2,214 research outputs found


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    By broadening the definition of an ecosystem to include economic activities, can we better characterize the interactions and relationships among agricultural activities and important indicators of ecological system health? This paper addresses research approaches for assessing the role of agriculture in an ecosystems context. Environmental regulation and resource management policies have heightened the interest in understanding interactions among agricultural activities and the natural resource base, including the impacts of agriculture on environmental quality and the impacts on agriculture of ecosystem restoration efforts. What are the most meaningful indicators of environmental quality? Which agricultural practices and policies should be considered, along with which nonagricultural resource uses? Finally, does the evolving thinking about ecosystems permit us to link agricultural practices and policies more directly and meaningfully to conceptions of sustainability, of both natural and socioeconomic systems? This paper presents a brief synopsis of ecosystem management, drawing from several recent governmental initiatives. It then provides an overview of the economics of ecosystem management from the perspective of the role of agriculture; discusses two specific cases, the Pacific Northwest and South Florida; and concludes with a discussion of promising economic approaches, data needs, and caveats to those engaged in policy analysis involving ecosystem restoration.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Five-day regimen of intramuscular or subcutaneous self-administered adrenocorticotropic hormone gel for acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis: a prospective, randomized, open-label pilot trial

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    James P Simsarian, Carol Saunders, D Michelle SmithNeurology Center of Fairfax Ltd, Fairfax, VA, USABackground: Despite over 50 years of experience with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) as a treatment for acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, there have been no trials examining the options of the 2–3-week dosing regimen or intramuscular injection protocol used in the original trials. At our clinic, we performed a small, prospective, randomized pilot study to examine the efficacy and safety of, and patient satisfaction with, a short (five-day) self-administered ACTH dosing protocol for exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, and to compare the subcutaneous and intramuscular routes of administration.Methods: Patients for this study were recruited from an outpatient treatment clinic. Each patient self-administered natural ACTH gel 80 U/day by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection for five consecutive days and was evaluated at baseline and on days 7 and 14. Patient feedback was collected using the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGI-C, the primary efficacy measure), a patient global visual analog scale, the Expanded Disability Status Scale, a timed walk, the Nine-hole Peg Test, and the Clinical Global Impression of Change.Results: Of the 20 enrolled patients (mean age 39.5 years), 19 completed the study. On day 14, 61.1% of patients (11 of 18 with day 14 scores) were treatment responders, and rated their condition as "very much improved" or "much improved" on the PGI-C. The intramuscular group had numerically more responders, but there was no significant difference in the proportion of responders between the intramuscular and subcutaneous groups at day 14 (P = 0.3). The intramuscular route of injection was associated with more injection site pain than the subcutaneous route.Conclusion: A shorter five-day course of intramuscular or subcutaneous ACTH gel may improve symptoms associated with acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Larger studies with standard of care controls are needed to confirm whether this shorter course of intramuscular or subcutaneous ACTH gel is effective and could potentially be substituted for the standard 14-day treatment.Keywords: adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH, multiple sclerosis, acute exacerbations, Acthar® Gel, autoimmune disease


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    This volume of the Economic Policy Review, "Special issue on the economic effects of September 11," explores some of the key economic consequences of the attacks of September 11. The six articles that make up the volume address several important questions: how great were the losses in New York City on September 11 and in the difficult months thereafter? How much will the nation spend to prevent future attacks? Did the destruction of information and infrastructure impair the functioning of the payments and securities settlement systems, and what steps minimize further damage? Will these events hurt New York's future vitality and cause businesses and workers to retreat from the city? ; The six articles fall into three broad groups: 1) detailed accountings of economic costs--those incurred as a direct consequence of the September 11 attacks and those arising from efforts to prevent future attacks, 2) studies of the attacks' disruptive effects on the payments and securities settlement systems, and 3) analyses of New York City's prospects after September 11.Disaster relief ; Terrorism ; War - Economic aspects ; Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) ; Federal Reserve District, 2nd

    Health Care Payment Reform: Options and Recommendations

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    This report evaluates a variety of strategies, from short-term actions to comprehensive reforms, and issues recommendations New Hampshire can choose from to contain health care costs while maintaining access and quality. View a video of the report being presented at a public forum hosted by the New Hampshire Insurance Department

    The Geological Record and Phylogeny of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae): A Revision of Fossil Species and Their Phylogenetic Placement

