256 research outputs found

    Hinder och möjligheter för ökad naturbetesdrift ur ett lantbrukarperspektiv : en kunskapsöversikt

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    Denna kunskapsöversikt Ă€r genomförd som ett uppdrag frĂ„n myndighetssamarbetet CAP & hĂ„llbarhet i syfte att ur ett lantbrukarperspektiv belysa hinder och möjligheter för ökad djurhĂ„llning med nötkreatur, fĂ„r och hĂ€st pĂ„ svenska naturbetesmarker. Begreppet naturbetesmark avser alla typer av naturliga och tidigare kultiverade fodermarker, inklusive utmarks- och skogsbete, som kan betas. Rön frĂ„n vetenskaplig och populĂ€rvetenskaplig litteratur har sammanstĂ€llts, uppgifter frĂ„n ett antal intressenter inhĂ€mtats och egen kompetens och erfarenhet anvĂ€nts. Naturbetesdrift Ă€r en verksamhet som pĂ„verkas av mĂ„nga faktorer pĂ„ flera plan och komplexa samband – vissa nĂ€ra den faktiska betesmarken sĂ„som stĂ€ngsling, möjligheter till vatten och daglig tillsyn eller nĂ€rvaro av rovdjur. Andra faktorer pĂ„verkar betesdriften mer indirekt, sĂ„som tillgĂ„ng till vinterhĂ„llning, lantbrukarens totalekonomi, hur samhĂ€llet i övrigt ser ut kring lantbrukaren, myndigheters regelverk med mera. Sett ur det betesmarksnĂ€ra perspektivet gĂ€ller det att genom goda betesrutiner upprĂ€tthĂ„lla djurproduktion och djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd i kombination med en effektiv drift avseende stĂ€ngsel, vatten och tillsyn. Skapande av stora sammanhĂ€ngande betesfĂ„llor, eventuellt i kombination med kollektiv vinterhĂ„llning och anvĂ€ndning av befintlig och kommande teknik Ă€r nĂ„gra av de möjligheter som kan rationalisera driften och göra den ekonomiskt hĂ„llbar. Det finns möjlighet att fĂ„ stöd till restaurering av betesmarker med potentiella sĂ€rskilda vĂ€rden. Ett godkĂ€nnande av virtuella stĂ€ngsel skulle göra det möjligt att beta naturbetesmarker som idag bedöms vara alltför dyra att stĂ€ngsla in. Annan teknik för övervakning av stĂ€ngsel och djur Ă€r under utveckling. Naturbetesmarker Ă€r fodermĂ€ssigt lĂ€mpligt för mĂ„nga hĂ€star, men avstĂ„ndet till betesmarkerna kan ibland vara ett hinder. Lösspringande hundar, rovdjursangrepp och skördeskador frĂ„n klövvilt utgör betydande hinder för betesdrift i vissa trakter. För ett hĂ„llbart företagande krĂ€vs lĂ„ngsiktig lönsamhet. I naturbetesbaserad nöt- och lammköttsproduktion utgörs intĂ€kterna av cirka 10 % miljöersĂ€ttningar för betesmarker, 30–45 % av andra stöd och 45–60 % av försĂ€ljning av kött och skinn. Kostnaderna fördelar sig pĂ„ 50–60 % vinterhĂ„llning (investeringsstöd bortrĂ€knade), 15–30 % betesdrift och 15–30 % gemensamma kostnader. En vĂ€lmĂ„ende animaliesektor Ă€r en förutsĂ€ttning för en hĂ„llbar naturbetesdrift, eftersom naturbetesdjuren inte Ă€r isolerade frĂ„n övrig djurproduktion utan existerar i ett flöde mellan olika typer av djurhĂ„llande lantbrukare. MĂ€ngden potentiella betesdjur Ă€r inte heller konstant, utan en effekt av hur goda förutsĂ€ttningarna för djurhĂ„llning Ă€r. En systemsyn behövs, inte bara för djuren utan Ă€ven för betesmarkerna. En enskild vĂ€rdefull naturbetesmark kan sĂ„ledes inte betraktas isolerat, utan i ett företagssammanhang, dĂ€r t. ex. stora rationella betesmarker med lĂ€gre biologiska vĂ€rden och vallĂ„tervĂ€xt pĂ„ gĂ„rdens övriga arealer kan möjliggöra djurhĂ„llning och dĂ€rmed bete Ă€ven av sĂ„dana mindre vĂ€rdekĂ€rnor. