35 research outputs found

    Gerakan Politik Islam Hizbut Tahrir Di Indonesia Pada Era Pasca Reformasi

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    This papper tries to explain political movement of Hizbut Tahrir inIndonesia. HTI is one of the movements most solid syariah enforcement, neat, andhas an international network.In fact, HTI is also known that the most radical, in a sense, not only foughtto uphold Islamic law but more than that also established the Islamic caliphatebecause according to HTI, the application of Islamic law totaly could not beapplied except within the framework of the caliphate. One of the strategies usedHTI in spreading ideas, a way to controling the strategic arenas in the midst ofsociety.Key word: Islam, politic, Indonesia, Hizbut Tahri

    Dampak Perubahan Kebijakan Dagang Starbucks terhadap Perekonomian Ethiopia 2005-2008

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    This research explains about how the the effect of the Starbucks policy trade changing to Ethiopian econnomy in 2005 until 2008. The purpose of this research is to know how the implementation of agreement between Ethiopian Government and Starbucks have effected to Ethiopia coffee industry. This case had been a conflict since 2004 when Ethiopian government knew their origin coffee was trademark by Strabucks in USPTO without their permission. Oxfam as Non-Government Organization that moved for justice make big campaign and pressure Starbucks to pulled up the coffee trademark in USPTO. In 2007, Starbucks had change their policy of trade about the trademark of Ethiopian coffee and reach agreement with Ethiopia government. This research is a qualitative research. Method applied in doing this research is description with aim to depict a phenomenon in this case. By using the neo-liberlism theory to analyze the role of non nation actor in a case and global value chain theory to analyze how every step in production chain will add value to the product it self.The result of this research shows The Starbucks policy trade changing gave positively effect to Ethiopian economy. Since the coffee trademark had been know in international coffee market as speciality coffee, many coffee trade agreement reached by Ethiopian and another corporation from another country. The result of agreement has improve positively to coffee volume and value export in international market and the welfare of Ethiopian coffee farmer. Keywords: Coffee Volume and Value, Ethiopia Economy Growth, Ethiophia Iniative and Licensing Trademark, Trademark, Trade Policy, Starbuck

    Kerjasama Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dan Kepolisian Federal Australia Menanggulangi Cybercrime di Indonesia

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    Cybercrime as particularly vulnerable to transnational crime in Indonesia, itsbecause there were no enforcements. Indonesia there was no specific legislationwhich owned by the Indonesian cybercrime and limited facilities and infrastructurerelatedagencies in the field of technology. Negative impacts caused by cybercrimenot only harm the individual, society and state but also can threaten a country both interms of security, economic, social and cultural. However, the relationship betweenIndonesia and Australia disrupted after wiretapping of Australia, Indonesia feltaggrieved by it that Indonesia protested in Australia, and these conditions clearlyhave reduced the trust Indonesia to Australia.This study applies neorealist perspective, theory assumes that internationalcooperation to develop themselves, any country cooperating with other countriesinternationally accepted and cooperation can not be avoided because each countryhas a national interest. This study applies qualitative research method with libraryresearch.The result of this research shown wiretapping that has been done Australia noimpact on cooperation between Polri and the Australian Federal Police (AFP)tackling cybercrime in Indonesian, proved by doing SOM between Polri and the AFPon 3th-6th November 2013 and training programs at JCLEC between Polri and AFPon 7th April 2014. Polri still continue cooperation with the AFP after wiretapping ismotivated by some of the help given Australia toward Indonesia, that is assistance inlaw enforcement, human resources, equipment and technologies that provide apositive impact for Polri tackling cybercrime in Indonesia.Keywords: Australian Federal Police, cooperation, cybercrime, Polri, transnationalcrim

    Diplomasi Indonesia dalam Mendukung Palestina Menjadi Negara Peninjua di Pbb Tahun 2012

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    This research aims to describe the efforts of Indonesia to support Palestinian struggle to increase its status in the United Nation. After failed to become a UN member states in 2012, Palestine seeked non-member observer state status for Palestine on the basis of Palestines pre-1967 borders 29 November 2012. Indonesia as a UN member state and also has a close relation with Palestine was played a role in supporting it. Authors applied multilateral diplomacy from G. R. Berridge and Sumaryo Suryokusumo to describe Indonesian government diplomacy toward another UN mamber states in the United Nations General Assembly proses. Authors also used multitrack diplomacy from Dr. Luoise Diamond and John McDonald to describe another Indonesian efforts to support Palestine independecy. This reseacrh shows that Indonesia played a significant role in supporting Palestine to collect internasional recognation to its independecy. Throughout multilateral diplomacy proses in the United Nations General Assembly, Indonesian governtment took all the possible role to support Palestine application to become a non-member observer state, by became a co-sponsor for the application, came to the assembly, gave supporting speech at the debate session and vote to support the application. In another way Indonesian people have done many kinds off support for Palestine that authors explain by using multitrack diplomacy. Keywords: multilateral diplomacy, non-member observer state, Palestine, United Nation, sovereignity

