170 research outputs found

    Education and outreach activities within the biological weapons convention

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    Fostering the Biosecurity Norm: Biosecurity Education for the Next Generation of Life Scientists

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    Sustainable education on biosecurity and dual use for life scientists is increasingly recognised as being an important element of broader efforts to achieve biosecurity. To address this issue, a joint project between the Landau Network-Centro Volta and the Bradford Disarmament Research Centre has been initiated to analyse what currently exists in terms of biosecurity and dual use education, but also how such education can be most effectively achieved in a sustainable fashion. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the findings of a survey on the extent of, and attitudes to, biosecurity and dual use education in European universities, and outline the educational activities undertaken through a network of contacts built through the survey and some of the conclusions drawn from engagement with this network. The paper also outlines the development and optimization of an Educational Module Resource intended to support lecturers in the improvement and implementation of educational material related to biosecurity and dual use. This is further expanded by the authors' experience derived from implementation tests conducted at universities around Europe, in which material was tested with students and faculty members. To date, the main results from this evaluative process are that students and faculties are generally unaware of biosecurity and dual use concerns, but nonetheless appear interested in discussing these topics and have initiated challenging debates on the importance of balancing factors such as security, research, secrecy and development. However, serious efforts in terms of developing and promulgating education more broadly across the life science community will require concerted actions which look at education but also at other mutually reinforcing intervention points such as funding bodies, authors and publishers. Moreover, in the longer term it will also be necessary to develop new mechanisms and metrics to determine success in these activities and ensure that educational activities are contributing, along with other legal and regulatory measures, to mitigating the challenge of potential misuse of the life sciences in the 21st century

    Reviewing science and technology in the context of the Biological Weapons Convention

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    There is evidence of the emergence of a consensus amongst a number of States Parties to the BWC and NGOs on the principle of changing the process of S&T review as part of the wider quinquennial review process of the BWC. However, there is little evidence of agreement on the details of what needs to be done, how, by whom and to what end. Wrestling with these questions will be essential if state parties wish to capitalise on the momentum that has built up around changing S&T reviews and convert this into an evolution of the practice. With the review conference less than a year away, thinking needs to begin sooner, rather than later

    A peer-review mechanism for the biological and toxin weapons convention

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    At the Seventh Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in December 2011, a working paper submitted by France sought to initiate debate on the potential of developing a peer review system for the BTWC to build confidence in the implementation of the Convention. The concept of peer review has precedent in the activities of a number of other international organizations, yet the objectives, format, participants and structure of peer review mechanisms vary. Accordingly, this report seeks to take forward this debate by looking at what peer review is; how it works elsewhere; how it could be applied in the context of the BTWC; what would be required to move forward; and what possible advantages or disadvantages a peer-review process would confer to the BTWC in light of the Convention’s recent histor
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