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ av största vikt att de stöd som betalas ut för hĂ€vd av vĂ€rdefulla betesmarker kommer den betesbaserade djurĂ€garen till godo och inte lĂ„ses in i högre markpriser och arrenden. Störst förbĂ€ttring i den kortsiktiga kalkylen erhĂ„lls om befintliga byggnader utan lönsam alternativ anvĂ€ndning kan utnyttjas för djurhĂ„llningen, men pĂ„ sikt behöver produktionen kunna bĂ€ra kostnaderna för en nybyggnation för att vara hĂ„llbar. Ofta finns ett motsatsförhĂ„llande mellan en billig byggnad och lĂ„g arbetsĂ„tgĂ„ng. Vinterfoderkostnaden beror mycket pĂ„ arronderingen som orsakar dyrare foder i skogsbygd. Med mĂ„nga djur i företaget uppnĂ„s skalfördelar med en lĂ€gre kostnad per uppfött djur. IntĂ€kterna kan ökas ytterligare genom effektivisering av produktionen och att produkterna laddas med realiserbara mervĂ€rden kopplade till naturbetesmarker. Rekryteringsdjur i mjölkbesĂ€ttningar betar redan idag mĂ„nga naturbetesmarker. Med större andel kontrakterad kviguppfödning samt betesslĂ€ppning vid en lĂ€gre Ă„lder skulle större areal naturbetesmark kunna hĂ€vdas av mjölkraskvigor. En annan förutsĂ€ttning för naturbetesdrift Ă€r att marken ligger i en livskraftig bygd med möjligheter att bo och verka i och dĂ€r omgivningen har förstĂ„else för djurproduktion och det finns en positiv attityd till lantbruket. I trakter med en livskraftig lantbrukssektor finns goda möjligheter till samverkan, kompetensförsörjning, service samt inköp och försĂ€ljning av varor och tjĂ€nster. Hinder kan vara bĂ„de den urbana befolkningens och lantbrukarnas egen attityd till lantbruk och landsbygd, som t. ex. bidrar till att landsbygdens ungdomar flyttar till tĂ€torter. Detta försvĂ„rar kompetensförsörjning samt generations- och Ă€garskiften. Attityden inom det egna skrĂ„et till naturvĂ„rd som en etablerad produktionsgren bland de traditionella varierar ocksĂ„. Produktion av kollektiva nyttigheter, sĂ„som hĂ€vd av naturbetesmarker, krĂ€ver att kunden, det vill sĂ€ga samhĂ€llet, Ă€r beredd att betala för tjĂ€nsten. Trots det stora samhĂ€lleliga intresset för bevarande av naturbetesmarker kommer, i naturbetesbaserad nöt- och lammköttsproduktion, som ovan anförts idag endast cirka 10 % av intĂ€kterna frĂ„n miljöersĂ€ttningar för betesmarker. DĂ€rmed Ă€r naturbetesdriften Ă€ven beroende av svenska konsumenters betalningsvilja för inhemskt kött. Även hĂ€stĂ€gare behöver ekonomiska incitament för att hĂ€vda naturbetesmarker. OsĂ€kerheten och bristen pĂ„ lĂ„ngsiktighet i stödsystemet avskrĂ€cker mĂ„nga frĂ„n investeringar och nystart av djurhĂ„llning, dĂ„ till synes smĂ„ förĂ€ndringar kan slĂ„ hĂ„rt pĂ„ enskild företagsnivĂ„. FörĂ€ndringar i stödsystemets struktur och regelverk bör dĂ€rför minimeras medan en ökning av stödbeloppen inom nuvarande regelsystem skulle inverka positivt. Omfattande och svĂ„röverskĂ„dligt regelverk och oproportionerliga sanktioner för djurhĂ„llande lantbrukare leder till avveckling. En önskvĂ€rd förĂ€ndring Ă€r att utforma stöden sĂ„ att de blir mer flexibla och att kontrollsystemen tillĂ„ts ta hĂ€nsyn till biologiska förhĂ„llanden som t. ex. Ă„rsmĂ„nsvariation till följd av vĂ€derleken. Kunskap om lantbruk och djurhĂ„llning hos personal som utför kontrollerna efterfrĂ„gas. Attityden hos en del myndighetspersoner och djurrĂ€ttsaktivisters agerande sĂ€nker lantbrukarnas motivation för att hĂ„lla djur. Större förstĂ„else för naturbetesmarker och markĂ€gande hos myndigheter som hanterar jordoch skogsbruksfastigheter, t. ex. vid fastighetsbildningar, skulle gagna naturbetesdriften. VĂ„r slutsats Ă€r att ökad naturbetesdrift Ă€r beroende av att det Ă€r möjligt att verka som lantbrukare med betesdjur. Livet pĂ„ gĂ„rden mĂ„ste fungera i stort med allt vad det innebĂ€r, men det största hindret för naturbeteshĂ€vd Ă€r en bristande lönsamhet. Lönsamheten kan förbĂ€ttras, genom ökade intĂ€kter i form av adekvata priser pĂ„ animalieprodukter och en höjning av relevanta stöd, men ocksĂ„ genom att byggnads-, vinterfoder- och arbetskostnader kopplade till betesdjuren minskas. Samtliga dessa faktorer behöver förbĂ€ttras parallellt för att pĂ„ ett mĂ€rkbart sĂ€tt öka intresset för hĂ€vden av naturbetesmarkerna

