837 research outputs found

    James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health Annual Report 1981

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    James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health Annual Report 1981Topics in the Annual Report include: A Message from the Director (Douglas D. McGregor); Staff of the Baker Institute; Cornell Research Laboratory for Diseases of Dogs; Giralda Laboratory for Canine Infectious Diseases; Daynemouth Laboratory for Canine Nutrition; John M. Olin Laboratory for the Study of Canine Hip Dysplasia; Hadley C. Stephenson Laboratory for Canine Diseases; Donnelley Laboratory of Immunochemistry; Oswald R. Jones Laboratory of Immunology; Immunogenetics Laboratory; Richard King Mellon Laboratory for Electron Microscopy; Advisory Council; The Institute in Perspective; Acknowledgements; Publications; Ways of Giving

    Relationships between wearer assessment and the instrumental measurement of the handle and prickle of knitted wool fabrics

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    The relationships between wearer-assessed comfort and objectively measured comfort and handle parameters were investigated using 19 pure wool single jersey garments made of single ply yarns. Wearer trials were used to determine prickle discomfort, and whether wearers “liked” the garments. Fabrics then were objectively evaluated using the Wool HandleMeter, which measures seven primary handle attributes; and the Wool ComfortMeter (WCM), to predict a wearer\u27s perception of fabric-evoked prickle. Wearer responses and the relationships within and between objective measurements and the effect of fibre, yarn and fabrics attributes were analysed by general linear modelling. Mean fibre diameter, fibre diameter coefficient of variation, yarn count, fabric thickness, fabric density, fabric mass per unit area and decatising affected one or more handle parameters. The best model for predicting wearer prickle discomfort accounted for 90.9% of the variance and included only terms for the WCM and WCM2. The WCM was a good predictor whereas mean fibre diameter was a poor predictor of whether wearers “liked” garments. Wearer assessment of prickle and whether or not wearers “liked” fabrics were independent of fabric handle assessment. The results indicate that the handle and comfort properties of lightweight, wool jersey fabrics can be quantified accurately using the Wool HandleMeter and the Wool ComfortMeter. For fabric handle, fibre and yarn characteristics were less important than changes in the properties of the fabric

    Trichomonas vaginalis: Diagnosis and Clinical Characteristics in Pregnancy

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    Objective: The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the prevalance and characterize the symptomatology of Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) infection in pregnant women on entry into prenatal care in an inner-city population; 2) compare conventional microscopic methods vs. culture techniques in diagnosing TV in both symptomatic and asymptomatic pregnant patients; and 3) correlate wet mount microscopic and microbiologic characteristics of varying manifestations of trichomoniasis

    Tissue Penetration of Meropenem in Patients Undergoing Gynecologic Surgery

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the tissue-penetrating ability of a new β-lactam antibiotic, meropenem, in 64 patients undergoing elective gynecologic surgery. Patients received a single 500-mg dose intravenously before surgery. Plasma and tissue concentrations of meropenem were highest at ∼1 hour, and good tissue penetration was seen in the variety of specimens evaluated. The median plasma concentration at ∼1 hour was 13.3 µg/mL. The median fluid and tissue concentrations at ∼1 hour were as follows: cervix, 8.5 µg/g; endometrium, 2.3 µg/g; fallopian tube, 1.9 µg/g; myometrium, 3.6 µg/g; ovary, 2.3 µg/g; and uterus, 2.3 µg/g. These tissue concentrations exceed the MICs of meropenem for 90% of typical pathogens associated with gynecologic infections. Meropenem readily penetrates gynecologic tissue. A single 500-mg dose provides adequate tissue concentrations for treatment of gynecologic infections caused by susceptible pathogen

    Trichomonas vaginalis Weakens Human Amniochorion in an In Vitro Model of Premature Membrane Rupture

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    Objective: Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) infection is associated with preterm rupture of membranes (PROM) and preterm birth. We evaluated the effects of TV growth and metabolism on preparations of human amniochorion to understand and characterize how TV may impair fetal-membrane integrity and predispose to PROM and preterm birth

    Amount of health care and self-care following a randomized clinical trial comparing flexion-distraction with exercise program for chronic low back pain

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    BACKGROUND: Previous clinical trials have assessed the percentage of participants who utilized further health care after a period of conservative care for low back pain, however no chiropractic clinical trial has determined the total amount of care during this time and any differences based on assigned treatment group. The objective of this clinical trial follow-up was to assess if there was a difference in the total number of office visits for low back pain over one year after a four week clinical trial of either a form of physical therapy (Exercise Program) or a form of chiropractic care (Flexion Distraction) for chronic low back pain. METHODS: In this randomized clinical trial follow up study, 195 participants were followed for one year after a four-week period of either a form of chiropractic care (FD) or a form of physical therapy (EP). Weekly structured telephone interview questions regarded visitation of various health care practitioners and the practice of self-care for low back pain. RESULTS: Participants in the physical therapy group demonstrated on average significantly more visits to any health care provider and to a general practitioner during the year after trial care (p < 0.05). No group differences were noted in the number of visits to a chiropractor or physical therapist. Self-care was initiated by nearly every participant in both groups. CONCLUSION: During a one-year follow-up, participants previously randomized to physical therapy attended significantly more health care visits than those participants who received chiropractic care

    An Egr-1 master switch for arteriogenesis: Studies in Egr-1 homozygous negative and wild-type animals

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    BackgroundArteriogenesis has been implicated as an important biologic response to acute vascular occlusion. The early growth response 1 (Egr-1) gene encodes an immediate-early response transcription factor that is upregulated by changes in vascular strain and that in turn upregulates a number of putative angiogenic and arteriogenic growth factors. We therefore hypothesized that early growth response 1 might be a critical arteriogenic messenger that induces revascularization in the setting of acute vascular occlusions.MethodsWild-type or Egr-1−/− (null) C57 BL mice, or Sprague-Dawley rats, underwent unilateral iliofemoral artery excision and subsequent analyses for angiogenesis and arteriogenesis through cell-specific immunohistochemistry. Rats were also administered an adenoviral vector encoding for Egr-1 (AdEgr group), noncoding vectors (AdNull group), or saline, after which these animals were assessed by means of serial laser Doppler perfusion imaging and morphologic examination of rat foot-pad ischemic lesions.ResultsEgr-1 wild-type mice demonstrated an equivalent number of capillaries but a greater number of arterioles following excision versus Egr-1 null mice. AdEgr group rats demonstrated greater distal perfusion from 7 to 21 days after excision compared with control animals (P < .02), which approximated normal perfusion at 21 days after excision. AdEgr group rats also demonstrated greater arteriolar density and less severe ischemic foot-pad lesions than control animals.ConclusionThese data suggest the importance of Egr-1 as a critical and potentially therapeutic mediator of revascularization after vascular occlusion and implicate arteriogenesis (collateral vessel formation) as a critical component of this process
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