9,777 research outputs found

    Elliptic Solutions of ABS Lattice Equations

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    Elliptic N-soliton-type solutions, i.e. solutions emerging from the application of N consecutive B\"acklund transformations to an elliptic seed solution, are constructed for all equations in the ABS list of quadrilateral lattice equations, except for the case of the Q4 equation which is treated elsewhere. The main construction, which is based on an elliptic Cauchy matrix, is performed for the equation Q3, and by coalescence on certain auxiliary parameters, the corresponding solutions of the remaining equations in the list are obtained. Furthermore, the underlying linear structure of the equations is exhibited, leading, in particular, to a novel Lax representation of the Q3 equation.Comment: 42 pages, 3 diagram

    A morphologic study of Venus Ridge belts

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    Ridge belts, first identified in the Venera 15/16 images are distinguished as linear regions of concentrated, parallel to anastomosing, ridges. They are tens to several hundreds of km wide, hundreds to over one thousand km long, and composed of individual ridges 5 to 20 km wide and up to 200 km long. The ridges appear symmetrical in the radar images and are either directly adjacent to each other or separated by mottled plains. Cross-strike lineaments, visible as dark or bright lines, are common within the ridge belts, and some truncate individual ridges. In places the ridge belt may be offset by these lineaments, but such offset is rarely consistent across the ridge belt. Once the mode of formation of these ridge belts is understood, their distribution and orientation will help to constrain the homogeneity and orientation of the stresses over the period of ridge belt formation. The look direction for the Venera system was to the west, so ridges appear as pairs of bright and dark lineaments, with the bright line to the east of the dark. The term ridge was used in a general sense to refer to a linear rise. The use of this term is restricted to rises which have a sharp transition from bright to dark at the crest, and are 5 to 15 km wide. These ridges are either continuous or discontinuous. The continuous ridges are over 30 km long and form coherent ridge belts, while the discontinuous ridges are less than 30 km long and do not form a coherent ridge belt. The continuous ridges were divided into 3 components: (1) Anastomosing ridges, in which the individual ridges are sinuous and often meet and cross at small angles, are the most common component; (2) The parallel ridge component also consists of well defined ridges, often with plains separating the individual ridges, but the ridges are more linear and rarely intersect one another; and (3) Parallel ridged plains are composed of indistinct ridges, some of which do not have a distinctive bright-dark pattern. The nature of deformation within the ridge belts is complex and not fully understood at present. Some belts show distinct signs of compression, while others have symmetrical patterns expected in extensional environments. Thus the ridge belts may have formed by more than one style of deformation; some may be extensional, while others are compressional. All the ridge belts are being systematically mapped, especially for symmetrical relationships

    Space Transportation Materials and Structures Technology Workshop

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    The Space Transportation Materials and Structures Technology Workshop was held on September 23-26, 1991, in Newport News, Virginia. The workshop, sponsored by the NASA Office of Space Flight and the NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology, was held to provide a forum for communication within the space materials and structures technology developer and user communities. Workshop participants were organized into a Vehicle Technology Requirements session and three working panels: Materials and Structures Technologies for Vehicle Systems, Propulsion Systems, and Entry Systems

    Energy, Obsolescence, and the Productivity Slowdown

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    The growth rate of output per worker in the U.S. declined sharply during the 1970's. A leading explanation of this phenomenon holds that the dramatic rise in energy prices during the 1970's caused a significant portion of the U.S. capital stock to become obsolete. This led to a decline in effective capital input which, in turn, caused a reduction in the reduction in the growth rate of output per worker. This paper examines a key prediction of this hypothesis. If there is a significant link between energy and capital obsolescence, it should be revealed in the market price of used capital: if rising energy costs did in fact render older, energy-inefficient capital obsolete, prospective buyers should have reduced the price that they were willing to pay for that capital. An examination of the market for used capital before and after the energy price shocks should thus reveal the presence and magnitude of the obsolescence effect. We have carried out this examination for four types of used machine tools and five types of construction equipment. We did not find a general reduction in the price of used equipment after the energy price shocks. Indeed, the price of used construction equipment - the more energy intensive of our two types of capital - tended to increase after 1973. We thus conclude that our data do not support the obsolescence explanation of the productivity of slowdown.