    ‘Renounced all the decent tenderness of her sex’: spaces and spectacles of female madness in England, 1770-1833

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    Revising dominant stereotypes found in the feminisation of madness model, this thesis investigates the relationship between women, madness and spectacle in late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century England. Taking a case study approach, it entangles visual, material, spatial and documentary methodologies to interrogate responses to and resonances of female madness between 1770 and 1833. The introduction sets out the methodological opportunities and challenges that a study of this nature faces, whilst the first chapter lays out the cultural, social and political backdrop of the project. Chapter two argues that the cultural power and profusion of Margaret Nicholson, the would-be assassin of King George III, was driven by her contravention of expectations surrounding gender, class and madness. Applying museological perspectives such as ‘Freakery’ to her spectacularisation, I argue that these subversions were managed through frameworks that perpetuated distance and containment. Chapter three analyses the spatial, material and emotional dynamics of the public asylum tour, positing that asylums navigated or commodified the pleasurable torment of spectatorial sympathy through the body of the incarcerated madwoman. Moving into the culturally loaded arena of the late eighteenth-century private madhouse, chapter four examines the lives of four confined women: Louisa, the ‘Lady of the Haystack’, Dorothea Fellowes, Euphemia Boswell and Mary Lamb. It identifies how slippage between cultural models and historical experience coloured responses towards and experiences of private female confinement. Connecting fashion, sensibility, emotions and mental illness, chapter five provides a reassessment of the sentimental love-mad trope. It situates the fictional character of ‘Crazy Jane’ within a wider narrative of material culture, presenting her as a far more complex cultural figure than previous scholarship has acknowledged. Together, these chapters demonstrate that both fictionalised and living mad women functioned as vehicles for evolving sexual, social and political anxieties, serving as potent prompts for a cocktail of paradoxical emotions. Offering a fresh reading of the feminisation of madness through the interrogation of various stereotypes, its tight focus on the blurring of art and life sets it apart from existing work in the field. The result is a more nuanced account of the ways that women and mental illness were represented, understood and culturally managed in late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century England

