131 research outputs found

    Optical flow versus retinal flow as sources of information for flight guidance

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    The appropriate description is considered of visual information for flight guidance, optical flow vs. retinal flow. Most descriptions in the psychological literature are based on the optical flow. However, human eyes move and this movement complicates the issues at stake, particularly when movement of the observer is involved. The question addressed is whether an observer, whose eyes register only retinal flow, use information in optical flow. It is suggested that the observer cannot and does not reconstruct the image in optical flow; instead they use retinal flow. Retinal array is defined as the projections of a three space onto a point and beyond to a movable, nearly hemispheric sensing device, like the retina. Optical array is defined as the projection of a three space environment to a point within that space. And flow is defined as global motion as a field of vectors, best placed on a spherical projection surface. Specifically, flow is the mapping of the field of changes in position of corresponding points on objects in three space onto a point, where that point has moved in position

    On the efficacy of cinema, or what the visual system did not evolve to do

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    Spatial displays, and a constraint that they do not place on the use of spatial instruments are discussed. Much of the work done in visual perception by psychologists and by computer scientists has concerned displays that show the motion of rigid objects. Typically, if one assumes that objects are rigid, one can then proceed to understand how the constant shape of the object can be perceived (or computed) as it moves through space. The author maintains that photographs and cinema are visual displays that are also powerful forms of art. Their efficacy, in part, stems from the fact that, although viewpoint is constrained when composing them, it is not nearly so constrained when viewing them. It is obvious, according to the author, that human visual systems did not evolve to watch movies or look at photographs. Thus, what photographs and movies present must be allowed in the rule-governed system under which vision evolved. Machine-vision algorithms, to be applicable to human vision, should show the same types of tolerance

    Narrative theory and the dynamics of popular movies

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    Four assumptions about invariance in perception.

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    Auditory and linguistic processes in speech perception: Inferences from six fusions in dichotic listening.

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    Auditory and linguistic processes in speech perception: Inferences from six fusions in dichotic listening.

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    A biomechanical invariant for gait perception.

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    Minimodularity and the perception of layout.

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    Minimodularity and the perception of layout.

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