4 research outputs found

    Antifibrotic effect of xanthohumol in combination with praziquantel is associated with altered redox status and reduced iron accumulation during liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinogenesis

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) caused by infection of the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini, (Ov) is the major public health problem in northeast Thailand. Following Ov infection the subsequent molecular changes can be associated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced chronic inflammation, advanced periductal fibrosis, and cholangiocarcinogenesis. Notably, resistance to an activation of cell death in prolonged oxidative stress conditions can occur but some damaged/mutated cells could survive and enable clonal expansion. Our study used a natural product, xanthohumol (XN), which is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, to examine whether it could prevent Ov-associated CCA carcinogenesis. We measured the effect of XN with or without praziquantel (PZ), an anti-helminthic treatment, on DNA damage, redox status change including iron accumulation and periductal fibrosis during CCA genesis induced by administration of Ov and N-dinitrosomethylamine (NDMA) in hamsters. Animals were randomly divided into four groups: group I, Ov infection and NDMA administration (ON); group II, Ov infection and NDMA administration and PZ treatment (ONP); the latter 2 groups were similar to group I and II, but group III received additional XN (XON) and group IV received XN plus PZ (XONP). The results showed that high 8-oxodG (a marker of DNA damage) was observed throughout cholangiocarcinogenesis. Moreover, increased expression of CD44v8-10 (a cell surface in regulation of the ROS defense system), whereas decreased expression of phospho-p38MAPK (a major ROS target), was found during the progression of the bile duct cell transformation. In addition, high accumulation of iron and expression of transferrin receptor-1 (TfR-1) in both malignant bile ducts and inflammatory cells were detected. Furthermore, fibrosis also increased with the highest level being on day 180. On the other hand, the groups of XN with or without PZ supplementations showed an effective reduction in all the markers examined, including fibrosis when compared with the ON group. In particular, the XONP group, in which a significant reduction DNA damage occurred, was also found to have iron accumulation and fibrosis compared to the other groups. Our results show that XN administered in combination with PZ could efficiently prevent CCA development and hence provide potential chemopreventive benefits in Ov-induced cholangiocarcinogenesis

    Discovery of Serotransferrin Glycoforms: Novel Markers for Diagnosis of Liver Periductal Fibrosis and Prediction of Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) caused by chronic liver fluke infection is a major public health problem in Northeast Thailand. Identification of CCA risk groups is urgently needed for the control of CCA in this region. Periductal fibrosis (PDF) induced by chronic inflammation of bile ducts is known as a pre-neoplastic lesion of CCA. We aimed to identify the serum CCA and PDF biomarkers using mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QqQ) with multiple reaction mode (MRM) analysis. Here, serum levels of serotransferrin glycoforms at the glycopeptide level were measured in the sera of CCA (n = 100), PDF (n = 50), and healthy control (n = 100) subjects. The results indicated that serotransferrin peptide levels were generally the same between the control and PDF groups, whereas CCA patients had reduced levels. Moreover, 56 serotransferrin glycoforms were detected, with nine increased in CCA compared to control subjects. Among them, the serum levels of four glycoforms were increased in PDF and CCA patients compared to control subjects. In particular, highly sialylated multi-branched glycans of serotransferrin serum were significantly correlated with poor prognosis and tumor stage in CCA patients. Taken together, these glycoforms could be used as risk biomarkers and prognosis and diagnosis markers of CCA