36 research outputs found

    Maximizing Extractable Value from Automated Market Makers

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    Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are decentralized applications that allow users to exchange crypto-tokens without the need for a matching exchange order. AMMs are one of the most successful DeFi use cases: indeed, major AMM platforms process a daily volume of transactions worth USD billions. Despite their popularity, AMMs are well-known to suffer from transaction-ordering issues: adversaries can influence the ordering of user transactions, and possibly front-run them with their own, to extract value from AMMs, to the detriment of users. We devise an effective procedure to construct a strategy through which an adversary can maximize the value extracted from user transactions.Comment: To appear in FC'2

    SoK: Lending Pools in Decentralized Finance

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    Lending pools are decentralized applications which allow mutually untrusted users to lend and borrow crypto-assets. These applications feature complex, highly parametric incentive mechanisms to equilibrate the loan market. This complexity makes the behaviour of lending pools difficult to understand and to predict: indeed, ineffective incentives and attacks could potentially lead to emergent unwanted behaviours. Reasoning about lending pools is made even harder by the lack of executable models of their behaviour: to precisely understand how users interact with lending pools, eventually one has to inspect their implementations, where the incentive mechanisms are intertwined with low-level implementation details. Further, the variety of existing implementations makes it difficult to distill the common aspects of lending pools. We systematize the existing knowledge about lending pools, leveraging a new formal model of interactions with users, which reflects the archetypal features of mainstream implementations. This enables us to prove some general properties of lending pools, such as the correct handling of funds, and to precisely describe vulnerabilities and attacks. We also discuss the role of lending pools in the broader context of decentralized finance.Comment: 20 pages. Under submissio

    Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts

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    The proliferation of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO), which in current form are exposed to front-running of token transactions and proposal voting, demonstrate the need to shield user inputs and internal state from the parties executing smart contracts. In this work we present “Eagle”, an efficient UC-secure protocol which efficiently realises a notion of privacy preserving smart contracts where both the amounts of tokens and the auxiliary data given as input to a contract are kept private from all parties but the one providing the input. Prior proposals realizing privacy preserving smart contracts on public, permissionless blockchains generally offer a limited contract functionality or require a trusted third party to manage private inputs and state. We achieve our results through a combination of secure multi-party computation (MPC) and zero-knowledge proofs on Pedersen commitments. Although other approaches leverage MPC in this setting, these incur impractical computational overheads by requiring the computation of cryptographic primitives within MPC. Our solution achieves security without the need of any cryptographic primitives to be computed inside the MPC instance and only require a constant amount of exponentiations per client input

    FairPoS: Input Fairness in Permissionless Consensus

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    In permissionless consensus, the ordering of transactions or inputs in each block is freely determined by an anonymously elected block leader. A rational block leader will choose an ordering of inputs that maximizes financial gain; the emergence of automatic market makers in decentralized finance enables the block leader to front-run honest trade orders by injecting its own inputs prior to and after honest trades. Front-running is rampant in decentralized finance and reduces the utility of the system by extracting financial value from honest trades and increasing demand for block-space. Current proposals to prevent input order attacks by encrypting user inputs are not permissionless, as they rely on small static committees to perform distributed key generation and threshold decryption. Such committees require party authentication, knowledge of the number of participating parties or do not permit player replaceability and are therefore not permissionless. Moreover, alternative solutions based on sequencing inputs in order of their arrival cannot prevent front-running in an unauthenticated peer-2-peer network where message arrival is adversarially controlled. We present FairPoS, the first consensus protocol to achieve input fairness in the permissionless setting with security against adaptive adversaries in semi-synchronous networks. In FairPoS, the adversary cannot learn the plaintext of any client input before it is included in a block in the chain\u27s common-prefix. Thus, input ordering attacks that depend on observing pending client inputs in the clear are no longer possible. In FairPoS, this is achieved via Delay Encryption (DeFeo et al., EUROCRYPT 2021), a recent cryptographic primitive related to time-lock puzzles, allowing all client inputs in a given round to be encrypted under a key that can only be extracted after enough time has elapsed. In contrast to alternative approaches, the key extraction task in delay encryption can, in principle, be performed by any party in the permissionless setting and requires no distribution of secret key material amongst authenticated parties. However, key extraction requires highly specialized hardware in practice. Thus, FairPoS requires resource-rich staking parties to insert extracted keys into blocks, enabling light-clients to decrypt past inputs and relieving parties who join the execution from decrypting all inputs in the entire chain history. Realizing this in proof-of-stake is non-trivial; naive application of key extraction to proof-of-stake can result in chain stalls lasting the entire key extraction period. We overcome this challenge with a novel key extraction protocol, which tolerates adversarial delays in block delivery intended to prevent key extraction from completing on schedule. Critically, this also enables the adoption of a new longest-extendable-chain rule which allows FairPoS to achieve the same guarantees as Ouroborous Praos against an adaptive adversary

