5,511 research outputs found

    Watching Electrons Transfer from Metals to Insulators using Two Photon Photoemission

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    Ultrafast angle-resolved two photon photoemission was used to study the dynamics and interfacial band structure of ultrathin films adsorbed onto Ag(111). Studies focused on the image potential state (IPS) in each system as a probe for measuring changes in electronic behavior in differing environments. The energetics and dynamics of the IPS at the toluene/Ag(111) interface are strongly dependent upon coverage. For a single monolayer, the first IPS is bound by 0.81 eV below the vacuum level and has a lifetime of 50 femtoseconds (fs). Further adsorption of toluene creates islands of toluene with an exposed wetting layer underneath. The IPS is then split into two peaks, one corresponding to the islands and one corresponding to the monolayer. The wetting layer IPS shows the same dynamics as the monolayer, while the lifetime of the islands increases exponentially with increasing thickness. Furthermore, the island IPS transitions from delocalized to localized within 500 fs, and electrons with larger parallel momenta decay much faster. Attempts were made using a stochastic model to extract the rates of localization and intraband cooling at differing momenta. In sexithiophene (6T) and dihexyl-sexithiophene (DH6T), the IPS was used as a probe to see if the nuclear motion of spectating side chains can interfere with molecular conduction. The energy and band mass of the IPS was measured for 6T and two geometries of DH6T on Ag(111). Electrons injected into the thicker coverages of DH6T grew exponentially heavier until they were completely localized by 230 fs, while those injected into 6T remained nearly free electron like. Based off of lifetime arguments and the density of defects, the most likely cause for the mass enhancement of the IPS in this system is small polaron formation caused by coupling of the electron to vibrations of the alkyl substituents. The energetic relaxation of the molecular adsorbate was also measured to be 20 meV/100 fs for the DH6T, and 0 meV/100 fs for the 6T. This relaxation is consistent with the localization of the charge creating a barrier for it moving from one lattice site to a neighboring one. Finally, the IPS was used to study the evolution of the surface band gap at the Mg/Ag(111) interface. The Mg(0001) surface band gap lies 1.6 eV below the Fermi level, and consequently shows no peak in the projected density of states for the IPS. A method for creating layer by layer growth of Mg on Ag(111) was determined using Auger Spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction. By monitoring the decay of the intensity of the IPS versus coverage, it was determined that four layers of magnesium on Ag(111) is sufficient to completely eliminate the surface band ga

    Frequency distribution of conception dates in a white-tailed deer herd

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    Conception dates of white-tailed deer, Odocoi/eus virginia1111s (Zinunennann, 1780) were estimated for the breeding periods of 1974 - 76 and 1984 using fall and winter- spring fetal data. Conception dates estimated from data collected in the fall were biased. This bias resulted in an earlier mean conception date than that based on information which included data from later breeding females. Mean breeding dates differed significantly between female age classes due to delayed conception in fawns which also resulted in a skewed frequency distribution of conception dates. The frequency distribution of conception dates was leptokurtotic, suggesting that the distribution is constrnincd in time by some factor(s). Conception date estimates did not differ by habitat type but were influenced significantly by period of data collection. Mean breeding date for deer on Lhe Savannah River Site, corrected for age class sampling bias, is 20 November± 27 days (adults plus fawns) and 13 November± 15 days (only adults)

    Frequency distribution of conception dates in a white-tailed deer herd

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    Conception dates of white-tailed deer, Odocoi/eus virginia1111s (Zinunennann, 1780) were estimated for the breeding periods of 1974 - 76 and 1984 using fall and winter- spring fetal data. Conception dates estimated from data collected in the fall were biased. This bias resulted in an earlier mean conception date than that based on information which included data from later breeding females. Mean breeding dates differed significantly between female age classes due to delayed conception in fawns which also resulted in a skewed frequency distribution of conception dates. The frequency distribution of conception dates was leptokurtotic, suggesting that the distribution is constrnincd in time by some factor(s). Conception date estimates did not differ by habitat type but were influenced significantly by period of data collection. Mean breeding date for deer on Lhe Savannah River Site, corrected for age class sampling bias, is 20 November± 27 days (adults plus fawns) and 13 November± 15 days (only adults)

    Assessment of Fawn Breeding in a South Carolina Deer Herd

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    Annual variation in breeding success among female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns on the Savannah River Plant (1967 to 1985) was determined from direct counts of pregnancy in spring-collected fawn females and evidence of lactation and measurements of udder thickness in fall-harvested 1. 5-yearolds. Percent lactation in 1.5-year-old females collected during September and October gave the best estimate of fawn breeding in the previous year. The overall mean fawn breeding estimate from September and October was 41 % , and the yearly variation in fawn breeding was significant. An estimate of the average yearly contribution to recruitment was 43 fetuses per 100 fawn females

