9,151 research outputs found

    Coupled aerodynamic and acoustical predictions for turboprops

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    To predict the noise fields for proposed turboprop airplanes, an existing turboprop noise code by Farassat has been modified to accept blade pressure inputs from a three-dimensional aerodynamic code. A Euler-type code can handle the nonlinear transonic flow of these high-speed, highly swept blades. This turbofan code was modified to allow the calculation mesh to extend to about twice the blade radius and to apply circumferential periodicity rather than solid-wall boundary conditions on the blade in the region between the blade tip and the outer shroud. Outputs were added for input to the noise prediction program and for color contour plots of various flow variables. The Farassat input subroutines were modified to read files of blade coordinates and predicted surface pressures. Aerodynamic and acoustic results are shown for the SR-3 model blade. Comparison of the acoustic predicted results with measured data show good agreement

    The Urbanization Deflator of the GNP, 1919-1984: Reply

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    Adventitious shoot propagation and cultural inputs in nursery production of a primocane-fruiting blackberry selection

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    Studies were conducted from January to October 2005 to determine the effect of root-cutting length on adventitious shoot yield and the management practices necessary to produce nurseryquality primocane-fruiting blackberry plants. The first portion of the study measured the average number of shoots produced from 7.6 cm- and 15.2 cm-long root cuttings of APF-44 blackberry—a primocane-fruiting genotype from the University of Arkansas breeding program. Cuttings were forced in a shallow bin containing a soilless potting medium. The average number of shoots per root cutting from 7.6 cm- and 15.2 cm- long root cuttings averaged 1.6 and 2.7 shoots per root cutting, respectively. Rooting percentage for collected shoots was nearly 100% regardless of root-cutting length source. A qualitative comparison of shoots from the two roots lengths was similar. The latter part of the study included various treatments on the rooted shoots that might affect the productivity and quality of the final product intended for nursery sales in early fall. With the aim of producing a flowering/fruiting shrub by late September, three treatments were applied: pot dimension, fertilizer rate, and shoot tipping. Fertilizer rate had the greatest impact of all treatments with the higher rate producing larger and more attractive plants. Above-normal summer/fall temperatures may explain lack of fruiting on APF-44 blackberries, but the dimension and size of some plants provided a portion of the intended aesthetic

    Church and State Relationships in Education in Utah

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    The study treats a highly controversial area in American education as it applies to the State of Utah. The proper relation between Church and state in the field of education has not yet been settled, nor is it likely ever to be with any finality. In two most recent cases involving the legal issues of Church and State in education ( McCullum vs. Board of Education, 333 U. S. 203 and Zorach V. Clawson, 343 U. s. 306) the United States Supreme Court has written split opinions. The 1956 White House Conference on Education found that religion and segregation were the two current issues in American education which involved basic disagreements which the Committee did not resolve satisfactorily, partly because of the limited time at its disposal for complete discussion of the many intricacies of the different points of view represented on the Committee

    Quantum phases of bosons in double-well optical lattices

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    We study the superfluid to Mott insulator transition of bosons in a two-legged ladder optical lattice, of a type accessible in current experiments on double-well optical lattices. The zero-temperature phase diagram is mapped out, with a focus on its dependence upon interchain hopping and the tilt between double wells. We find that the unit-filling Mott phase exhibits a non-monotonic behavior as a function of the tilt parameter, producing a reentrant phase transition between Mott insulator and superfluid phases.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Blackberry plant named \u27Apache\u27

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    Describes a new and distinct blackberry variety which originated from seed produced by a hand pollinated cross of Arkansas Selection 1007 (non-patented) and ‘Navaho’ (U.S. Patent PP 6,679). This new blackberry variety can be distinguished by its high fruit yields, large fruit size, erect thornless canes, late ripening, prolific fruiting row establishment, and good fruit quality

    Nectarine tree-named \u27Bradley\u27 cultivar

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    Describes a new and distinct nectarine tree variety which originated from an F2 population of seed produced by a hand pollinated cross of Arkansas Peach Selection 190 (non-patented) and Arkansas Nectarine Selection 178 (non-patented). This new nectarine variety can be distinguished by its large, attractive, very firm fruit, good yielding abilities, good storage and shipping characteristics, and high levels of genetic resistance to the disease bacterial spot

    Nectarine tree named ‘Arrington’ cultivar

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    Describes a new and distinct nectarine tree variety which originated from seed produced by a hand pollinated cross of Arkansas Nectarine Selection 178 (non-patented) and Arkansas Nectarine Selection 232 (non-patented). This new nectarine variety can be distinguished by its very early fruit maturity, very firm non-melting flesh texture, high yield, excellent tree vigor, and attractive fruits with good flavor
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