32 research outputs found

    Hurry up and Wait: Growth of Young Bluegills in Ponds and in Simulations with an Individual-Based Model

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    Field Test of Two Energetic Models for Yellow Perch

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    Field data from a population of yellow perch Perca flavescens in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, were used to evaluate the ability of two energetic models to predict consumption by yellow perch. Field estimates of daily ration for age‐1–4 fish during May through October 1987 and 1988 were compared with independent predictions made by the Wisconsin energetic model and an energetic model developed by Karås and Thoresson. Predictions of daily ration using the Wisconsin model were lower than daily rations estimated from field data for all ages, primarily due to poor model–field agreement at temperatures above 22°C. This caused estimates of cumulative consumption from the Wisconsin model to be 25–50% lower than field estimates. Predictions of daily ration by the Karås–Thoresson model agreed with field estimates over a temperature range of 10–26°C for age‐1–3 yellow perch but not for older fish. Despite improvement, model predictions of cumulative consumption were 2–35% lower than field estimates. Although these tests of predicted and estimated rations may provide insight into which model produced more accurate results, it must be emphasized that field measures of daily ration are also estimates and may be in error, particularly at temperatures above 22°C where gastric evacuation rates were estimated. The Karås–Thoresson modification of the Wisconsin energetic model produced better fits to field ration data and is recommended for model applications.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142095/1/tafs0414.pd

    The geometry of reaction norms yields insights on classical fitness functions for Great Lakes salmon.

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    Life history theory examines how characteristics of organisms, such as age and size at maturity, may vary through natural selection as evolutionary responses that optimize fitness. Here we ask how predictions of age and size at maturity differ for the three classical fitness functions-intrinsic rate of natural increase r, net reproductive rate R0, and reproductive value Vx-for semelparous species. We show that different choices of fitness functions can lead to very different predictions of species behavior. In one's efforts to understand an organism's behavior and to develop effective conservation and management policies, the choice of fitness function matters. The central ingredient of our approach is the maturation reaction norm (MRN), which describes how optimal age and size at maturation vary with growth rate or mortality rate. We develop a practical geometric construction of MRNs that allows us to include different growth functions (linear growth and nonlinear von Bertalanffy growth in length) and develop two-dimensional MRNs useful for quantifying growth-mortality trade-offs. We relate our approach to Beverton-Holt life history invariants and to the Stearns-Koella categorization of MRNs. We conclude with a detailed discussion of life history parameters for Great Lakes Chinook Salmon and demonstrate that age and size at maturity are consistent with predictions using R0 (but not r or Vx) as the underlying fitness function

    Influences of multilocus heterozygosity on size during early life

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    Genetic diversity has been hypothesized to promote fitness of individuals and populations, but few studies have examined how genetic diversity varies with ontogeny. We examined patterns in population and individual genetic diversity and the effect of genetic diversity on individual fitness among life stages (adults and juveniles) and populations of captive yellow perch (Perca flavescens) stocked into two ponds and allowed to spawn naturally. Significant genetic structure developed between adults and offspring in a single generation, even as heterozygosity and allelic richness remained relatively constant. Heterozygosity had no effect on adult growth or survival, but was significantly and consistently positively related to offspring length throughout the first year of life in one pond but not the other. The largest individuals in the pond exhibiting this positive relationship were more outbred than averaged size individuals and also more closely related to one another than they were to average‐sized individuals, suggesting potential heritability of body size or spawn timing effects. These results indicate that the influence of heterozygosity may be mediated through an interaction, likely viability selection, between ontogeny and environment that is most important during early life. In addition, populations may experience significant genetic change within a single generation in captive environments, even when allowed to reproduce naturally. Accounting for the dynamic influences of genetic diversity on early life fitness could lead to improved understanding of recruitment and population dynamics in both wild and captive populations.Heterozygosity is assumed to increase the fitness of individuals throughout life, but ontogenetic variance in heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs) is poorly understood. We observed significant differences in HFCs between yellow perch populations and among life stages, suggesting the influence of heterozygosity may be mediated through an interaction, likely viability selection, between ontogeny and environment that is most important during early life. Accounting for the dynamic influences of genetic diversity on early life fitness could lead to improved understanding of recruitment and population dynamics in both wild and captive populations.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136477/1/ece32781.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136477/2/ece32781_am.pd

    A Landscapeâ Based Classification of Fish Assemblages in Sampled and Unsampled Lakes

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    We related fish species patterns and landscapeâ scale environmental data from 216 Michigan lakes to identify repeatable types of fish assemblages, identify environmental factors related to assemblage types, and classify fish assemblages in unsampled lakes. Multivariate regression tree modeling of fish species abundances identified six assemblage types that were explained by degreeâ days during the iceâ free period, lake surface area, and mean lake surface temperature. Warmwater species dominated southern lakes, while coolwater and coldwater species had higher abundances in northern lakes. Coolwater species were present in large southern lakes, whereas warmwater species were excluded from northern lakes that had low mean surface temperatures or low degreeâ days. These results suggest that patterns of lake fish assemblages are shaped by differences in climate as well as lakeâ specific differences in surface temperature regimes and in vertical availability of coldwater and coolwater habitats. Because we related fish patterns to readily available landscapeâ level data, our approach can be used to characterize fish assemblages in all lakes across broad geographic extents.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142256/1/tafs0414.pd

    Enhancing Bioenergetics Models to Account for Dynamic Changes in Fish Body Composition and Energy Density

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    Fish proximate composition and energy density can influence growth, survival, and reproduction, so it is important to develop models to understand the patterns and predict dynamic changes. This paper presents three such models. Model 1 describes the general pattern of changes in lipid, protein, ash, and energy density that occur with changes in water content. The key assumption this model is that there is a fixed amount of water associated with each gram of protein and a much smaller fixed amount of water associated with each gram of lipid. In combination with a mass balance constraint, this explains the commonly observed linear relationship between the fraction lipid and the fraction water. Because energy density varies in direct proportion to the fractions lipid and protein, the linear relationship between body composition and fraction water makes energy density also a linear function of the fraction water. The model is fitted to data for lake trout Salvelinus namaycush and coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch for a limited range in wet weight. Model 2 describes the pattern of proximate composition and energy density that occurs with variation in body size. A strong pattern was found between the mass of water and the mass of protein, suggesting strict control of body water. The model is fitted to data for common carp Cyprinus carpio and bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. This analysis shows that the relationship between body composition, energy density, and fraction water is expected to vary with body size because both the water: Protein ratio and the fraction ash change with body size. Model 3 demonstrates how this approach can be used to predict changes in fish body composition and energy density during starvation, as might be done with a bioenergetics model. This model is fitted to data from a starvation experiment involving largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141335/1/tafs0340.pd

    Comment on "Fish/sediment concentration ratios for organic compounds"

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