79 research outputs found

    IQ Score of Children with Persistent or Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: A Comparison with Healthy Children

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    How to Cite This Article: Ghaffari J, Abbaskhanian A, Jalili M, Yazdani Charati Y. IQ Score of Children With Persistent or Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: Comparison with Healthy Children. Iran J Child Neurol. 2014 Summer; 8(3): 44-48. AbstractObjectivePrevalence of allergies is different around the world. Allergic rhinitis is a common chronic disease in children.Intelligence quotient (IQ) is an indicator of efficacy and many factors including chronic diseases may affect it. This study compares the IQs of children diagnosed with persistent or perennial allergic rhinitis with healthy children.Material & MethodsThis was a comparative study that was conducted from June 2011–May 2013 in an academic referral clinic. In this study, 90 patients aged 6- to 14-yearsold who were diagnosed with persistent or perennial allergic rhinitis and were compared to 90 age and gender match healthy patients from their respective families. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for hildren was used to divide and calculate overall IQ, verbal IQ, and practical IQ. The t-test and chi square were used to analyze quantitative variables and qualitative variables, respectively.Results In this study, out of total 180 children, 90 (50%) in the case group and 90 children (50%), the control group participated for IQ comparison. One hundred (57%) were male and 80 (43%) were female. The overall IQ for allergic rhinitis patients and healthy patients was 109.2 and 107.5, respectively. This difference was not considered significant. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the IQ scores of males and females.ConclusionAlthough allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease and effects quality of life, there were no identifiable negative effects on IQ.  ReferencesGhaffari J, Mohammadzadeh I, Khaliian A, Rafatpanah H, Mohammadjafari H, Davoudi A. Prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in elementary schools in Sari(Iran). Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2012; 3(1):372-76.Mohammadzadeh I, Barari-Savadkoohi R, Alizadeh- Navaei R. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Iranian children: A systematic review and descriptive metaanalysis. Journal of Pediatrics Review. 2013; 1(2):19-24.Ghaffari J. Prevalence of Aeroallergens in Skin Test of Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Eczema, and Chronic Urticaria Patients in Iran. Journal 0f Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. 2012; 22(87): 139-151 (Persian).Horn JL, Cattel RB. Refinement and test of the theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence. Journal of  ducational Psychology. 1966;57:253–70.Black KC, Hynd GW. Epilepsy in the School aged child: Cognitive-Behavioral Characteristic and effect on Academic performance. School Psychology Quarterly. 1995;10:345–58.Wolters PL, Brouwers P, Moss HA. Pediatric HIV disease: Effect on cognitive learning and behavior. School Psychol Quarterly. 1995;10:305–28.Gutstadt LB, Gillette JW, Mrazek DA, Fukuhara JT, LaBrecque JF, Strunk RC. Determinants of school performance in children with chronic asthma. The American Journal of Diseases of Children. 1989;143:471–5.Liesker JW, Postma DS, Beukema RJ, ten Hacken NH, van der Molen T, Riemersma RA, et al. Cognitive performance in patients with COPD. Respiratory Medicine. 2004;98:351–356.Zhou G, Liu J, Sun F, Xin X, Duan L, Zhu X, Shi Z. Association of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Cognitive Decline in Very Elderly Men. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra. 2012 Jan-Dec; 2(1): 219–228. Published online 2012 May 22. doi: 10.1159/000338378.Marshall PS, Colon EA. Effects of allergy season on mood and cognitive function. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 1993 Sep;71(3):251-8.Groth-Marnat G. Handbook of psychological assessment. Wiley.4th ed. 2003:p.129-195.Shahim S. Adaptation and Standardization of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children Revised. Shiraz University Press. 1373. p.5-94.Marshall PS, O’Hara C, Steinberg P. Effects of seasonal allergic rhinitis on selected cognitive abilities. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2000 Apr;84(4):403-10.Bender BG. Are asthmatic children educationally handicapped? School Psychology Quarterly. 1995;10:274–91.Ghaffari J, Abaskhanian A, Jalili M. IQ Score of Children with Moderate Asthma: Comparison with Healthy Children. Oman Medical Journal. 2014 Jan; 29(1):71-74.Daramola OO, Ayoola OO, Ogunbiyi AO.The comparison of intelligence quotients of atopic and nonatopic children in Ibadan, Nigeria. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2010 Jul-Sep;55(3):221-4. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.70665.Keremer B, Den Hartog HM, Jolles J. Relationship between allergic rhinitis, disturbed cognitive functions and psychological well-being. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 2002; 32:1310-1315