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    Eight input combinations of commercial fertilizer, insecticides, and herbicides on a corn-soybean crop rotation in the Brazos River Bottom of Texas are evaluated. Input combinations which do not fully utilize all three inputs are consistently ranked higher by all criteria as the preferred input strategy for the corn-soybean rotation system. These results, which indicate limited input crop rotations that fall somewhere between the extremes of conventional agricultural production and organic agriculture, deserve further attention as a possible production alternative.corn, limited input, soybean, Crop Production/Industries,

    Consumer Sensitivity to Interest Rates: An Empirical Study of New Car Buyers and Auto Loans

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    ALTHOUGH it has never been clear whether the consumer needs to be protected from his own folly or from the rapaciousness of those who feed on him, consumer protection is a topic of intense current interest in the courts, in the legislatures, and in the law schools. A number of recent court decisions have attempted to attack problems confronting the consumer; unfortunately, these judicial efforts have succeeded primarily in disclosing the limitations in the courts\u27 ability to deal with such problems. State and federal legislative bodies have pursued more carefully designed remedies. Congress has passed the Truth-in-Lending Act; the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws has proposed the Uniform Consumer Credit Code; and many states have enacted retail installment sales acts to update and supplement their long-standing usury laws. These legisJative and judicial acts have always relied, at best, on anecdotal knowledge of consumer behavior. In this Article we offer the results of an empirical study of a small slice of consumer behavior in the use of installment credit

    Modifying monolayer behaviour by incorporating subphase additives and improving Langmuir–Blodgett thin film deposition on optical fibres

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    Experiments showing the possibility of modifying the behaviour of calix[4]resorcinarene monolayers at the air–water interface and optimising the deposition of multilayer coatings onto optical fibres are presented. The nature of the subphase is fundamental to the behaviour of monolayers and their utility in coating and sensing applications. Here we show initial studies exploring the modification of the calix[4]resorcinarene monolayer–water interaction through the introduction of dipole altering alcohol additives to the aqueous subphase. We explored the effect of this modification for three small alcohols. The resulting isotherms of the materials showed a reduction in the surface pressure and area per molecule required in order for the monolayer to reach its point of collapse. Incorporation of alcohols shifted the point of collapse, leading to the application of ethanol being successful in improving the transfer of material via Langmuir–Blodgett coating onto optical fibres at lower pressures. This method may prove useful in allowing greater control over future sensor surface coatings

    AMPR/SSMI data comparisons

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    The AMPR was flown during CAPE and STORMFEST, during which some good data were gathered. Significant instrument noise problems were encountered in both deployments which appear to be temperature related. These are being fixed before the TOGA COARE deployment. New calibration loads have also been manufactured for the TOGA COARE configuration. Eric Smith at FSU had been analyzing the AMPR data and has written a journal article to be submitted early this summer. The emphasis of his work is on the interpretation of low resolution microwave data from space, based upon what we have learned from the high-resolution AMPR signatures

    Exhaust-Gas Pressure and Temperature Survey of F404-GE-400 Turbofan Engine

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    An exhaust-gas pressure and temperature survey of the General Electric F404-GE-400 turbofan engine was conducted in the altitude test facility of the NASA Lewis Propulsion System Laboratory. Traversals by a survey rake were made across the exhaust-nozzle exit to measure the pitot pressure and total temperature. Tests were performed at Mach 0.87 and a 24,000-ft altitude and at Mach 0.30 and a 30,000-ft altitude with various power settings from intermediate to maximum afterburning. Data yielded smooth pressure and temperature profiles with maximum jet temperatures approximately 1.4 in. inside the nozzle edge and maximum jet temperatures from 1 to 3 in. inside the edge. A low-pressure region located exactly at engine center was noted. The maximum temperature encountered was 3800 R