5 research outputs found

    The influence of m-commerce service and system quality dimensions on overall perceived service quality

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    Information Technology (IT) has an increasing importance and development in business life. Nowadays, businesses have been seeking to reach their customers through m-services especially m-commerce. The concern is to what extent this m-commerce system can satisfy the consumers’ needs and contributes to the overall online purchasing development.This study aims to examine the effect of m-commerce service quality dimensions (website design, responsiveness, and trust), and system quality dimension (accessibility) on overall perceived service quality in m-commerce by customers.The data were collected from the Arab Open University in Jordan through a self administered questionnaire, in order to test the hypotheses of the proposed model.618 of questionnaires were used for analysis data, out of 870 distributed. The result of this study revealed that there are a significant effect of responsiveness and accessibility on overall perceived service quality. This study has some important implications for business practice and research

    Assessing the effect of service quality and information quality on customers’ overall perceived service quality in m-commerce

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    M-commerce is an emerging and rapidly evolving area as demonstrated by new technological innovations introduced to improve m-service. Motivated by the growing interest in online commerce, this research questions focuses on examining the dimensions of service quality and information quality that contribute to overall perceived service quality (OPSQ) in m-commerce. The three identified dimensions of service quality are reliability, personalization, and perceived risk, and the dimension of information quality is content usefulness.It was found in the study that there was a remarkable effect of content usefulness on the OPSQ.Other service quality dimensions however were found to have no significant effect with OPSQ.The findings suggest that service providers need to understand the consumers’ perspective and needs.In order to provide better services for users, companies need to pay more attention on controlling the perceived risk associated with using m-commerce

    Actual transaction behavior of Internet Banking Services among Iraqis customers using PLS approach

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    The main purpose of this research is to identify the factors that encourage adopters to take up the Internet banking services in Iraq This paper is concerned with an empirical investigation of individual factors technology that could predict successful IBSA in Iraq through the applications of planned behavior theory (TPB).This study uses sampling units in a questionnaire survey data of 535 Iraqis public university employees as customers of internet banking services who were using it already.This study applied partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) as the major analysis technique as well as SPSS, since PLS-SEM is a relatively new analytical technique in construction.The findings of this study suggests that attitude and percived behavior control(PBC) have significant and positively influences IBSA, while Subjective norm (SN) is unsuported.Related to individual factors technology (IFT), in this study there are 5 constructs all of them (technology and Internet literacy, resistance to change, risk of technology,and anxiety of technology, and trust of technolology) supported with researcher expectation


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    Information Technology (IT) has an increasing importance and development in business life. Nowadays, businesses have been seeking to reach their customers through m-services especially m-commerce. The concern is to what extent this m-commerce system can satisfy the consumers’ needs and contributes to the overall online purchasing development. This study aims to examine the effect of m-commerce service quality dimensions (website design, responsiveness, and trust), and system quality dimension (accessibility) on overall perceived service quality in m-commerce by customers. The data were collected from the Arab Open University in Jordan through a selfadministered questionnaire, in order to test the hypotheses of the proposed model. 618 of questionnaires were used for analysis data, out of 870 distributed. The result of this study revealed that there are a significant effect of responsiveness and accessibility on overall perceived service quality. This study has some important implications for business practice and research