    SoK: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Finance

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    Recent years have seen the emergence of practical advanced cryptographic tools that not only protect data privacy and authenticity, but also allow for jointly processing data from different institutions without sacrificing privacy. The ability to do so has enabled implementations a number of traditional and decentralized financial applications that would have required sacrificing privacy or trusting a third party. The main catalyst of this revolution was the advent of decentralized cryptocurrencies that use public ledgers to register financial transactions, which must be verifiable by any third party, while keeping sensitive data private. Zero Knowledge (ZK) proofs rose to prominence as a solution to this challenge, allowing for the owner of sensitive data (e.g. the identities of users involved in an operation) to convince a third party verifier that a certain operation has been correctly executed without revealing said data. It quickly became clear that performing arbitrary computation on private data from multiple sources by means of secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) and related techniques allows for more powerful financial applications, also in traditional finance. In this SoK, we categorize the main traditional and decentralized financial applications that can benefit from state-of-the-art Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and identify design patterns commonly used when applying PETs in the context of these applications. In particular, we consider the following classes of applications: 1. Identity Management, KYC & AML; and 2. Markets & Settlement; 3. Legal; and 4. Digital Asset Custody. We examine how ZK proofs, MPC and related PETs have been used to tackle the main security challenges in each of these applications. Moreover, we provide an assessment of the technological readiness of each PET in the context of different financial applications according to the availability of: theoretical feasibility results, preliminary benchmarks (in scientific papers) or benchmarks achieving real-world performance (in commercially deployed solutions). Finally, we propose future applications of PETs as Fintech solutions to currently unsolved issues. While we systematize financial applications of PETs at large, we focus mainly on those applications that require privacy preserving computation on data from multiple parties

    Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts

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    The proliferation of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO), which in current form are exposed to front-running of token transactions and proposal voting, demonstrate the need to shield user inputs and internal state from the parties executing smart contracts. In this work we present “Eagle”, an efficient UC-secure protocol which efficiently realises a notion of privacy preserving smart contracts where both the amounts of tokens and the auxiliary data given as input to a contract are kept private from all parties but the one providing the input. Prior proposals realizing privacy preserving smart contracts on public, permissionless blockchains generally offer a limited contract functionality or require a trusted third party to manage private inputs and state. We achieve our results through a combination of secure multi-party computation (MPC) and zero-knowledge proofs on Pedersen commitments. Although other approaches leverage MPC in this setting, these incur impractical computational overheads by requiring the computation of cryptographic primitives within MPC. Our solution achieves security without the need of any cryptographic primitives to be computed inside the MPC instance and only require a constant amount of exponentiations per client input

    SoK: Mitigation of Front-running in Decentralized Finance

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    Front-running is the malicious, and often illegal, act of both manipulating the order of pending trades and injecting additional trades to make a profit at the cost of other users. In decentralized finance (DeFi), front-running strategies exploit both public knowledge of user trades from transactions pending on the network and the miner\u27s ability to determine the final transaction order. Given the financial loss and increased transaction load resulting from adversarial front-running in decentralized finance, novel cryptographic protocols have been proposed to mitigate such attacks in the permission-less blockchain setting. We systematize and discuss the state-of-the-art of front-running mitigation in decentralized finance, and illustrate remaining attacks and open challenges

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data