145 research outputs found

    Persuading others to avoid persuasion: inoculation theory and resistant health attitudes

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    Inoculation theory, a theory of conferring resistance to persuasive influence, has established efficacy as a messaging strategy in the health domain. In fact, the earliest research on the theory in the 1960s involved health issues to build empirical support for tenets in the inoculation framework. Over the ensuing decades, scholars have further examined the effectiveness of inoculation-based messages at creating robust positive health attitudes. We overview these efforts, highlight the structure of typical inoculation-based health messages, and describe the similarities and differences between this method of counter-persuasion and other preparatory techniques commonly employed by health researchers and practitioners. Finally, we consider contexts in which inoculation-oriented health messages could be most useful, and describe how the health domain could offer a useful scaffold to study conceptual issues of the theory

    The effects of formalized and trained non-reciprocal peer teaching on psychosocial, behavioral, pedagogical, and motor learning outcomes in physical education

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    Peer teaching is recognized as a powerful instructional method; however, there is a paucity of studies that have evaluated the outcomes experienced by peer-teachers and their student recipients in the context of trained, non-reciprocal, high school physical education (PE). Accordingly, the effectiveness of a formalized and trained non-reciprocal peer teaching (T-PT) program upon psychosocial, behavioral, pedagogical, and student learning outcomes within high school PE classes was investigated. Students from eight intact classes (106 males, 94 females, Mage = 12.46, SD = 0.59) were randomly assigned to either a T-PT intervention group (taught by a volunteer peer-teacher who was trained in line with a tactical games approach) or untrained group (U-PT; where volunteer peer-teachers received no formal training, but did receive guidance on the game concepts to teach). Data were collected over 10 lessons in a 5-week soccer unit. Mixed-model ANOVAs/MANOVAs revealed that, in comparison to U-PT, the T-PT program significantly enhanced in-game performance actions and academic learning time among student recipients. Those in the T-PT also provided greater levels of feedback and structured learning time, as well as reporting more positive feelings about peer teaching and fewer perceived barriers to accessing learning outcomes. These findings show that non-reciprocal peer-teachers who receive formalized support through training and tactical games approach-based teaching resources can enhance behavioral, pedagogical, and motor performance outcomes in PE

    Psychological flow training: Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an educational intervention on flow

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    Despite there being an increasing number of applied flow studies across scientific disciplines, there exists no consistent or broadly applicable intervention to promote flow experiences. This study provides a detailed account of a new educational flow training program developed following recent advancements in the flow literature that have provided a more parsimonious understanding of flow experiences and antecedents. Guided by CONSORT guidelines for feasibility trials, we conducted a single-group, non-randomized feasibility trial of an educational flow training program (N = 26). We assessed participant retention, perceptions about and experiences of the program, perceptions about the flow education training, and preliminary assessments of flow as an outcome. Results broadly supported program feasibility, and participants reported positive experiences in, and perceptions of, program components. In terms of preliminary efficacy, we observed evidence of noteworthy change pre-to-post-program in flow (d = 0.84), performance (d = 0.81), competence (d = 0.96), well-being (d = 0.68), intrinsic motivation (d = 0.47), interest (d = 0.72), choice (d = 0.38), stress (d = -1.08), ability to handle stress (d = 0.74), and anxiety (d = āˆ’ 0.86). These results provide preliminary evidence that it may be possible to ā€˜trainā€™ flow in line with recent perspectives on a core three-dimensional flow experience (and antecedents). The study has developed a research foundation for flow intervention ā€œcurriculumā€ and quality standards, and for measuring results. It offers a foundation for the implementation of a larger-scale program

    Attenuation of post-exercise energy intake following 12 weeks of sprint interval training in men and women with overweight

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    An acute bout of sprint interval training (SIT) performed with psychological need-support incorporating autonomy, competence, and relatedness has been shown to attenuate energy intake at the post-exercise meal, but the long-term effects are not known. The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of SIT combined with need-support on post-exercise food consumption. Thirty-six physically inactive participants with overweight and obesity (BMI: 29.6 Ā± 3.8 kgĀ·māˆ’2; VĖ™O2peak 20.8 Ā± 4.1 mLĀ·kgāˆ’1Ā·mināˆ’1) completed three sessions per week of SIT (alternating cycling for 15 s at 170% VĖ™O2peak and 60 s at 32% VĖ™O2peak) with need-support or traditional moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) without need-support (continuous cycling at 60% VĖ™O2peak). Assessments of appetite, appetite-related hormones, and ad libitum energy intake in response to acute exercise were conducted pre- and post-intervention. Fasting appetite and blood concentrations of active ghrelin, leptin, and insulin did not significantly differ between groups or following the training. Post-exercise energy intake from snacks decreased significantly from pre- (807 Ā± 550 kJ) to post- SIT (422 Ā± 468 kJ; p < 0.05) but remained unaltered following MICT. SIT with psychological need-support appears well-tolerated in a physically inactive population with overweight and offers an alternative to traditional exercise prescription where dietary intake is of concern

    A role for exercise in attenuating unhealthy food consumption in response to stress