    Effects of Modafinil on Sleep Pattern during Methamphetamine Withdrawal: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Methamphetamine (MA) abuse is a serious and costly public health problem worldwide; It also commonly affects the sleep quality. The present study was carried out aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of modafinil versus placebo on sleep pattern in MA withdrawal during an eight-week period. Methods: In a double-blind randomized controlled study, a total of 80 patients with a confirmed diagnosis MA withdrawal were treated with modafinil (200 mg/day). Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) were used to assess sleep pattern in the 1th and 56th days of the study. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to compare the groups. All analyses were performed by using SPSS software with a 5% significance level. Findings: The mean age of the people in the intervention and placebo groups was 32.92 ± 2.06 and 34.08 ± 2.13 years, respectively. The mean scores of ESS decreased from 16.15 ± 4.50 to 9.15 ± 3.34 after the intervention in the modafinil group (P < 0.001), with no significant reduction in the placebo group (P = 0.990). The mean scores of PSQI decreased from 13.88 ± 3.40 to 9.92 ± 3.10 after the intervention in the modafinil group (P < 0.001), however there was no significant reduction in the placebo group (P = 0.980). The value of the Eta effect size of the PSQI and ESS questionnaires was 0.52 and 0.72, respectively. Modafinil was superior to placebo in improving the PSQI and ESS scales in the 56th day of assessment (P < 0.050). Conclusion: Modafinil improves the sleep quality in patients with MA withdrawal

    Single-dose intravenous sodium valproate (Depakine) versus dexamethasone for the treatment of acute migraine headache: a double-blind randomized clinical trial

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    Objective Migraine headache is a chronic and disabling condition in adults. Some studies have investigated the efficacy of sodium valproate in the treatment of acute migraine, but the effectiveness and tolerability of intravenous valproate as abortive therapy remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of sodium valproate and dexamethasone in the treatment of acute migraine. Methods We conducted a double-blind randomized clinical trial including 90 patients aged 18 to 65 years with acute migraine headache but no aura. Patients were randomized to receive intravenous dexamethasone (8 mg) or sodium valproate (400 mg) diluted into 4 mL of normal saline. The primary outcome measure was pain relief after 0.5, 1, 3, or 6 hours after administration. The secondary outcome criteria were the associated symptom recovery, rate of headache recurrence after 24 hours, and medication side effects. Pearson’s chi square and the t-test were employed in the data analysis. Results Of the 90 patients, 80 were investigated. The percentage of headache improvement at 0.5 hours after treatment was 55% and 67.5% in the sodium valproate and dexamethasone groups, respectively. Before-treatment and 0.5 hour after treatment pain severity visual analog scale scores were 9.05±0.90 and 3.8±3.09 in the sodium valproate group and 8.92±0.79 and 3.10±2.73 in the dexamethasone group, respectively. There were no significant intergroup differences. Conclusion This randomized clinical trial showed that the intravenous injection of sodium valproate 400 mg has similar effects to those of dexamethasone for improving acute migraine headache

