8,096 research outputs found

    Space station mobile transporter

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    The first quarter of the next century will see an operational space station that will provide a permanently manned base for satellite servicing, multiple strategic scientific and commercial payload deployment, and Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle/Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OMV/OTV) retrieval replenishment and deployment. The space station, as conceived, is constructed in orbit and will be maintained in orbit. The construction, servicing, maintenance and deployment tasks, when coupled with the size of the station, dictate that some form of transportation and manipulation device be conceived. The Transporter described will work in conjunction with the Orbiter and an Assembly Work Platform (AWP) to construct the Work Station. The Transporter will also work in conjunction with the Mobile Remote Servicer to service and install payloads, retrieve, service and deploy satellites, and service and maintain the station itself. The Transporter involved in station construction when mounted on the AWP and later supporting a maintenance or inspection task with the Mobile Remote Servicer and the Flight Telerobotic Servicer is shown

    Dendritic cells stimulate primary human cytolytic lymphocyte responses in the absence of CD4+ helper T cells

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    Young, J.W., and Steinman, R.M. Dendritic cells stimulate primary human cytolytic lymphocyte responses in the absence of CD4+ helper T cells. J. Exp. Med. 171: 1315-1332, 1990https://digitalcommons.rockefeller.edu/historical-scientific-reports/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Rate of environmental change determines stress response specificity

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    Cells use general stress response pathways to activate diverse target genes in response to a variety of stresses. However, general stress responses coexist with more specific pathways that are activated by individual stresses, provoking the fundamental question of whether and how cells control the generality or specificity of their response to a particular stress. Here we address this issue using quantitative time-lapse microscopy of the Bacillus subtilis environmental stress response, mediated by σ^B. We analyzed σ^B activation in response to stresses such as salt and ethanol imposed at varying rates of increase. Dynamically, σ^B responded to these stresses with a single adaptive activity pulse, whose amplitude depended on the rate at which the stress increased. This rate-responsive behavior can be understood from mathematical modeling of a key negative feedback loop in the underlying regulatory circuit. Using RNAseq we analyzed the effects of both rapid and gradual increases of ethanol and salt stress across the genome. Because of the rate responsiveness of σ^B activation, salt and ethanol regulons overlap under rapid, but not gradual, increases in stress. Thus, the cell responds specifically to individual stresses that appear gradually, while using σ^B to broaden the cellular response under more rapidly deteriorating conditions. Such dynamic control of specificity could be a critical function of other general stress response pathways

    The Mid-IR Spectral Effects of Darkening Agents and Porosity on the Silicate Surface Features of Airless Bodies

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    We systematically measured the mid-IR spectra of different mixtures of three silicates (antigorite, lizardite, and pure silica) with varying effective porosities and amounts of darkening agent (iron oxide and carbon). These spectra have broad implications for interpretation of current and future mission data for airless bodies, as well as for testing the capabilities of new instruments. Serpentines, such as antigorite and lizardite, are common to airless surfaces, and their mid-IR spectra in the presence of darkening agents and different surface porosities would be typical for those measured by spacecraft. Silica has only been measured in the plumes of Enceladus and presents exciting possibilities for other Saturn-system surfaces due to long range transport of E-ring material. Results show that the addition of the IR-transparent salt, KBr, to simulate surface porosity affected silicate spectra in ways that were not predictable from linear mixing models. The strengthening of silicate bands with increasing pore space, even when only trace amounts of KBr were added, indicates that spectral features of porous surfaces are more detectable in the mid-IR. Combining iron oxide with the pure silicates seemed to flatten most of the silicate features, but strengthened the reststrahlen band of the silica. Incorporating carbon with the silicates weakened all silicate features, but the silica bands were more resistant to being diminished, indicating silica may be more detectable in the mid-IR than the serpentines. We show how incorporating darkening agents and porosity provides a more complete explanation of the mid-IR spectral features previously reported on worlds such as Iapetus

    The B7/BB1 antigen provides one of several costimulatory signals for the activation of CD4+ T lymphocytes by human blood dendritic cells in vitro

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    T cells respond to peptide antigen in association with MHC products on antigen-presenting cells (APCs). A number of accessory or costimulatory molecules have been identified that also contribute to T cell activation. Several of the known accessory molecules are expressed by freshly isolated dendritic cells, a distinctive leukocyte that is the most potent APC for the initiation of primary T cell responses. These include ICAM-1 (CD54), LFA-3 (CD58), and class I and II MHC products. Dendritic cells also constitutively express the accessory ligand for CD28, B7/BB1, which has not been previously identified on circulating leukocytes freshly isolated from peripheral blood. Dendritic cell expression of both B7/BB1 and ICAM-1 (CD54) increases after binding to allogeneic T cells. Individual mAbs against several of the respective accessory T cell receptors, e.g., anti-CD2, anti-CD4, anti-CD11a, and anti-CD28, inhibit T cell proliferation in the dendritic cell-stimulated allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) by 40-70%. Combinations of these mAbs are synergistic in achieving near total inhibition. Other T cell-reactive mAbs, e.g., anti-CD5 and anti-CD45, are not inhibitory. Lymphokine secretion and blast transformation are similarly reduced when active accessory ligand-receptor interactions are blocked in the dendritic cell-stimulated allogeneic MLR. Dendritic cells are unusual in their comparably higher expression of accessory ligands, among which B7/BB1 can now be included. These are pertinent to the efficiency with which dendritic cells in small numbers elicit strong primary T cell proliferate and effector responses

    Small amounts of superantigen, when presented on dendritic cells, are sufficient to initiate T cell responses

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    Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting cells for several primary immune responses and therefore provide an opportunity for evaluating the amounts of cell-associated antigens that are required for inducing T cell-mediated immunity. Because dendritic calls express very high levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II products, it has been assumed that high levels of ligands bound to MHC products (“signal one”) are needed to stimulate quiescent T cells. Here we describe quantitative aspects underlying the stimulation of human blood T cells by a bacterial superantigen, staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA). The advantages of superantigens for quantitative studies of signal one are that these ligands: (a) engage MHC class II and the T cell receptor but do not require processing; (b) are efficiently presented to large numbers of quiescent T cells; and (c) can be pulsed onto dendritic cells before their application to T cells. Thus one can relate amounts of dendritic cell-associated SEA to subsequent lymphocyte stimulation. Using radioiodinated SEA, we noted that dendritic cells can bind 30-200 times more superantigen than B cells and monocytes. Nevertheless, this high SEA binding does not underlie the strong potency of dendritic cells to present antigen to T cells. Dendritic cells can sensitize quiescent T cells, isolated using monoclonals to appropriate CD45R epitopes, after a pulse of SEA that occupies a maximum of 0.1% of surface MHC class II molecules. This corresponds to an average of 2,000 molecules per dendritic cell. At these low doses of bound SEA, monoclonal antibodies to CD3, CD4, and CD28 almost completely block T cell proliferation. In addition to suggesting new roles for MHC class II on dendritic ceils, especially the capture and retention of ligands at low external concentrations, the data reveal that primary T calls can generate a response to exceptionally low levels of signal one as long as these are ddivered on dendritic ceils