9 research outputs found

    Physiological and technological considerations for Mars mission extravehicular activity

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    The nature of the suit is a function of the needs of human physiology, the ambient environment outside the suit, and the type of activity to be accomplished while in the suit. The physiological requirements that must be provided for in the Martian Extravehicular Activity (EVA) suit will be reviewed. The influence of the Martian environment on the EVA suit and EVA capabilities is elaborated, and the Martian environment is compared with the lunar environment. The differences that may influence the EVA design are noted. The type, nature, and duration of activities to be done in transit to Mars and on the Martian surface will be evaluated and the impact of these activities on the requirements for EVA systems will be discussed. Furthermore, the interaction between Martian surface transportation systems and EVA systems will be covered. Finally, options other than EVA will be considered such as robotics, nonanthropometric suits, and vehicles with anthropometric extremities or robotic end effectors

    The effects of different rates of ascent on the incidence of altitude decompression sickness

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    The effect of different rates of ascent on the incidence of altitude decompression sickness (DCS) was analyzed by a retrospective study on 14,123 man-flights involving direct ascent up to 38,000 ft altitude. The data were classified on the basis of altitude attained, denitrogenation at ground level, duration of stay at altitude, rest or exercise while at altitude, frequency of exercise at altitude, and ascent rates. This database was further divided on the basis of ascent rates into different groups from 1000 ft/min up to 53,000 ft/min. The database was analyzed using multiple correlation and regression methods, and the results of the analysis reveal that ascent rates influence the incidence of DCS in combination with the various factors mentioned above. Rate of ascent was not a significant predictor of DCS and showed a low, but significant multiple correlation (R=0.31) with the above factors. Further, the effects of rates below 2500 ft/min are significantly different from that of rates above 2500 ft/min on the incidence of symptoms (P=0.03) and forced descent (P=0.01). At rates above 2500 ft/min and up to 53,000 ft/min, the effects of ascent rates are not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) in the population examined while the effects of rates below 2500 ft/min are not clear

    Analysis of the individual risk of altitude decompression sickness under repeated exposures

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    In a case-control study, researchers examined the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) in individual subjects with higher number of exposures. Of the 126 subjects, 42 showed one or more episodes of DCS. Examination of the exposure-DCS relationship by odds ratio showed a linear relationship. Stratification analysis showed that sex, tissue ratio, and the presence of Doppler microbubbles were cofounders of this risk. A higher number of exposures increased the risk of DCS in this analysis

    Empirical models for use in designing decompression procedures for space operations

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    Empirical models for predicting the incidence of Type 1 altitude decompression sickness (DCS) and venous gas emboli (VGE) during space extravehicular activity (EVA), and for use in designing safe denitrogenation decompression procedures are developed. The models are parameterized using DCS and VGE incidence data from NASA and USAF manned altitude chamber decompression tests using 607 male and female subject tests. These models, and procedures for their use, consist of: (1) an exponential relaxation model and procedure for computing tissue nitrogen partial pressure resulting from a specified prebreathing and stepped decompression sequence; (2) a formula for calculating Tissue Ratio (TR), a tissue decompression stress index; (3) linear and Hill equation models for predicting the total incidence of VGE and DCS attendant with a particular TR; (4) graphs of cumulative DCS and VGE incidence (risk) versus EVA exposure time at any specified TR; and (5) two equations for calculating the average delay period for the initial detection of VGE or indication of Type 1 DCS in a group after a specific denitrogenation decompression procedure. Several examples of realistic EVA preparations are provided

    The effect of exercise on venous gas emboli and decompression sickness in human subjects at 4.3 psia

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    The contribution of upper body exercise to altitude decompression sickness while at 4.3 psia after 3.5 or 4.0 hours of 100% oxygen prebreathing at 14.7 psia was determined by comparing the incidence and patterns of venous gas emboli (VGE), and the incidence of Type 1 decompression sickness (DCS) in 43 exercising male subjects and 9 less active male Doppler Technicians (DT's). Each subject exercised for 4 minutes at each of 3 exercise stations while at 4.3 psia. An additional 4 minutes were spent monitoring for VGE by the DT while the subject was supine on an examination cot. In the combined 3.5 and 4.0 hour oxygen prebreathe data, 13 subjects complained of Type 1 DCS compared to 9 complaints from DT's. VGE were detected in 28 subjects compared to 14 detections from DT's. A chi-square analysis of proportions showed no statistically significantly difference in the incidence of Type 1 DCS or VGE between the two groups; however, the average time to detect VGE and to report Tyep 1 DCS symptoms were statistically different. It was concluded that 4 to 6 hours of upper body exercise at metabolic rates simulating EVA metabolic rates hastens the initial detection of VGE and the time to report Type 1 DCS symptoms as compared to DT's

    Propulsion Wheel Motor for an Electric Vehicle

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    A wheel assembly for an electric vehicle includes a wheel rim that is concentrically disposed about a central axis. A propulsion-braking module is disposed within an interior region of the wheel rim. The propulsion-braking module rotatably supports the wheel rim for rotation about the central axis. The propulsion-braking module includes a liquid cooled electric motor having a rotor rotatable about the central axis, and a stator disposed radially inside the rotor relative to the central axis. A motor-wheel interface hub is fixedly attached to the wheel rim, and is directly attached to the rotor for rotation with the rotor. The motor-wheel interface hub directly transmits torque from the electric motor to the wheel rim at a 1:1 ratio. The propulsion-braking module includes a drum brake system having an electric motor that rotates a cam device, which actuates the brake shoes