31,338 research outputs found

    New Methods for Estimating Labor Supply Functions: A Survey

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    This paper surveys new methods for estimatifg labor supply functions. A unified framework of analysis is presented. All recent models of labor supply are special cases of a general index function model developed for the analysis o dummy endogenous variables.

    Frequency response of intracavity laser coupling modulation

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    A resonant energy coupling between the atomic system and the oscillating optical mode leads to severe output distortion in intracavity laser coupling modulation. This anomalous behavior, which places a lower limit on the modulation frequency, is investigated in a case of a CO2 laser and compared with theoretical predictions

    An Optimal Incentive System For Real Estate Agents

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    This article presents an alternative system for selling real estate. It overcomes the well-known deficiencies of the percentage commission system. In our system, the agent purchases the property from the seller and simultaneously receives a put option. The put option gives the agent the right to put the property back to the original owner. It is shown that this system has many of the desirable properties of a dealer system, while avoiding some of the problems that are inherent in that system.

    Range Separated Brueckner Coupled Cluster Doubles Theory

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    We introduce a range-separation approximation to coupled cluster doubles (CCD) theory that successfully overcomes limitations of regular CCD when applied to the uniform electron gas. We combine the short-range ladder channel with the long-range ring channel in the presence of a Bruckner renormalized one-body interaction and obtain ground-state energies with an accuracy of 0.001 a.u./electron across a wide range of density regimes. Our scheme is particularly useful in the low-density and strongly-correlated regimes, where regular CCD has serious drawbacks. Moreover, we cure the infamous overcorrelation of approaches based on ring diagrams (i.e. the particle-hole random phase approximation). Our energies are further shown to have appropriate basis set and thermodynamic limit convergence, and overall this scheme promises energetic properties for realistic periodic and extended systems which existing methods do not possess.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figs. Now with supplementary info. Comments welcome: [email protected]

    A new genus of Prioninae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

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    Neoma, a new genus of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae: Macrotomini) is described for Mallodonopsis corrosus Bates, 1879, compared to related genera (Aplagiognathus Thomson, 1861; Archodontes Lameere, 1903; and Mallodonopsis Thomson, 1861), and its tribal position discussed. A lectotype for Mallodonopsis corrosus is here designated with the species redescribed and figured

    Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14

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    This Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP) provides an overview of the work described in “Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14”, a proposal funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Repository Development under the UCCSN/YMP Co-op in support of the Science and Technology Initiatives. The objective of this work is to provide improved estimates of the time required for ground water to travel from the site of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to the accessible environment