    AKT regulates NPM dependent ARF localization and p53mut stability in tumors

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    Nucleophosmin (NPM) is known to regulate ARF subcellular localization and MDM2 activity in response to oncogenic stress, though the precise mechanism has remained elusive. Here we describe how NPM and ARF associate in the nucleoplasm to form a MDM2 inhibitory complex. We find that oligomerization of NPM drives nucleolar accumulation of ARF. Moreover, the formation of NPM and ARF oligomers antagonizes MDM2 association with the inhibitory complex, leading to activation of MDM2 E3-ligase activity and targeting of p53. We find that AKT phosphorylation of NPM-Ser48 prevents oligomerization that results in nucleoplasmic localization of ARF, constitutive MDM2 inhibition and stabilization of p53. We also show that ARF promotes p53 mutant stability in tumors and suppresses p73 mediated p21 expression and senescence. We demonstrate that AKT and PI3K inhibitors may be effective in treatment of therapeutically resistant tumors with elevated AKT and carrying gain of function mutations in p53. Our results show that the clinical candidate AKT inhibitor MK-2206 promotes ARF nucleolar localization, reduced p53(mut) stability and increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation in a xenograft model of pancreatic cancer. Analysis of human tumors indicates that phospho-S48-NPM may be a useful biomarker for monitoring AKT activity and in vivo efficacy of AKT inhibitor treatment. Critically, we propose that combination therapy involving PI3K-AKT inhibitors would benefit from a patient stratification rationale based on ARF and p53(mut) status

    Early intervention for stigma towards mental illness? Promoting positive attitudes towards severe mental illness in primary school children

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    Purpose Stigma towards severe mental illness (SMI) is widespread, exacerbating mental health problems, and impacting on help-seeking and social inclusion. Anti-stigma campaigns are meeting with success, but results are mixed. Earlier intervention to promote positive mental health literacy rather than challenge stigma, may show promise, but little is known about stigma development or interventions in younger children. This study will investigate (i) children’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards SMI and (ii) whether we can positively influence children’s attitudes before stigma develops. Design/methodology/approach A cross sectional study investigated mental health schema in 7-11 year olds. An experimental intervention investigated whether an indirect contact story-based intervention in 7-8 year olds led to more positive mental health schema. Findings: Young children’s schema were initially positive, and influenced by knowledge and contact with mental illness & intergroup anxiety, but were more stigmatising in older girls as intergroup anxiety increased. The indirect contact intervention was effective in promoting positive mental health schema, partially mediated by knowledge. Social Implications: Intervening early to shape concepts of mental illness more positively, as they develop in young children, may represent a more effective strategy than attempting to challenge and change mental health stigma once it has formed in adolescents and adults. Originality/Value: This study is the first to investigate an intervention targeted at the prevention of stigma towards severe mental illness, in young children, at the point that stigma is emerging

    A short peptide that preferentially binds c-MYC G-quadruplex DNA

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    G-quadruplexes (G4s) are non-canonical DNA secondary structures. The identification of selective tools to probe individual G4s over the ~700,000 found in the human genome is key to unravel the biological significance of specific G4s. We took inspiration from a crystal structure of the bovine DHX36 helicase bound to the G4 formed in the promoter region of the oncogene c-MYC to identify a short peptide that preferentially binds MYC G4 with nM affinity over a small panel of parallel and antiparallel G4s tested

    Systematic and continuous collection of patient-reported outcomes and experience in women with cancer undergoing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction: a study protocol for the Tuscany Region (Italy)

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    Introduction: Monitoring how patients feel and what they experience during the care process gives health professionals data to improve the quality of care, and gives health systems information to better design and implement care pathways. To gain new insights about specific gaps and/or strengths in breast cancer care, we measure patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and patient-reported experiences (PREs) for women receiving immediate breast reconstruction (iBR). Methods and analysis: Prospective, multicentre, cohort study with continuous and systematic web-based data collection from women diagnosed with breast cancer, who have an indication for iBR after mastectomy treated at any Breast Unit (BU) in Tuscany Region (Italy). Patients are classified into one of two groups under conditions of routine clinical practice, based on the type of iBR planned (implant and autologous reconstruction). Patient-reported information are obtained prior to and after surgery (at 3-month and 12-month follow-up). We estimate that there are around 700 annual eligible patients.Descriptive analyses are used to assess trends in PROs over time and differences between types of iBR in PROs and PREs. Additionally, econometric models are used to analyse patient and BU characteristics associated with outcomes and experiences. PREs are evaluated to assess aspects of integrated care along the care pathway. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been reviewed and obtained a nihil obstat from the Tuscan Ethics Committees of the three Area Vasta in 2017. Dissemination of results will be via periodic report, journal articles and conference presentations