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    It is well established that both acute and chronic stress can be detrimental to health and wellbeing by directly increasing the risk of several chronic diseases and related health problems. In addition, stress may contribute to ill-health indirectly via its downstream effects on individuals' health-related behaviour, such as promoting the intake of unhealthy palatable foods high in fat and sugar content. This paper reviews (a) the research literature on stress-models; (b) recent research investigating stress-induced eating and (c) the potential physiological and psychological pathways contributing to stress-induced eating. Particular attention is given to (d) the role of physical exercise in attenuating acute stress, with exploration of potential mechanisms through which exercise may reduce unhealthy food and drink consumption subsequent to stressor exposure. Finally, exercise motivation is discussed as an important psychological influence over the capacity for physical exercise to attenuate unhealthy food and drink consumption after exposure to stressors. This paper aims to provide a better understanding of how physical exercise might alleviate stress-induced unhealthy food choices

    Thriving families: The feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a multi-component physical literacy program for children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural problems

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    Children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges participate in lower levels of physical activity (PA) and subsequently have poorer physical and mental health outcomes. We sought to determine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a multi-component physical literacy program for children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges. Thirty children and 28 parents were recruited to participate in the 10-week single-group non-randomised feasibility trial. Thriving Families was designed to promote children's physical literacy through (a) providing programmed opportunities for PA, (b) incorporating parents, (c) supporting motivation and engagement, and (d) utilising behaviour change techniques. Program feasibility was determined using qualitative and quantitative feedback. Preliminary efficacy was determined through pre-and post-intervention assessments of children's physical literacy. Results indicate that the program is acceptable and was well received. Effect size estimates for parent knowledge (d = 0.78) and confidence (d = 0.57) were moderate to large; however, little change was observed for parents' motivation to support PA and children's perceptions of PA support. Moderate or large effects were observed for pre-to-post-program change on children's domains of physical competence. The Thriving Families program appears to be feasible and acceptable for community-based implementation and may provide benefits for physical and psychological outcomes

    Does motivation for exercise influence post-exercise snacking behavior?

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    It is well established that regular exercise plays an important role in achieving a number of health and wellbeing outcomes. However, certain post-exercise behaviors, including the consumption of unhealthy high-calorie foods, can counteract some of the benefits of physical activity. There are at least three overlapping pathways through which exercise may increase the likelihood of consuming pleasurable but unhealthy foods: through impulsive cognitive processes, reflective cognitive processes, and/or physiological responses. It is argued in this paper that motivation toward exercise can influence each of these pathways. Drawing from literature from various domains, we postulate that controlled exercise motivation, as opposed to autonomous exercise motivation, is more likely to influence each of these pathways in a manner that leaves individuals susceptible to the post-exercise consumption of pleasurable but unhealthy foods

    Making sense of humour among men in a weight-loss program: A dialogical narrative approach

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    Humour appears to be an important aspect of health-promoting efforts for some men. A better understanding of the role humour plays in menā€™s health contexts may provide insight into the optimal design of health interventions for men. In this study, we explored the role banter, humour that blurs the line between playfulness and aggression, plays for men in a menā€™s weight loss context. We applied dialogical narrative analysis to thirty interviews conducted with men involved in a menā€™s weight-loss program that leverages competition to drive weight loss. Banter served several functions for men in the program, including allowing them to determine their social position during early group formation, feel good, develop camaraderie, experience respite, provide male inter-personal support in a counter-intuitive way, and ā€˜be themselvesā€™. Men could use banter as a tool to develop resilience for themselves, but could also adapt their approach to use banter as a means of providing support for others. Banter could also cause trouble, through conflict and misunderstandings, primarily understood through a lens of narratives of progressiveness, inclusiveness, and a ā€˜changing cultureā€™. Banter could do harm, by positioning oneself against certain characteristics, and as a tool to get under peopleā€™s skin. However, an approach-orientation to oneā€™s problems may allow misunderstandings that arise due to banter to lead to enhanced group cohesion. Intervention developers ought to explicitly address the potential for banter (and humour more broadly) to have positive and negative effects in menā€™s health contexts

    Support needs and experiences of young people living in families with mental illness

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    Introduction: Children and adolescents living in families affected by mental illness are at elevated risk of developing mental health problems. A range of interventions have been designed to help these young people; however, the effectiveness of these programs is, in some cases, mixed. Our aim was to understand in detail the support needs and experiences of a group of Australian children and adolescents living in families with mental illness. Methods: Our study is a qualitative in nature. In 2020āˆ’2021, we interviewed 25 Australian young people (Mageā€‰=ā€‰13.60, SDā€‰=ā€‰2.26, 20 females and 5 males) living with family members affected by mental illness to understand their (the young people's) experiences, and to identify the types of support that these young people considered important or effective. We conducted reflexive thematic analyses of interview data, underpinned by interpretivist assumptions. Results: We identified seven themes within two higher-order categories reflecting our aims to understand (1) lived experiences within families affected by mental illness (i.e., increased responsibilities, missing out, and stigmatization), and (2) support experiences, needs, and preferences (i.e., respite, shared experiences with like-minded others, education, and flexibility). Conclusions: Our findings hold substantial practical value by informing services, interventions, and conversations that better support young people living in families affected by mental illness

    Exercise in the treatment of youth substance use disorders: Review and recommendations

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    Substance use disorders among youth represent a significant public health concern. It is well established that regular exercise provides important physical and mental health benefits; however, evidence for the role of exercise as an adjunct component within substance use disorder treatment is scarce. In this review, we identify factors associated with the development and persistence of substance use disorders among youth, identify current treatment modalities, and present evidence to support the efficacy of incorporating exercise participation during rehabilitation. We also provide a series of recommendations for future research that explores the feasibility and effectiveness of exercise participation as a complement to substance use disorder treatment among youth
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