    Effect of Probiotics on Infantile Colic Using the Quadratic Inference Functions

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    Background: Infantile colic is defined as episodes of extreme and excessive crying due to unknown causes. Various results have been reported regarding the management of colic with probiotics in terms of effectiveness, with no side effects or health risks in the infants. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of probiotics on the infants with colic using the quadratic inference functions (QIF).Methods: This single-blind, randomized, clinical trial was conducted on 98 infants admitted to the pediatric gastroenterology clinic of Bu Ali Sina Hospital in Sari, Iran. The neonates were diagnosed with infantile colic by a pediatric gastroenterologist. Patients were randomly divided into two groups (49 subjects per each). In the control group, the infants received placebo, and in the case group, the neonates were administrated with BioGaia probiotic oral drops for 21 days. The QIF method was fitted to analyze the influential factors in the improvement of infantile colic.Results: According to the QIF results in data analysis, mean duration of crying had a significant difference between the infants in the case and control groups (

    Bacterial contamination of environmental surfaces in two educational hospitals under the auspices of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

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    Background and Aims: Mortality risk and therefore the likelihood of in-hospital death for a patient owing to nosocomial infection in health care centers has always existed. The majority of nosocomial infections are transmitted through direct contact, primarily with environmental surfaces or equipments. This study was aimed to determine the microbial contamination of environmental surfaces in two teaching hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study and by kind permission of hospital managers, a total of 120 samples were collected from PICU, ICU, ENT units, Operating room, Burn ward and Recovery section in both studied hospitals. Identification of microbial agents was carried out using standard biochemical and microbiological methods. Data obtained were analyzed using Stata12 software &amp; Chi- Square test. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.Results: The results showed bacterial contamination in 48 cases (40%). ENT unit with 80% and Burn ward with 40% revealed the hig est contamination rate in hospital (1) and hospital (2), respectively. Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter aerogenes,Acinetobacter, and Enterococcus faecalis were the most common isolated bacteriaConclusion: A high percentage of bacterial contamination was found in both studied hospitals. Implementing revention guidelines and collection  of periodic culture are necessary to reduce the rate of bacterialcontamination in these hospitals.Key words: Nosocomial Infections, Environmental Surface, Microbial Contamination*Correspondin

    The Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis, Eczema and Asthma in Students of Guidance Schools in Mazandaran Province, Iran

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    BACKGROUND: Eczema, allergic rhinitis and asthma are common chronic allergic disorders in childhood.AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of common allergic disorders among Iranian guidance schools students in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran.METHODS: This analytical cross-sectional study was performed on 3000 children aged 11â€14 years old during 2012â€13 according to ISAAC study. Of 3000 recruited children 1576 (52.54%) were female and 1424 (47.46%) were male. Data gathered by ISAAC first phase questionnaire analysed by SPSS software 20.RESULTS: The prevalence of wheezing, allergic rhinitis symptoms (sneezing and pruritus) and atopic dermatitis symptoms (pruritus skin lesion) were 30.5%, 30% and 15% respectively. History of pets contact and smoking was positive 6.6% and 36 % respectively. About 52% was born with caesarian section. There was wheezing in 32.5% during sport. The diagnosis of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema were 12.2%, 28.5% and 15% respectively. Eczema, asthma and allergic rhinitis were significantly more common in boys students (p &lt; 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study showed that asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema have a high prevalence and they are more common in boys

    The effect of eucalyptus vapor on cough after coronary artery bypass surgery

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    Cough is postoperative complication following endotracheal intubation as well as inflammation of the pharynx, larynx and trachea. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of eucalyptus vapor on cough after tracheal extubation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). In this randomized controlled trial, 100 patients undergoing CABG were randomly divided into two groups by accessible sampling. Before the intervention and after tracheal extubation, demographic and clinical data, as well as data on cough by a scoring system were collected from interventional and control groups. The patients in the interventional group after tracheal extubation were exposed to eucalyptus vapor for about 10 min. This treatment was performed at 1 and 12 h after extubation. The severity of cough was recorded in both interventional and control groups at 0, 1, 6, 12 and 24 h after extubation. The present study showed that the severity of cough after extubation in the patients undergoing CABG in the interventional group had no significant difference at the times of immediate to 24 hours after extubation. Risk of cough had respectively 9.5% increase in the control group as compared to the interventional group

    Effects of pleasant olfactory mental imagery on the arterial oxygenation in patients with open heart surgery: A randomized controlled trial

