214 research outputs found

    Book review: visual insights: a practical guide to making sense of data by Katy Börner and David E. Polley

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    This book, developed for use in an information visualisation MOOC, covers data analysis algorithms that enable extraction of patterns and trends in data, with chapters devoted to “when” (temporal data), “where” (geospatial data), “what” (topical data), and “with whom” (networks and trees); and to systems that drive research and development. Jamie Cross finds that the book’s hands-on sections demand time and effort, and more reflection on how we exist in and relate to the world would have been welcome

    Anthropology for sale

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    This introduction to the Anthropology for Sale special issue makes a case for renewed attention to the selling and salescraft in anthropology. Rather than presume to know in advance what kinds of ethics and interests underpin the moment of sale the contributors to this Special Issue ask how sales work allows people to perform themselves as moral actors. In this introduction we situate the moment of sale as a moment of possibility charged with play, charisma, spin and seduction, reflect on the language and rhetoric of selling, consider the presence of kinship, gender, class, caste in the marketplace, and emphasise the precariousness of selling in contexts of global economic uncertainty

    Everybody Gives:Gifts and the Global Factory

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    Life after chemistry or a carbon anthropology

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    Solar Basics

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    Solar Basics

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    Stempffer Henri. Description d'une nouvelle espÚce d'Harpendyreus d'Afrique orientale [Lep. Lycaenidae]. In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 78 (5-6), Mai-juin 1973. pp. 223-225
