectiveness of Safety Campaign Messages (such as “Watch Your Speed”) sometimes displayed on Variable Message Signs (VMS) throughout the U.K.’s motorway network. Eighty drivers took part in the driving simulator study. It primarily investigated the effectiveness of the individual messages and how their presence affected driver behaviour towards more critical Tactical Incident Messages (TIM), such as those that might warn of an impending hazard. Both the content and concentration of the Safety Campaign Messages were varied. The Safety Campaign Messages in themselves were not especially beneficial, in that drivers did not significantly modify their driving style purely on the advice of the messages. However, witnessing the odd VMS carrying such a message appeared to improve driver alertness to the context of the VMS and consequently response to a TIM became more timely under these conditions. Yet, if the frequency of Safety Campaign Messages was overly high, drivers became jaded with the VMS content and their ability to act appropriately to a TIM degraded

    Bilingual Variable Message Signs: A Study of Information Presentation and Driver Distraction

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    Research on static bilingual signs has confirmed increasedreading times compared to their monolingual counterparts; however there islittle empirical research on bilingual Variable Message Signs (VMS). Thestudy reported here evaluates the effect of various bilingual VMSconfigurations on driver behaviour and safety. The aim of the study was todetermine whether or not the visual distraction associated with bilingualVMS signs of different configurations (length, complexity) impacted ondriving performance. The results suggest that four-line bilingual VMS signscomprising 2 lines of text in each language are read by both monolingualand bilingual drivers in a manner that more closely approximates a two-linemonolingual sign. This being the case it is likely that the deployment offour-line bilingual signs on Welsh motorways is unlikely to result in asignificant reduction in safety

    Can Low Cost Road Engineering Measures Combat Driver Fatigue? A Driving Simulator Investigation

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    Driver fatigue is a major cause of road accidents, accounting for over 20% of serious accidents on motorways and monotonous roads in the U.K. This study investigated the potential for low-cost, road-based, engineering measures to act as alerting features in an otherwise monotonous driving environment and hence combat fatigue. Thirty-three drivers took part in the driving simulator study. There was some evidence of an alerting effect provided to drivers by all three of the treatments tested: chevron road-surface markings, transversecarriageway rumble strips and variable message signs. However, the alerting effect did appear to be relatively weak and potentially quite short-lived. Nevertheless, there may well be potential for any of the novel alerts to be deployed in the field in a known fatigue-related accident area

    Shut up I\u27m Driving! Is Talking to an Inconsiderate Passenger the Same as Talking on a Mobile Telephone?

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    The objective of this study was to compare driving performance whilst talking on a hands-free mobile (cellular) telephone with performance during conversations with “considerate” and “inconsiderate” passengers. Using the Leeds Advanced Driving Simulator, participants were asked to drive through a road containing four driving scenarios: (1) car following along a straight road section, (2) car following along a curved section of road, (3) a braking event, and (4) a coherence event. A working memory digit recall and sentence verification task were used to simulate conversation in three conversation conditions: (1) “considerate passenger,” where the experimenter asked drivers to responsd to the working memory task before and after a driving event, (2) “inconsiderate passenger,” where the experimenter asked drivers to responsd to the working memory task throughout a driving event, and “3) “mobile phone task,” which involved digital presentation of the working memory task via a mobile telephone throughout the driving events. A silent condition was also used as control. The effect of the three conversation conditions on driving performance was the same during the simple car following scenarios. However, talking to an “inconsiderate” passenger was found to be as disrupting as a mobile phone conversation, and different from conversing with a considerate passenger, during the braking and coherence conditions. Therefore, the high workload imposed by conversation was only detrimental during the more difficult driving conditions, when demand for central attentional resources from both tasks was at its highest

    Multisensory Signal Detection: How Does Driving and IVIS Management Affect Performance?

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    Signal detection was used as a ‘tertiary’ task to assess drivers’ ‘spare processing capacity’ during the performance of two in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). The main aims of the study were: a) to establish if performance on signal detection can be used to assess IVIS safety during driving and b) to determine whether signal modality is important for this assessment. Participants performed each IVIS (Phone or Count) during a driving simulation experiment. In addition to performing the driving and IVIS, participants were required to complete three detection tasks (DT): (i) a visual DT (ii) an auditory DT, and (iii) a tactile DT. Average reaction time to the DTs was found to increase by around 200ms when performed with the IVIS tasks. It can be argued that any significant increase in reaction time to the DTs is a good indicator of drivers’ reduced hazard perception/situation awareness, which might occur as a result of using in-car systems. No significant difference in performance was found between the various DTs, suggesting that performance relies on central attentional resources, and is not modality-specific. This affords some flexibility for assessing the safety of IVIS in different driving environments. For instance, an auditory DT might be used in field studies on a sunny day when bright light hinders detection of LEDs used in a visual version of the task. Similarly, the tactile version of the task might be useful for testing IVIS in a noisy driving environment

    Transition to manual: Driver behaviour when resuming control from a highly automated vehicle

