18 research outputs found

    Apical polarity in three-dimensional culture systems: where to now?

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    Delineation of the mechanisms that establish and maintain the polarity of epithelial tissues is essential to understanding morphogenesis, tissue specificity and cancer. Three-dimensional culture assays provide a useful platform for dissecting these processes but, as discussed in a recent study in BMC Biology on the culture of mammary gland epithelial cells, multiple parameters that influence the model must be taken into account

    Myoepithelial cells: good fences make good neighbors

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    The mammary gland consists of an extensively branched ductal network contained within a distinctive basement membrane and encompassed by a stromal compartment. During lactation, production of milk depends on the action of the two epithelial cell types that make up the ductal network: luminal cells, which secrete the milk components into the ductal lumen; and myoepithelial cells, which contract to aid in the ejection of milk. There is increasing evidence that the myoepithelial cells also play a key role in the organizational development of the mammary gland, and that the loss and/or change of myoepithelial cell function is a key step in the development of breast cancer. In this review we briefly address the characteristics of breast myoepithelial cells from human breast and mouse mammary gland, how they function in normal mammary gland development, and their recently appreciated role in tumor suppression

    Tissue Geometry Determines Sites of

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    land, do not allow for a precise quantitative understanding of how spatial positioning is determined. Given that the mammary ductal network branches out from preexisting epithelial tubules, we hypothesized that the position of cells within a tubule might provide contextual information to instruct branch site initiation. To define the role of positional context, we developed a three-dimensional (3D) micropatterned assay for mammary epithelial branching morphogenesis that allowed us to mimic the mammary rudiment by controlling the initial geometry of tubules and to quantify the positions at which they branched. We engineered epithelial tubules of defined geometry by embedding functionally normal mouse mammary epithelial (EpH4) cells in cavities of collagen gel generated by molding unpolymerized collagen I around a patterned elastomeric stamp (Fig. 1A) (6). Embedded epithelial cells formed hollow tubules (7) conforming to the size and shape of the collagen cavities (Fig. 1, B and C, an

    New insight into the role of MMP14 in metabolic balance.

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    Membrane-anchored matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14) is involved broadly in organ development through both its proteolytic and signal-transducing functions. Knockout of Mmp14 (KO) in mice results in a dramatic reduction of body size and wasting followed by premature death, the mechanism of which is poorly understood. Since the mammary gland develops after birth and is thus dependent for its functional progression on systemic and local cues, we chose it as an organ model for understanding why KO mice fail to thrive. A global analysis of the mammary glands' proteome in the wild type (WT) and KO mice provided insight into an unexpected role of MMP14 in maintaining metabolism and homeostasis. We performed mass spectrometry and quantitative proteomics to determine the protein signatures of mammary glands from 7 to 11 days old WT and KO mice and found that KO rudiments had a significantly higher level of rate-limiting enzymes involved in catabolic pathways. Glycogen and lipid levels in KO rudiments were reduced, and the circulating levels of triglycerides and glucose were lower. Analysis of the ultrastructure of mammary glands imaged by electron microscopy revealed a significant increase in autophagy signatures in KO mice. Finally, Mmp14 silenced mammary epithelial cells displayed enhanced autophagy. Applied to a systemic level, these findings indicate that MMP14 is a crucial regulator of tissue homeostasis. If operative on a systemic level, these findings could explain how Mmp14KO litter fail to thrive due to disorder in metabolism

    Long-term, non-invasive FTIR detection of low-dose ionizing radiation exposure

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    Abstract Non-invasive methods of detecting radiation exposure show promise to improve upon current approaches to biological dosimetry in ease, speed, and accuracy. Here we developed a pipeline that employs Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in the mid-infrared spectrum to identify a signature of low dose ionizing radiation exposure in mouse ear pinnae over time. Mice exposed to 0.1 to 2 Gy total body irradiation were repeatedly measured by FTIR at the stratum corneum of the ear pinnae. We found significant discriminative power for all doses and time-points out to 90 days after exposure. Classification accuracy was maximized when testing 14 days after exposure (specificity > 0.9 with a sensitivity threshold of 0.9) and dropped by roughly 30% sensitivity at 90 days. Infrared frequencies point towards biological changes in DNA conformation, lipid oxidation and accumulation and shifts in protein secondary structure. Since only hundreds of samples were used to learn the highly discriminative signature, developing human-relevant diagnostic capabilities is likely feasible and this non-invasive procedure points toward rapid, non-invasive, and reagent-free biodosimetry applications at population scales