    Assessment of Fawn Breeding in a South Carolina Deer Herd

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    Annual variation in breeding success among female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns on the Savannah River Plant (1967 to 1985) was determined from direct counts of pregnancy in spring-collected fawn females and evidence of lactation and measurements of udder thickness in fall-harvested 1. 5-yearolds. Percent lactation in 1.5-year-old females collected during September and October gave the best estimate of fawn breeding in the previous year. The overall mean fawn breeding estimate from September and October was 41 % , and the yearly variation in fawn breeding was significant. An estimate of the average yearly contribution to recruitment was 43 fetuses per 100 fawn females

    El Niño and the delayed action oscillator

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    We study the dynamics of the El Niño phenomenon using the mathematical model of delayedaction oscillator (DAO). Topics such as the influence of the annual cycle, global warming, stochastic influences due to weather conditions and even off-equatorial heat-sinks can all be discussed using only modest analytical and numerical resources. Thus the DAO allows for a pedagogical introduction to the science of El Niño and La Niña while at the same time avoiding the need for large-scale computing resources normally associated with much more sophisticated coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. It is an approach which is ideally suited for student projects both at high school and undergraduate level

    Genetic Structure of Mosquitofish Populations in the Altamaha and Ogeechee Drainages of Georgia: Reporting an Undescribed Form in the Ocmulgee River

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    An electrophoretic survey of genetic variation in mosquitofish populations of the Altamaha and Ogeechee drainages in Georgia revealed significant divergence (fs,=O.270) among populations within the Altamaha. Cluster analysis showed two lineages: one formed by populations from the Ogeechee drainage and the eastern and central Altamaha branches and another consisting of populations from the Ocmulgee River, the westernmost branch of the Altamaha drainage. These lineages may represent two independent forms. Average modified Rogers’ genetic distance was 0.25% between the two groups. The O_cmulgee lineage had significantly higher multilocus heterozygosity (H=0.206) than the other one (I-/=0.120). The high heterozygosity in the Ocmulgee lineage is consistent with the hypothesis that it originated by hybridization. Populations in the Altamaha and Ogeechee exhibit spatial patterns of genetic characteristics similar to those previously described for populations in other drainages

    Genetic Structure of Mosquitofish Populations in the Altamaha and Ogeechee Drainages of Georgia: Reporting an Undescribed Form in the Ocmulgee River

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    An electrophoretic survey of genetic variation in mosquitofish populations of the Altamaha and Ogeechee drainages in Georgia revealed significant divergence (fs,=O.270) among populations within the Altamaha. Cluster analysis showed two lineages: one formed by populations from the Ogeechee drainage and the eastern and central Altamaha branches and another consisting of populations from the Ocmulgee River, the westernmost branch of the Altamaha drainage. These lineages may represent two independent forms. Average modified Rogers’ genetic distance was 0.25% between the two groups. The O_cmulgee lineage had significantly higher multilocus heterozygosity (H=0.206) than the other one (I-/=0.120). The high heterozygosity in the Ocmulgee lineage is consistent with the hypothesis that it originated by hybridization. Populations in the Altamaha and Ogeechee exhibit spatial patterns of genetic characteristics similar to those previously described for populations in other drainages

    Genetic Variation Among Populations of River Otters in North America: Considerations For Reintroducing Projects

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    Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was used to assess variability at 23 presumptive gene loci of 732 river otters obtained from fur-trappers in 18 states and three Canadian provinces. States and provinces providing otters were sorted into eight geographic regions for genetic comparisons. Multilocus heterozygosity and polymorphism ranged from 0.018 to 0.032 and 0.044 to 0.087, respectively. One locus, esterase-2, (EST-2) demonstrated a high level of polymorphism throughout all regions. Malate dehydrogenase-1 (MDH-1) was polymorphic throughout the Mississippi drainage but not elsewhere. Heterozygosity, occurrence of rare alleles, and mean number of alleles per locus were associated positively with estimated population sizes. Average heterozygosity and polymorphism values for otters within regions were lower than overall averages reported for mammals but similar to the range of those observed in other mammalian carnivores. Patterns of gene flow suggested by the distribution of polymorphism at the MDH-1 locus do not concur with the current taxonomic classification of river otters. Levels of genetic variation detected in this investigation present a positive outlook for the maintenance of genetic diversity in river otter populations, if sound management principles are applied for reintroductions
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