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    A driving simulator study was designed to investigate drivers’ ability to resume control from a highly automated vehicle in two conditions: (i) when automation was switched off and manual control was required at a system-based, regular interval and (ii) when transition to manual was based on the length of time drivers were looking away from the road ahead. In addition to studying the time it took drivers to successfully resume control from the automated system, eye tracking data were used to observe visual attention to the surrounding environment and the pattern of drivers’ eye fixations as manual control was resumed in the two conditions. Results showed that drivers’ pattern of eye movement fixations remained variable for some time after automation was switched off, if disengagement was actually based on drivers’ distractions away from the road ahead. When disengagement was more predictable and system-based, drivers’ attention towards the road centre was higher and more stable. Following a lag of around 10 s, drivers’ lateral control of driving and steering corrections (as measured by SDLP and high frequency component of steering, respectively) were more stable when transition to manual control was predictable and based on a fixed time. Whether automation transition to manual was based on a fixed or variable interval, it took drivers around 35–40 s to stabilise their lateral control of the vehicle. The results of this study indicate that if drivers are out of the loop due to control of the vehicle in a limited self-driving situation (Level 3 automation), their ability to regain control of the vehicle is better if they are expecting automation to be switched off. As regular disengagement of automation is not a particularly practical method for keeping drivers in the loop, future research should consider how to best inform drivers of their obligation to resume control of driving from an automated system

    Special issue in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour: The role of fitness to drive in traffic safety and mobility

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    Special issue in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour: The role of fitness to drive in traffic safety and mobility [Editorial

    Evaluation of Vehicle Ride Height Adjustments Using a Driving Simulator

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    Testing of vehicle design properties by car manufacturers is primarily performed on-road and is resource-intensive, involving costly physical prototypes and large time durations between evaluations of alternative designs. In this paper, the applicability of driving simulators for the virtual assessment of ride, steering and handling qualities was studied by manipulating vehicle air suspension ride height (RH) (ground clearance) and simulator motion platform (MP) workspace size. The evaluation was carried out on a high-friction normal road, routinely used for testing vehicle prototypes, modelled in a driving simulator, and using professional drivers. The results showed the differences between the RHs were subjectively distinguishable by the drivers in many of the vehicle attributes. Drivers found standard and low RHs more appropriate for the vehicle in terms of the steering and handling qualities, where their performance was deteriorated, such that the steering control effort was the highest in low RH. This indicated inconsistency between subjective preferences and objective performance and the need for alternative performance metrics to be defined for expert drivers. Moreover, an improvement in drivers’ performance was observed, with a reduction of steering control effort, in larger MP configurations

    How Do Drivers Behave in a Highly Automated Car?

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    This paper outlines the results of a driving simulator study conducted for the European CityMobil project, which was designed to investigate the effect of a highly automated driving scenario on driver behaviour. Drivers’ response to a number of ‘critical’ scenarios was compared in manual driving with that in automated driving. Drivers were in full control of the vehicle and its manoeuvres in the manual driving condition, whilst control of the vehicle was transferred to an ‘automated system’ in the automated driving condition. Automated driving involved the engagement of lateral and longitudinal controllers, which kept the vehicle in the centre of the lane and at a speed of 40 mph, respectively. Drivers were required to regain control of the driving task if the automated system was unable to handle a critical situation. An auditory alarm forewarned drivers of an imminent collision in such critical situations. Drivers’ response to all critical events was found to be much later in the automated driving condition, compared to manual driving. This is thought to be because drivers’ situation awareness was reduced during automated driving, with response only produced after drivers heard the alarm. Alternatively, drivers may have relied too heavily on the system, waiting for the auditory alarm before responding in a critical situation. These results suggest that action must be taken when implementing fully automated driving to ensure that the driver is kept in the loop at all times and is able to respond in time and appropriately during critical situations

    Does Emotionality and Private self-consciousness influence drivers’ cognitive appraisal in anger-provoking situations?—An explorative study in Chinese drivers

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    In recent decades, most studies have investigated the role of drivers’ demographic background, dispositional traits, and cognitive appraisal in driving anger in an independent manner. However, it is possible that driver’s dispositions and their cognitive appraisal could impact driving anger concurrently. The present study aims to investigate how the individual’s characteristics (e.g., age, gender, and dispositions) influence state driving anger when considering the role of cognitive appraisal undertaken in anger-provoking situations. 17 anger-provoking scenarios using the Measure for Angry Drivers (MAD) were employed to probe the cognitive appraisal of Chinese drivers. The participants completed the Private self-consciousness scale (Prsc), the Brief HEXACO Inventory, and questions related to cognitive appraisal and state driving anger. Several ANCOVAs were performed to evaluate age and gender differences in state driving anger, Emotionality and Prsc. Results indicated that younger drivers reported higher state driving anger and Emotionality. While males and females exhibited similar levels of state driving anger, they significantly differed in Emotionality, instead of the Prsc. Moreover, a Partial Least Squared Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) found that age showed no direct impact on cognitive appraisal, but gender did. Importantly, Emotionality was found to be directly and positively related to state driving anger rather than the cognitive appraisal, while Prsc was indirectly associated with state driving anger if considering the driver’s cognitive appraisal. The study provided the theoretical basis and insights to develop targeted driving anger countermeasures in China