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    Accurate fossil identification has become increasingly relevant with the widespread use of phylogenetic divergence time estimation methods, which rely on fossil data to determine clade hard-minimum ages. Here we revise, diagnose and illustrate known spider wasp (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) fossil species and place them within the latest Pompilidae phylogenetic hypothesis. Ceropalites infelix Cockerell, from the Florissant Fossil Beds (Priabonian), is no longer recognized as Pompilidae, but as Aulacidae. Agenioideus saxigenus (Cockerell) comb. nov., Deuteragenia wettweri (Statz) comb. nov., Caputelus scudderi (Cockerell, 1906) comb. nov., Pepsinites avitula (Cockerell, 1941) comb. nov., Pepsinites contentus (Theobald, 1937) comb. nov., Pepsinites florissantensis (Cockerell, 1906) comb. nov., Pepsinites laminarum (Rohwer, 1909) comb. nov., Pepsinites scelerosus (Meunier, 1919) comb. nov., Pepsinites cockerellae(Rohwer, 1909) comb. nov., Pompilinites coquandi (Theobald, 1937) comb. nov., Pompilinites depressus (Statz, 1936) comb. nov., Pompilites incertus (Theobald, 1937) comb. nov.,Pompilites induratus (Heer, 1849) comb. nov., Pompilites fasciatus (Theobald, 1937) comb. nov., and Pompilites senex comb. nov. are new combinations. Twenty-three fossil species of spider wasps are now recognized in 13 genera. Four new genera are proposed: CaputelusWaichert & Pitts gen. nov., Pompilites Rodriguez gen. nov., Pompilinites Rodriguez & Waichert gen. nov., and Pepsinites Rodriguez & Waichert gen. nov., of which the three latter are collective-group names for fossils with taxonomic uncertainty. One species of fossil spider wasp is described: Deuteragenia catalunyia Rodriguez, Waichert & Pitts sp. nov., from the Bellver deposits in Catalonia, Spain. Five of the 23 known species can be used to determine hard-minimum age for calibrations of genera stem-groups (Agenioideus, Anoplius, Cryptocheilus, Deuteragenia, Priocnemis). The fossil belonging to the stem-group of the tribe Ageniellini (Chubutholites) is not recommended for calibration because of the high uncertainty in its age and taxonomy. The remaining taxa can be assigned to the lineage comprising Pompilinae + Pepsinae (12 species) or crown-group Pompilidae (four species)

    Clinical trials and basic research: defining mechanisms and improving treatment in connective tissue disease

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    Despite advances in elucidating the pathogenic factors responsible for its development, systemic sclerosis remains complex and poorly understood, and treatment options are limited. Multidisciplinary collaborative efforts are needed to better characterize clinical and prognostic parameters and to design and implement large-scale clinical trials in well defined populations with therapies that target potential disease modulators

    Accelerator performance analysis of the Fermilab Muon Campus

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    Fermilab is dedicated to hosting world-class experiments in search of new physics that will operate in the coming years. The Muon g-2 Experiment is one such experiment that will determine with unprecedented precision the muon anomalous magnetic moment, which offers an important test of the Standard Model. We describe in this study the accelerator facility that will deliver a muon beam to this experiment. We first present the lattice design that allows for efficient capture, transport, and delivery of polarized muon beams. We then numerically examine its performance by simulating pion production in the target, muon collection by the downstream beam line optics, as well as transport of muon polarization. We finally establish the conditions required for the safe removal of unwanted secondary particles that minimizes contamination of the final beam.Comment: 10 p

    Systemic sclerosis and related connective tissue diseases: present and future

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    Greece, to discuss systemic sclerosis (SSc) and related connective tissue diseases (CTDs). SSc is a clinically heterogeneous and complex disease that is characterized by vascular dysfunction, vascular and extravascular fibrosis, and characteristic immune derangements, and for which few treatment options are available. The aims of the CTD International Scientific Advisory Board were threefold: to define the role of local mediators in CTDs, in particular to identify the nature of the initial insult in CTDs and to consider the role of genetic perturbations in CTDs; to translate what has been learned from clinical trials into clinical practice and to evaluate current treatment options for CTDs and their complications; and to address future directions for the management of CTDs and associated rare diseases, based on the biologic mechanisms elucidated. This supplemen

    Book Reviews

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    THE PHILANTHROPOIDS: FOUNDATIONS AND SOCIETY. By Ben Whitaker. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1974. Pp. 256. 7.95.CONGLOMERATESUNLIMITED:THEFAILUREOFREGULATION.ByJohnF.Winslow.Bloomington:IndianaUniversityPress,1973.Pp.xx,296.7.95. CONGLOMERATES UNLIMITED: THE FAILURE OF REGULATION. By John F. Winslow. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. Pp. xx, 296. 10.00. BEFORE THE LAW: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LEGAL PROCESS. Edited by John J. Bonsignore, Ethan Katsh, Peter d\u27Errico, Ronald M. Pipkin and Stephen Arons. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. Pp. xii, 388.,$6.95

    Onset and Duration of Protective Immunity in Challenged Volunteers afterVaccination with Live Oral Cholera Vaccine CVD l03-HgR

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    CVD 103-HgR is a liveoral cholera vaccinethat, in phase I and II studies to date, has been well tolerated and immunogenic. In challenge studies of US volunteers conducted 4-5 weeks after vaccination, CVD 103-HgR provided significant protection against experimental cholera due to classical and El Tor Vibrio cholerae O1. To determine the onset and duration of protection, two volunteer challenge studies were conducted: the first, 6 months after vaccination and the second, 8 days after vaccination. In both studies, CVD 103-HgR was 100% protective against diarrhea and significantly reduced the rate of shedding of vibrios after challenge with V.cholerae classical Inaba strain 569B, the virulent parent strain of CVD 103-HgR. Previously vaccinated subjects were less likely than naive controls to develop rises in titer of vibriocidal antibodies after challenge (P = .002), and the mean peak titer of vibriocidalantibodies was less than among controls. CVD 103-HgR can provide homologous protective immunity as soon as 8 days after vaccination and protection can persist for at least 6 month
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