    The Fed\u27s emergency lending supports the Paycheck Protection Program

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    A novel patient-derived intra-femoral xenograft model of bone metastatic prostate cancer that recapitulates mixed osteolytic and osteoblastic lesions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p/> <p>Prostate cancer metastasizes to bone in the majority of patients with advanced disease leading to painfully debilitating fractures, spinal compression and rapid decline. In addition, prostate cancer bone metastases often become resistant to standard therapies including androgen deprivation, radiation and chemotherapy. There are currently few models to elucidate mechanisms of interaction between the bone microenvironment and prostate cancer. It is, thus, essential to develop new patient-derived, orthotopic models. Here we report the development and characterization of PCSD1 (Prostate Cancer San Diego 1), a novel patient-derived intra-femoral xenograft model of prostate bone metastatic cancer that recapitulates mixed osteolytic and osteoblastic lesions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A femoral bone metastasis of prostate cancer was removed during hemiarthroplasty and transplanted into <it>Rag2<sup>-/-</sup>;Îł<sub>c</sub><sup>-/- </sup></it>mice either intra-femorally or sub-cutaneously. Xenograft tumors that developed were analyzed for prostate cancer biomarker expression using RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Osteoblastic, osteolytic and mixed lesion formation was measured using micro-computed tomography (microCT).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PCSD1 cells isolated directly from the patient formed tumors in all mice that were transplanted intra-femorally or sub-cutaneously into <it>Rag2<sup>-/-</sup>;Îł<sub>c</sub><sup>-/- </sup></it>mice. Xenograft tumors expressed human prostate specific antigen (PSA) in RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analyses. PCSD1 tumors also expressed AR, NKX3.1, Keratins 8 and 18, and AMACR. Histologic and microCT analyses revealed that intra-femoral PCSD1 xenograft tumors formed mixed osteolytic and osteoblastic lesions. PCSD1 tumors have been serially passaged in mice as xenografts intra-femorally or sub-cutaneously as well as grown in culture.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PCSD1 xenografts tumors were characterized as advanced, luminal epithelial prostate cancer from a bone metastasis using RT-PCR and immunohistochemical biomarker analyses. PCSD1 intra-femoral xenografts formed mixed osteoblastic/osteolytic lesions that closely resembled the bone lesions in the patient. PCSD1 is a new primary prostate cancer bone metastasis-derived xenograft model to study metastatic disease in the bone and to develop novel therapies for inhibiting prostate cancer growth in the bone-niche.</p

    A quantitative assessment of the consistency of projections from five mathematical models of the HIV epidemic in South Africa: a model comparison study

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    Background: Mathematical models are increasingly used to inform HIV policy and planning. Comparing estimates obtained using different mathematical models can test the robustness of estimates and highlight research gaps. As part of a larger project aiming to determine the optimal allocation of funding for HIV services, in this study we compare projections from five mathematical models of the HIV epidemic in South Africa: EMOD-HIV, Goals, HIV-Synthesis, Optima, and Thembisa. // Methods: The five modelling groups produced estimates of the total population, HIV incidence, HIV prevalence, proportion of people living with HIV who are diagnosed, ART coverage, proportion of those on ART who are virally suppressed, AIDS-related deaths, total deaths, and the proportion of adult males who are circumcised. Estimates were made under a “status quo” scenario for the period 1990 to 2040. For each output variable we assessed the consistency of model estimates by calculating the coefficient of variation and examining the trend over time. // Results: For most outputs there was significant inter-model variability between 1990 and 2005, when limited data was available for calibration, good consistency from 2005 to 2025, and increasing variability towards the end of the projection period. Estimates of HIV incidence, deaths in people living with HIV, and total deaths displayed the largest long-term variability, with standard deviations between 35 and 65% of the cross-model means. Despite this variability, all models predicted a gradual decline in HIV incidence in the long-term. Projections related to the UNAIDS 95–95-95 targets were more consistent, with the coefficients of variation below 0.1 for all groups except children. // Conclusions: While models produced consistent estimates for several outputs, there are areas of variability that should be investigated. This is important if projections are to be used in subsequent cost-effectiveness studies