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    This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (Oct 2017) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyBackground and purpose Arterial hypoxemia is one of the most common respiratory complications following cardiac surgery. This study was intended to examine the effects of pleasant olfactory mental imagery on postoperative hypoxemia in patients undergoing open heart surgery. Materials and methods This is a randomized controlled clinical trial. The sample consisted of 80 patients who were randomly assigned to either practice olfactory mental imagery (experimental group) or receive routine care (control group). A card with the image of roses was given to patients and they were asked to look at the image, visualize the scent of roses in the mind, and then sniff as much as possible, hold their breath for 2 s and eventually exhale slowly through the nose. This procedure was consecutively repeated five times. After a fifteen-minute break, patients proceeded to practice olfactory mental imagery with other fruit images. The experimental group executed the olfactory mental imagery for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon on postoperative days 1 and 2. Results No statistically significant differences were observed between the experimental and control groups regarding sociodemographic characteristics, medical and surgical information. This study also demonstrated that the mean Spao2 was significantly higher in the experimental group (97.400 ± 1.70) than the control group (96.465 ± 1.70) (p = 0.015). Conclusion The results of this study suggest that olfactory mental imagery can improve arterial oxygenation in patients with cardiac surgery

    Evaluation of Apical Transportation in Root Canals Prepared with Hand File and Two Rotary Files by Cone Beam Computed Tom ography

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    The purpose of the mechanical cleaning of the root canal is to create a conical shape for 3D filling of the canal area. Excessive dentin removal from one side of the canal, as compared to other parts located at an equal distance to the longitudinal axis of the tooth, causes an error called the canal transportation. In this study, the canal transportation was evaluated by hand K-flexo file Mtwo and,Dia-pt rotary file using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). This is an Ex-vivo study conducted on 60 extracted first molars. Root curvature was measured by Schneider's method. Preparation was performed in three groups of 20 with manual and Mtwo and Dia-pt files. CBCT images were prepared before and after clearing the canals. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18 Software. Based on the results of the kruskal wallis test, there are differences between the three files in the 2 and 3 mm sections (respectively (p = 0.01) (p = 0.01)). However, there is no difference in the cross-section of 2.5 mm based on kruskal wallis test (p = 0.16). The results of this study indicate that the channel displacement in the Mtwo system is the least. And this system is better than K-Flexo file and Dia-pt in following the shape of the canal and creating a conical canal with the least deviation from the channel


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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of applying discharge on self-care reports among patients undergone to coronary artery bypass surgery. In this clinical trial study 80 patients who undergone coronary artery bypass surgery randomized in two control and experimental groups. The control group received only usual care and in the experimental group discharging plan administered including: 5 educational sessions-providing manual at discharge time and follow up with ten times phone contact with patients after discharge. The self-care questionnaire administered pre-post, 2 weeks and two months after an educational intervention among patients of both experimental and control groups. The Chi square statistic was used to compare background variables such as gender and marital status. The t-test was also used to compare continuous data eg.Age.Finally the repeated measure analysis of variance was used to compare self-care scores of the groups. The results showed there was not a significant difference between two groups before the intervention. But there was a significant difference in self-care behaviour reports between experimental and control group after the discharge plan intervention (P= 0/0001). Administration of discharging plan is an effective method for enhancement of self-carebehaviours in patients after coronary bypass surgery which suggesting as a potentially critical program to administer in the whole country. Keywords: Discharge Program, Self Care Behaviors, Coronary Bypass Surgery INTRODUCTION Regarding high prevalence of coronary artery diseases and consequently the coronary artery bypass graft, there are not deserved publish studies in number, andthe effects of releasing a program on self-care behaviours. Thus, administration of discharging plan is an effective method for enhancement of self-care behaviours in patients after coronary bypass surgery which suggesting as a potentially critical program to administer in the whole country. Heart diseases are one of the most important causes of death and disabilities in the worldwidewhich is associated with the physical, mental and self-care capabilities and imposes a heavy cost for patients, care givers and the societ
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