2,018 research outputs found

    Long-Term Dynamics of Leafy Spurge (\u3ci\u3eEuphorbia esula\u3c/i\u3e) and its Biocontrol Agent, Flea Beetles in the Genus Aphthona

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    Three flea beetle species (Aphthona spp.), first introduced into North America in 1988, have come to be regarded as effective biological control organisms for leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). The black flea beetles (Aphthona lacertosa and A. czwalinae) in particular have been shown to cause reductions in leafy spurge stem counts in the northern Great Plains, while the brown flea beetle (A. nigriscutis) has persisted and spread, but has not been found to be as effective at controlling leafy spurge. The ability of black flea beetles to control leafy spurge in any given year, however, has been found to vary. To better understand the long-term effects of flea beetle herbivory on leafy spurge, we monitored stem counts of leafy spurge and numbers of black and brown flea beetles at three sites on two National Wildlife Refuges in east-central North Dakota, USA, from 1998 to 2006. Brown flea beetle numbers were observed to be negligible on these sites. Over the 9 years of the study, black flea beetles were seen to spread over the three study sites and leafy spurge stem counts declined substantially on two of the three sites. Even at low densities of spurge, black flea beetle populations persisted, a necessary prerequisite for long-term control. We used structural equation models (SEM) to assess the yearly effects of black flea beetles, soil texture, and refuge site on leafy spurge stem counts over this time period. We then used equations developed from the SEM analysis to explore flea beetle–leafy spurge dynamics over time, after controlling for soil texture and refuge. Yearly effect strength of black flea beetles on leafy spurge was found to be modest, largely owing to substantial spatial variability in control. However, simulation results based on prediction coefficients revealed leafy spurge to be highly responsive to increases in flea beetle populations on average

    Estimating Production Risk and Inefficiency Simultaneously: An Application to Cotton Cropping Systems

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    By using a stochastic frontier framework, the mutual effect of input use on production risk and inefficiency is investigated. Disentangling this mutual effect proves important for empirical reasons, at least when applied to west Tennessee cotton systems grown after various cover crops. The most striking result is that the stochastic frontier model, when compared with a typical Just-Pope model, reorders the relative riskiness of cover-crop regimes associated with the cotton systems.cotton, inefficiency, Just-Pope, production risk, stochastic production frontier, Production Economics,

    Cost Analysis of Alternative Harvest, Storage and Transportation Methods for Delivering Switchgrass to a Biorefinery from the Farmers’ perspective

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    Switchgrass for bioenergy production will require substantial storage. This study evaluated costs of alternative baling and on-farm storage systems. Rectangular bales minimize cost if switchgrass is processed immediately after harvest. However, round bales minimize cost if switchgrass is stored under cover for 200 days before transporting to the biorefineryswitchgrass, baling, storage, transport, costs, farm, biorefinery, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Bioenergy Crops as a Production Alternative on an East Tennessee Beef and Crop Farm

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    This study evaluated prices and incentives for switchgrass stated in a biorefinery’s contract terms that induce switchgrass production on an east Tennessee representative farm when compared with traditional enterprises. The alternate contract terms imitated current subsidies/incentives offered as well as incentives and cost share terms not in the BCAP.switchgrass, contract, risk aversion, net return, Farm Management, Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q12,


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    Data from a survey were used to evaluate Tennessee farmers' willingness to pay for the boll weevil eradication program. Producer experience, boll weevil control costs, and attitudes about boll weevil damage and insecticide usage after the program were significant explanatory variables and had a positive influence on willingness to pay.Contingent valuation, cotton, regional pest control, pest management groups, Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    The development of a position-sensitive CZT detector with orthogonal co-planar anode strips

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    We report on the simulation, construction, and performance of prototype CdZnTe imaging detectors with orthogonal coplanar anode strips. These detectors employ a novel electrode geometry with non-collecting anode strips in one dimension and collecting anode pixels, interconnected in rows, in the orthogonal direction. These detectors retain the spectroscopic and detection efficiency advantages of single carrier (electron) sensing devices as well as the principal advantage of conventional strip detectors with orthogonal anode and cathode strips, i.e. an N×N array of imaging pixels are with only 2N electronic channels. Charge signals induced on the various electrodes of a prototype detector with 8×8 unit cells (1×1×5 mm3)are compared to the simulations. Results of position and energy resolution measurements are presented and discussed


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    Multiproduct, multispecies revenue functions are estimated for the midwater and bottom-trawl pollock fisheries off Alaska. There are strong year and seasonal effects on coefficient estimates, and the technology is joint in outputs for each major operation type. The model is a step toward prediction of fishery regulatory effects.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
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