2 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Retting Embun Batang Kenaf oleh Jamur Pelapuk Putih Trametes Versicolor (L.) Lloyd

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    Retting embun kenaf menggunakan jamur pada kondisi aerob menjadi alternatif yang murah, mudah, dan lebih ramah lingkungan untuk menggantikan retting basah yang membutuhkan banyak air. Pada beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa spesies jamur pelapuk putih dan Rhizopus sp dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses retting pada tanaman serat batang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur efektivitas retting embun batang kenaf oleh jamur pelapuk putih Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd melalui perbandingan efektivitas retting embun oleh Rhizopus spp. dan retting basah, serta pengukuran karakter serat yang dihasilkan. Retting embun dilakukan dengan menginokulasikan biakan jamur pada 500 g batang kenaf berukuran panjang 25 cm yang telah dibasahi dan diinkubasikan selama 4 minggu. Parameter yang diamati meliputi rendemen serat, efektivitas retting, warna, kehalusan, kebersihan, dan kadar selulosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diantara perlakuan retting embun, jamur pelapuk putih menghasilkan rendemen tertinggi(4,77%), efektivitas tertinggi (77,68%), kehalusan serat sedang, dan serat terbersih. Konsorsium jamur T. versicolor dan inokulum jamur tempe hijau kehitaman menghasilkan serat dengan kadar selulosa tertinggi yaitu sebesar 57,97% dengan warna serat paling cerah. Seluruh serat yang dihasilkan mempunyai tingkat dan kisaran warna kekuningan dan kemerahan yang bervariasi. Perlakuan retting embun kenaf dengan inokulasi T. versicolor tanpa konsorsium merupakan perlakuan dengan efektivitas retting terbaik dengan kualitas serat mendekati hasil retting basah. Effectivity of Dew Retting of Kenaf Stem by White Rot Fungus Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd Aerobic dew retting of kenaf using fungal becomes a cheap alternative, easy and has a less environmental impact to replace water retting method. In several studies that have been carried out, it has been shown that white rot fungus species can be used to assist the retting process of bast fiber plants. This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of dew retting of kenaf stem by white rot fungus Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd by comparing it with the effectiveness of dew retting by Rhizopus spp. and wet retting, as well as measuring thecharacter of the fiber produced. Dew retting was conducted by inoculating fungi cultures on moistened 500 g of 25 cm length kenaf stems and incubating them for 4 weeks. Fiber yield, retting effectivity, color, smoothness, cleanliness, and cellulose content were observed. The result shows that white rot fungus T.versicolor produced the highest fiber yield (4.77%), the highest efficiency (77.68%), medium fiber smoothness, and the cleanest fiber among dew retting treatments. Consortium of T. versicolor and blackish green tempeh inoculum produced fiber with the highest cellulose content (57.97%) and the brightest fiber color. All fiber produced has a yellowish and reddish color with varying levels and ranges. Kenaf dew retting treatment with T. versicolor inoculation without a consortium was the most effective dew retting treatment with fibers quality verge to the water retting yield

    Manfaat Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) Dalam Penyerapan Karbondioksida (CO2)

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    Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Benefits in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) SequestrationKenaf is a natural fiber crop that have a lot of diversified products with high economic value and environmental functions. Kenaf contribution to the environment is also known through a high ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is the main anthropogenic contributor to the greenhouse effect. Carbon sequestration by plants became one of the most important steps to greenhouse gases mitigation. The high absorption of carbon dioxide by kenaf affected by the high photosynthetic rate, although kenaf belongs to the group of C3 plants. Kenaf photosynthetic rate supported by high RuBP carboxilase activity, high stomatal conductance, and high plant biomass production. Kenaf photosynthetic rate reaches 3-8 times higher than trees and other C3 plants. Based on biomass produced, kenaf ready for harvest on 4-5 months plant age saved 2,9-12,1 tonnes C/ha or absorb 21-89 tonnes CO2/ha/year depending on the agronomic management and environmental conditions. Nowadays, land area of kenaf in Indonesia is approximately 3000 ha, therefore the absorption of CO2 reaches about 63-267 million tonnes/year. As well as carbon sink in long time, some kenaf diversified products such as car interior and automobile components, sound absorber, and pulp and paper also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions through savings of energy and decreasing deforestation rate and other harmful gas emissions. Development of kenaf plantation is expected to help the Indonesian government in an effort to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as providing the raw materials of natural fiber for environmentally friendly industrial raw materials