441 research outputs found

    The observation on the inhibition of anti-inflammatory mediator of the tomato leaves extract

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    The leaves of tomato plant that contained several active compound including alkaloid, steroid and f1avanoid has been used for treatmcnt of varicty of diseases included ami-cancer, amioJ< idant and anti-gout. However, thcre arc no studies on the anti-inflammation from thc action of tomatO leav~. In this study, the inhibitory of inflammation of Solanum {ywpe,skum was investigated by observing the Prostaglandin El (rGE!) production with LPS-stimulated murine maffOphage cells RAW264.7. The leavcs CJ<traCI of So/anum ~I"CQpe'siclim were tested for antiinflammatory effcct against lipopolysalX'haride (LPS)- induced rGEl according to a instructions of the manufacturer providcd in commercially available PGE! enl}me immunometric assay kit (Cayman CO.. Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Then, the c,)Ocentrations of rGE! were determined using commercial ELISA kit and the inhibition of PGE! was calculated. Results showed that the tomato leaves extract inhibited the productions of inflammatory mcdiators (1'<.iE!) which plays a central role in the anti-inflammatory activity. At the high~t concentration (100 ~glml) of tomatO leaves extract tested, the PGE, production was reduced 37.41% compared to the untreated. Hence. these present study may suppon that the leaves of SolanwlI (l'cof'f'l"Sicli/ll extract potentially in treatment of inflammatory-related disease through the inhibition of PGE! releast':s

    Liquid state bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent for cellulase production: statistical optimization of process conditions

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    The filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum was used for liquid state bioconversion of POME for cellulase production. Statistical optimization was carried out to evaluate the physico-chemical parameters (factors) for maximum cellulase production by 2-level fractional factorial design with six central points. The polynomial regression model was developed using the experimental data including the effects of linear, quadratic and interaction of the factors. The factors involved were substrate (POME) and co-substrate (wheat flour) concentrations, temperature, pH, inoculum and agitation. Statistical analysis showed that the optimum conditions were: temperature of 300C, substrate concentration of 2%, wheat flour concentration of 3%, pH of 4, inoculum of 3% and agitation of 200 rpm. Under these conditions, the model predicted the enzyme production to be about 14 FPU/ml. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the design showed a high coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.99, thus ensuring a high satisfactory adjustment of the quadratic model with the experimental data

    Screening anti-cancer compounds from palm oil industrial wastes

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    In this srudy. ami-nlmor promoting activity against breast cancer cells (MCF7) of palm oil industrial waSIl'S crudc cxtracl was inwstigated. Methanol and waleI' extracts of lhe industrial wasIl'S ,,'crc lestI'd using MTT assay. Thc mosl active exlracl for inhibition of lhe prolifcrdlion of breast cancer cell was mcthanolic extract of palm leaf waSIl'. All of the other industrial waSle extracts also showed anli-eancer aClivily excepl for aqueous extl'llcf of palm oil mill effluenl (POME), wilh respect to thesc results. palm leaf wastes coutd he studied funher for their potential 10 treat breast canccr ceUs

    Screening anti-cancer compounds from rice industrial wastes

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    In this study. anll-tumor promoting activity against breast cancer cells (MCF7) of riec industrial wastes crude extract was investigated. Methanol and warer extracts of the industrial wastes were tested using MTT assay. The most active extract for inhibition of the prolifer.llion ofbrcast cancer cell was aqueous extract of rice mixture wastes. All of the other industrial waste extracts also sho,",'ed anti-<;;ancer activity however. at lower level. With respe<:t to these results. rice mixture ,",'lIStes could be studied funher for their potentJalto treat breasl eanen cells

    Purification and cytotoxicity assay of tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) leaves methanol extract as potential anti-cancer agent

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    This research studied the cytotoxicity effect of tomato leaves methanol extract on cancer cells to address potential therapeutic in MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and its toxicity towards Vero cells. The extraction was done in a shake flask by 82% methanol, 1:10 (w/v), agitated at 22 ยฐC with 110 rpm within 24 hours. Later, purification process was started by thin layer chromatography (TLC) subjected to determine the best mobile phase for compound separation and collection by means of column chromatography. Next, the effect of purified sample towards MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and Vero cells were observed using in vitro cytotoxicity assay to indicate its active fractions and its half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50). Purified sample gave a rational effect towards MCF-7 breast cancer cells with IC50 value of 5.85 ฮผg/ml compared to Taxol with IC50 value of 0.039 ฮผg/ml. The purified sample can also be judged to be harmless as it has IC50 value of 765.6 ฮผg/ml in Vero cells treatment while Taxol gave IC50 value of 0.045 ฮผg/ ml