    Dampak Kebijakan Larangan Ekspor Rotan Mentah terhadap Industri Furnitur Rotan Indonesia 2011-2012

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    This paper aims to analyze the impact of the ban policy on the export ofraw rattan towards Indonesian rattan furniture industry. Indonesian supplied theworld raw materials for 75.5%. Indonesia has the advantage in the production ofrattan raw materials, otherwise rattan furniture industry has not yet evolved.Through Permendag No. 35/M-DAG/PER/11/2011, Indonesia protect the rattanfurniture industry. In addition, this study aims to give information about thecondition of Indonesian rattan furniture industry before and after the issuance ofthe policy.This study applies mercantilism perspective. Mercantilism assume thateconomy controlled by political community and especially the government orcountry. Economic dependence on other countries for the mercantile should beavoided. When there is a threat of foreign parties in the free trade, then the statecan provide protection to avoid the impact. Protection theory used to analyze theimpact of the ban policy on the export of raw rattan towards Indonesian rattanfurniture industry. This study applies qualitative research method with libraryresearch.The results of this research founds that the ban policy on the raw rattanexport gives the positives influence on increases the export value of rattanfurniture and an increases in foreign exchange.Keywords: Mercantilism, Protection Policy, Rattan, Value of export

    Hallyu Sebagai Fenomena Transnasional

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    In recent years, Republic of Koreas (ROK) cultural industry attracted more half of world by unique and peace culture. It known as Hallyu or Korean Wave which has entertained international public with several cultural contents like; television drama (K-Drama), film, music (K-Pop), fashion (K-Fashion), etc. In 2010 ROKs government apply new cultural policy to spreading Hallyu all over the world, like; High Speed Internet Service Program. This policy used social media as instrument to spreading cultural contents. Hallyu became transnational phenomenon because it successfully attracted international public as good influence for world cultural development. This research focuses about Hallyu as local culture became successful as transnational phenomenon including the actors, mass media and spreading strategy. The actors refers to government, chaebol, idol grouped whose involve into public diplomacy to promote Hallyu. Mass media as instrument to promote Hallyu in creative ways by K-Drama, K-Pop, cartoon and many others. Spreading strategy refers to how actors and mass media as an instrument to create mind and though of international public about Hallyu as positive influence which bring peace missions by attractive culture. In other hand, ROKs government has succeed to promote local culture to the world in creative and attractive ways.Keywords: Cultural Diplomacy, Hallyu, Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy

    Pengaruh Financial Action Task Force On Money Laundering terhadap Terbentuknya Undang-undang Pencucian Uang di Indonesia

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    This research aims to describe the influence of FATF in the formation of moneylaundering legislation in Indonesia. Money laundering has become a global issue thatthreatens economic system in a country and internationally also. Big impact of moneylaundering require the more interest of countries in the world to quickly establish acooperation in an effort to eradicate money laundering.According to Clive Archer in generally, International Organization is a pattern ofrelations of cooperation accross the borders of its member countries have the same goalto achieve. FATF is an Inter Governmental Organization (IGO). FATF has a role indetermining the policies and issuing recommendations to eradicate money launderingwhich should be adopted by all countries. FATF requires each state to criminalizemoney laundering. In this case also uses the role theory of K.J. Holsti to describe howInternational Organizations like a FATF, has a role in international relations.The result shows that the formation of money laundering legislation in Indonesianot in spite of the influence of FATF with various forms of pressures on Indonesia toimmediately do the criminalization of money laundering, such as: FATF put Indonesiato the list of reviews and list of Non Cooperative Countries and Territories (NCCTs)accompanied by the threat of sanctions to Indonesia if it doesnt immediately complywith the rules apllied by the FATF. In the end, for the first time Indonesia docriminalization of money laundering with legislated No. 15/ 2002.Keywords: crime, FATF, Indonesia, influence, money launderin