226 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Garrity, James (Portage Lake, Aroostook County)

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    Federal Estate and Gift Taxes (Book Review)

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    A Study of the Antitrust Laws (Book Review)

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    Federal Estate and Gift Taxes (Book Review)

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    A Study of the Antitrust Laws (Book Review)

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    “Blind” tells the story of a man who quits his job and buys an RV to drive his daughter, who is losing her sight, across Canada to see the Rocky Mountains before she goes blind. The film is framed with the narrative device of a voice-over from a “filmmaker” who is contemplating a film he wants to make, about a girl who goes blind. The film comes into being as the filmmaker imagines it, with many details left out, to be decided later, before actually making the film. The purpose of this thesis support paper is to examine and lay bare my creative process over the course of making the short film, BLIND; to make explicit, for myself, a process that has always been instinctual. In addition to a brief overview of some theorectical frameworks, this will involve an examination of the sources and references that I drew upon in creating the film, and more importantly, an analysis of the deeply personal, challenging insights I have been exposed to in the course of my study

    The Federal Death Tax and How to Live with It

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    The Federal Death Tax and How to Live with It

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