16 research outputs found

    Baseline characteristics of children prescribed different asthma controller medications.

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    <p> <i>ICS =  Inhaled corticosteroid; LTRA = leukotriene receptors antagonists; LABA/ICS =  fixed dose long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids combination; LABA+ICS =  concurrent long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids separate inhaler; SCSIMD  =  Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation; SABA =  Short-acting β2–agonist; OCS =  Oral corticosteroids.</i></p

    Box plot for the distribution of Medication Possession Ratio of prescribed asthma controller medications.

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    <p>Whiskers represent the extreme values, and boxes represent the 75th quartile, median, and 25th quartile. Outliers were excluded from the analysis. MPR =  Medication possession ratio; ICS = Inhaled corticosteroid; LTRA = leukotriene receptors antagonists; LABA/ICS = fixed dose long-acting β2-agonist and inhaled corticosteroids combination; LABA+ICS =  concurrent long-acting β2-agonist and inhaled corticosteroids separate inhaler.</p

    Adequate MPR for asthma controller medications by deprivation index, age and gender.

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    *<p> <i>P<0.001; ICS =  Inhaled corticosteroid; LTRA = leukotriene receptors antagonists; LABA/ICS =  fixed dose long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids combination; LABA+ICS =  concurrent long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids separate inhaler; SCSIMD  =  Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.</i></p

    The relationship between reliever medication prescription in the post index year and the medication possession ratio.

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    <p> <i>% of children with adequate vs inadequate MPR. e.g. x% of children with adequate MPR had an OCS prescription while xx% of those with inadequate MPR had an OCS prescription.</i></p>*<p> <i>P<0.001;</i></p>**<p> <i>P<0.05.</i></p><p> <i>SABA =  Short-acting β2–agonist; OCS =  Oral corticosteroids; ICS =  Inhaled corticosteroid; LTRA = leukotriene receptors antagonists; LABA/ICS =  fixed dose long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids combination; LABA+ICS =  concurrent long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids separate inhaler.</i></p

    Adjusted<sup>*</sup> odds ratios of being prescribed reliever medications for children with adequate versus inadequate MPR, stratified by controller medication.

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    *<p> <i>Adjusted for age, gender, socio-economic status and pre index prescribing of asthma medications. Adjusted OR = Adjusted odds ratios; SABA = Short-acting β2–agonist; OCS = Oral corticosteroids; ICS = Inhaled corticosteroid; LTRA = leukotriene receptors antagonists; LABA/ICS = fixed dose long-acting β2-agonist and inhaled corticosteroids combination; LABA+ICS = concurrent long-acting β2 -agonist and inhaled corticosteroids separate inhaler.</i></p

    Number of hits over the last 10 years for Medline title search for ‘systematic review’ and ‘herb*’ and number of hits over the last 10 years for Medline abstract search of (‘questionnaire*’ or ‘survey*’) and ‘herb*’.

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    <p>Number of hits over the last 10 years for Medline title search for ‘systematic review’ and ‘herb*’ and number of hits over the last 10 years for Medline abstract search of (‘questionnaire*’ or ‘survey*’) and ‘herb*’.</p

    Definitions of herbs, herbal medicines, herbal products and Dietary Supplements used by the World Health Organisation, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA, United Kingdom) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, United States of America).

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    <p>Definitions of herbs, herbal medicines, herbal products and Dietary Supplements used by the World Health Organisation, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA, United Kingdom) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, United States of America).</p

    Bar chart of the actual number of different herbs, herbal medicines and herbal products taken or used by those responding ‘no’ to the closed question “have you used herbs, herbal medicines or herbal products in the last three months” (n = 312).

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    <p>Bar chart of the actual number of different herbs, herbal medicines and herbal products taken or used by those responding ‘no’ to the closed question “have you used herbs, herbal medicines or herbal products in the last three months” (n = 312).</p