25,672 research outputs found

    Terlipressin or norepinephrine in septic shock: do we have the answer?

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    Comment on Terlipressin versus norepinephrine as infusion in patients with septic shock: a multicentre, randomised, double-blinded trial. [Intensive Care Med. 2018

    Risk Aversion as Effort Incentive: A Correction and Prima Facie Test of the Moral Hazard Theory of Share Tenancity

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    We show that Stiglitz's (1974) classic principal-agency theory of share tenancy does not imply, as alleged, that the optimal tenant share is less than one for risk-averse tenants nor that the share decreases monotonically with the tenant's inherent risk aversion. Tenants may self insure by working harder--increasingly so for higher levels of risk aversion--with the result that the more risk averse work for higher instead of lower shares. When the model is parameterized based on previous studies of Philippine agriculture, it predicts a U-shaped relationship between optimal tenant's share and inherent risk aversion. Landlords choose rent contracts for both high and low levels of risk aversion. For intermediate levels, the optimal sharing rates are 80% and above. In contrast, actual sharing rates in the study area ranged from 50-60%, with most farmers contracted on a 50:50 basis. We conclude that the risk-aversion versus moral hazard theory of tenure choice is incomplete. Rent contracts must have additional disadvantages and/or share tenancy additional benefits that are not accounted for in the static principal-agency theory.

    Heterogenous Human Capital in a Model of Coalitional Bargaining Between Multinational Corporations and Host Country Enterprises

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    We use the logic of ex-ante coalitional bargaining to explain the stylized fact that technology licensors typically cannot extract the entire surplus generated by their international licensing transactions. We assume a multinational corporation capable of supplying an 'external management' input (e.g. supply-chain management) and two types of host-country enterprise--one able to supply only an 'internal management' input (e.g. labor supervision) and the other able to provide both types of management. Cooperation with the first type requires profit sharing, but as this does not give adequate incentives to either side, the result is a Nash equilibrium in input levels. In order to avoid this suboptimal outcome, licensors bid up the rents they offer to the second type, which can be incentivized to supply first-best levels of both inputs through contracts specifying only a fixed per-period licensing fee.

    What Inventory Behavior Tells Us About Business Cycles

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    Manufacturers' finished goods inventories move less than shipments over the business cycle. We argue that this requires marginal cost to be more procyclical than is conventionally measured. We construct, for six manufacturing industries, alternative measures of marginal cost that attribute high-frequency productivity shocks to procyclical work effort, and find that they are much more successful in accounting for inventory behavior. The difference is attributable to cyclicality in the shadow price of labor, not to diminishing returns in fact, parametric evidence suggests that the short-run slope of marginal cost is close to zero for five of the six industries. Moreover, while our measures of marginal cost are procyclical relative to output price, they are too persistent for intertemporal substitution to be important. We conclude that countercyclical markups are chiefly responsible for the sluggish response of inventory stocks over the cycle.

    The Relationship Between Task Cohesion and Competitive State Anxiety

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    The general purpose of the present study was to determine if perceptions of team cohesion are related to the interpretation athletes attach to their precompetition anxiety. Specifically examined was the association between athlete perceptions of task cohesiveness (Individual Attractions to the Group–Task, ATG-T, and Group Integration–Task, GI-T) and the degree to which perceptions of the intensity of precompetition anxiety symptoms (cognitive and somatic) were viewed as facilitative versus debilitative. Participants were athletes (N = 392) from the sports of soccer, rugby, and field hockey. Each athlete completed the Group Environment Questionnaire (Carron, Widmeyer, & Brawley, 1985) after a practice session. A directionally modified version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, & Smith, 1990) was completed just prior to a competition. Results showed that athletes who perceived their cognitive anxiety as facilitative had higher perceptions of both ATG-T and GI-T, χ2 (2, N = 260) = 8.96, p \u3c .05, than athletes who perceived their cognitive anxiety as debilitative. Also, athletes who perceived their somatic anxiety as facilitative had higher perceptions of GI-T, χ2 (2, N = 249) = 5.85, p \u3c .05

    The Effect of Expertise on the Quality of Appraisal Services

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    This article examines the quality of appraisals as a function of expertise. In paraticular, we compare novices (beginning real estate students) to experts (practicing certified and/or designated appraisers) on three performance criteria. First, we examine differences in the values that these two groups attach to various property features. Second, we investigate the variation between their final market value estimates. The last task studied is whether appraisers can reliably provide a range about their market value that includes the actual sale price of the property. The results are based on a controlled experiment involving seventy-two novices and sixty-nine experts, where each participant was asked to determine a fair market value of a single-family home. Findings indicate that experienced appraisers do in fact exhibit less variation in their valuation of property characteristics, hence there is greater agreement in their market value estimates than is the case with novices. However, more experienced decision-makers tend to be overconfident of their ability: they are less likely to specify a range that includes the sale price than are novices.

    Structural trends in clusters of quadrupolar spheres

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    The influence of quadrupolar interactions on the structure of small clusters is investigated by adding a point quadrupole of variable strength to the Lennard-Jones potential. Competition arises between sheet-like arrangements of the particles, favoured by the quadrupoles, and compact structures, favoured by the isotropic Lennard-Jones attraction. Putative global potential energy minima are obtained for clusters of up to 25 particles using the basin-hopping algorithm. A number of structural motifs and growth sequences emerge, including star-like structures, tubes, shells and sheets. The results are discussed in the context of colloidal self-assembly.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    A bifurcation study to guide the design of a landing gear with a combined uplock/downlock mechanism

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    This paper discusses the insights that a bifurcation analysis can provide when designing mechanisms. A model, in the form of a set of coupled steady-state equations, can be derived to describe the mechanism. Solutions to this model can be traced through the mechanism's state versus parameter space via numerical continuation, under the simultaneous variation of one or more parameters. With this approach, crucial features in the response surface, such as bifurcation points, can be identified. By numerically continuing these points in the appropriate parameter space, the resulting bifurcation diagram can be used to guide parameter selection and optimization. In this paper, we demonstrate the potential of this technique by considering an aircraft nose landing gear, with a novel locking strategy that uses a combined uplock/downlock mechanism. The landing gear is locked when in the retracted or deployed states. Transitions between these locked states and the unlocked state (where the landing gear is a mechanism) are shown to depend upon the positions of two fold point bifurcations. By performing a two-parameter continuation, the critical points are traced to identify operational boundaries. Following the variation of the fold points through parameter space, a minimum spring stiffness is identified that enables the landing gear to be locked in the retracted state. The bifurcation analysis also shows that the unlocking of a retracted landing gear should use an unlock force measure, rather than a position indicator, to de-couple the effects of the retraction and locking actuators. Overall, the study demonstrates that bifurcation analysis can enhance the understanding of the influence of design choices over a wide operating range where nonlinearity is significant