    Effect of structural changes of lignocelluloses material upon pre-treatment using green solvents

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    The Malaysia Biomass strategy 2020 stated that the key step of biofuel production from biomass lies on the pretreatment process. Conventional โ€˜pre-treatmentโ€™ methods are โ€˜non-greenโ€ and costly. The recent green and cost-effective biomass pretreatment is using new generation of Ionic Liquids also known as Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs). DESs are made of renewable components are cheaper, greener and the process synthesis are easier. Thus, the present paper concerns with the preparation of various combination of DES and to study the effect of DESs pretreatment process on microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), a model substrate. The crystalline structural changes were studied using using X-ray Diffraction Methods, Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and surface area and pore size analysis. Results showed reduction of crystalline structure of MCC treated with the DESs and increment of surface area and pore size of MCC after pre-treatment process. These results indicated the DES has successfully converted the lignocelluloses material in the form suitable for hydrolysis and conversion to simple sugar

    Purification and cytotoxicity assay of tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) leaves methanol extract as potential anti-cancer agent

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    This research studied the cytotoxicity effect of tomato leaves methanol extract on cancer cells to address potential therapeutic in MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and its toxicity towards Vero cells. The extraction was done in a shake flask by 82% methanol, 1:10 (w/v), agitated at 22 ยฐC with 110 rpm within 24 hours. Later, purification process was started by thin layer chromatography (TLC) subjected to determine the best mobile phase for compound separation and collection by means of column chromatography. Next, the effect of purified sample towards MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and Vero cells were observed using in vitro cytotoxicity assay to indicate its active fractions and its half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50). Purified sample gave a rational effect towards MCF-7 breast cancer cells with IC50 value of 5.85 ฮผg/ml compared to Taxol with IC50 value of 0.039 ฮผg/ml. The purified sample can also be judged to be harmless as it has IC50 value of 765.6 ฮผg/ml in Vero cells treatment while Taxol gave IC50 value of 0.045 ฮผg/ ml

    Thermally produced nano catalyst for biodiesel production: a review

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    Catalyst is a substance that enables chemical reaction in faster rate. In biodiesel production, catalyst plays as an important role as it can increase the rate of the reaction. The type of catalyst that usually can be found are homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst. However, homogenous catalyst is difficult to separate with the product (biodiesel) at the end of the reaction compared to heterogeneous catalyst. This will result in production of high waste water and creates issue in regeneration of the catalyst. In order to overcome the issue, many researchers have studied about heterogeneous catalyst and the use this type of catalyst in production of biodiesel. The heterogeneous catalyst can be developed from natural resources such as animal bone, waste and natural rock which is a type of alkali earth oxides. A way to improve the catalytic activity of the catalyst used is increase its surface area by preparing it in nano-sized of catalyst. Nano-catalyst has a high catalytic efficiency, large surface area, high resistance to saponification and good rigidity. However, the thermal condition during decomposition of catalyst could influence the activity of the catalyst during the reaction. Therefore, the reaction rate and the catalytic activity of the catalyst during transesterification reaction can be affected by the type of catalyst and the thermal condition involved during the preparation of the catalyst

    Improvement of sonication processing conditions for extraction of antibacterial compounds from spathiphyllum cannifolium

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    Application of sonication during extraction has been reported to increase component extrdction yield and reduce solvcnt consumption. In this slUdy optimization of sonicatinn conditions to extract antibacterial compounds ....ere carried out to obmin maximwn yield of antibactcrial compounds from Spulhiphyl/uni curmifo/iuni. S. wnnifoliUni is a flo....ering plant whieh was previously shown to possess high antiยทbacterial activity. Two parameters of sonication processing condition. namely thc extraction time (minutes) and temperature (0e) were optimized in this slUdy. Central Composite Dcsign (CCD) was used to design the optimiulion experiments. A set of eleven experimcnts was designed and data obtained from those ellperiments were fined to the mathematical model in which was used to plot tri-dimensional (3D) response surfaecs graph. Unfortunately. a full elliptical response was not plotted on this gniph thus optimum conditions for the elltraction of antibactcrial compounds were unable to be obmincd. Funher observation on the 20 plot however. suggested that optimized conditions might be obtained at the rangc of temperature betwecn 55 to 60ยฐC and the lime be""een 15 10 20 minutes as it will yield maximum zone of inhibition or antibacterial cnmpoullds. The ANOVA analysis indicaled Ihat temperature had significant effc.::t on maximizing the zone of inhibilioll. BOlh time and intclllCtion between IWO indcpendcnt variables (time and temperature) were Dot significant to the zone of inhibition
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